
Discoveries and Runes with Blood.

Adam was still a little surprised at how the water fused with his magic had healed him.

''It's a pity I'm not a masochist. It would be much faster to do tests like this '' He sighed, using his hand to play with the water.

He wanted to run more tests, see how far the water could heal. He had many doubts.

''Can I inject less magic and have a smaller effect, for cases where injuries are light? ''

''Did the cure come from the water? Of my magic? Or the fusion of both? ''

He had a lot of questions, but he wasn't going to look for the answers now. Once he started studying ancient magic, he knew it would take a long time.

''No more water for now,'' he murmured, an amused smile on his face. ''It's time for some blood…''

Adam returned to the mirror and continued to try to control his body with magic. This time he wasn't distracted and gave small commands. Little by little he managed to make his magic pure, merge with his body.

Adam was doing this because he wanted to learn how to modify his appearance like the metamorphmages, even if he didn't get anything perfect at first, small changes would be enough for when he found himself in a situation where his identity could not be revealed.

''If it were just transfiguring some parts, I think it would be easier'' He murmured, opening his hand and concentrating.

His hand changed color to an unnatural red color, then changed to blue, then turned green and yellow, back to its natural white.

He didn't try it using internal magic this time, but used a transfiguration on himself. He wasn't scared, if it was in a calm situation, he could change parts of his body, his transfiguration mastery, it was great.

In the fight against the troll, he didn't use a spell to summon water, or to create the ropes. He just turned the ambient air particles into what he wanted.

For a part of his body, where he had even more control, it wasn't really difficult at all.

"But shape-shifters seem to do it differently, in simple ways, like breathing… Not like they cast a spell on themselves…"

That's what he wanted, to be able to change his features without using standard transfiguration.

''If I were an ordinary mage, I wouldn't even think of getting this. '' He murmured, regaining his confidence.

"But I have pure magic. True magic, is there anything I can't do? ''

He was confident, maybe more than he should have been. And if you stopped to think about it, you'd realize that testing something on yourself was stupid.

But there weren't others with pure magic. There were no books where he could learn this, he already knew a lot about transfiguration. With nowhere to look, he wasn't afraid to be dumb and be his own guinea pig.

''I'm sorry, little finger,'' I said before starting the tests again.

If before he knew he could heal himself with water, he was crazy and dumb enough to hurt his finger in an experiment. Imagine now that you know you could heal.

So the days passed, those days being sad for a certain finger.

With many tries, Adam was starting to take control of every part of his body.

Slowly he managed to make small changes, being able to change some parts, like making his finger grow inches, and changing some strands of hair color.

It seemed little, but it wasn't, not for someone with less than a week of training. Not in an area as difficult as human transfiguration, and certainly not doing it without chanting a single incantation.

Adam was perhaps one of the greatest talents for magic the wizarding world has ever seen. Putting this together with what ancient magic was like, and how superior pure magic was to ordinary magic. Adam was like a walking freak, give him time and a purpose, and you'll get a result.

However, in magic, sometimes unexpected discoveries are great moments of happiness. While condensing magic into a specific part of his body, Adam learned something new.

''How strong will it be? '' He murmured expectantly.

This time he wasn't facing the mirror. In the training room, there was a large transfigured wooden target.

Adam stood in front of the target and pulled his fist back, a classic punching move.

As he made the move, he concentrated some of his magic on his right arm.


He threw his fist forward, hitting the center of the target.


The moment his fist landed, the wooden target exploded into many pieces. And the sound of impact filled the room.

Adam was stunned for a moment before bursting out laughing. ''I'm a wizard who can break a tree with one punch, how bizarre''

It wasn't a secret that wizards' weakness was their bodies, in physical combat, wizards were a joke. But now, Adam was something different, something that could fight one-on-one, without magic… At least without spells…

''Too bad, I'm not the physical type…'' Adam grumbled, if he had to he would use that 'ability', but he preferred the elegance of a wizard, physical combat wasn't for him.

"But I can still enjoy it in another way, if I need to run, that will be great.''

He looked down at his legs as he spoke. It wasn't just his arm that could do this, any part of his body could be strengthened.

Adam put that discovery aside for the moment and spent the next two days completing his basic mastery of body shifting with pure magic.

Today, it was a sunny morning. A green flame glowed in the hearth of the leaky cauldron, and a tall man stepped out of one.

An elegant young adult, he looked like someone coming from a pure-blood family. Black hair and black eyes, his gaze was deep and people who looked directly at him immediately felt the urge to look away.

His clothes included, a white shirt, black Slim suit, a vest, pants, shoes and gloves, all in black, the finishing touch was the dark cane he held, the top of the cane was in silver, and there were several runes encrusted.

The young man straightened the collar and sleeves of his shirt before heading towards Diagon Alley.

He walked down Diagonal Alley at a leisurely pace, his calm gaze drifting over the shops without much interest. He stopped his steps for a moment when he saw a group of children sitting in an ice cream shop, there was nothing special about the children, what caught his attention was the game they were playing.

On top of the table, there was a battlefield, where wizards and creatures faced each other.

He could recognize each of the cards at a glance, and could tell without difficulty which side had the upper hand.

He gaze flickered to the other side, where his saw another group of children playing. Friends laughed and bet candy on who would win.

If anyone stopped for a moment in the middle of that place, they would realize that most of the children were talking about the game.

It wasn't just the kids, adults too looked on with interest, wondering how such a different game had come to be.

That was the talk of the moment, the last few days had become a series of unanswered questions about how the game worked.

The elegant young man snapped his fingers and a newspaper floated from an adjacent sales stand into his hands.

The wizard in charge frowned, but before he could complain, he saw a gold coin appear where the newspaper used to be.

With the newspaper in hand, the young man walked again, while reading. In the main headline, there was a photo that showed the new game released. Next to it were some highlighted questions.

The invention of the century?

Adam Davies, the accession of a genius?

Below the photo was an article.

''The wizarding world seems to be witnessing what some call the invention of the century. Novelty explores concepts that are unlike anything else in British magical society. Experts claim that runes found in the game are of unknown origin.


''The Davies family is back, after a decade out of the spotlight, industry giant and former thoroughbred family, makes two big moves in no time.

Support to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

And game launch based on new area of magic.

Could these two movements have any connection? ''

A little further down were other articles, stating that wizards were trying to reconstruct the runes, but without success.

The young man's eyes sparkled a little when he finished reading the articles.

''I seem to have underestimated how innovative and 'mystical' runes are… '' He chuckled and shook his head. Remembering the words you read.

'Invention of the century? '

''Don't be so surprised yet... The new age of magic has just begun''

The elegant young man was obviously Adam in disguise. After days of training, he had achieved some breakthrough in human transfiguration using internal energy. It was far from perfect, there was still a bit of normal transfiguration to accentuate its appearance.

He changed his steps and started out of the bright and beautiful area of Diagon Alley. His destination was a small shop inside Knockturn Alley.

Knockturn Alley, was a dirty and poorly frequented place, malicious wizards, and items with dubious origins, you could find both in this place.

Adam looked around and saw some wizards scrutinizing him with greedy eyes. His current appearance resembled that of a young nobleman, who perhaps did not know the dangers of the world.

'They seem so naive' He laughed when he saw some wizards whispering.

Not caring anymore, he continued on until he reached a shop that the sign said, Mr. Mul's Potion Ingredients.

Adam looked at the store for a moment before entering.

The appearance of the store was the same as where it was, dirty and stinky. There were many glass jars of strange things on the shelves.

Troll eyes, hag fingers, and spider paws were the least odd items in the place. Adam took a quick look at the display cases and recognized only a few items.

But just by the malevolent energy he felt from some of the ones he didn't recognize, he could tell what they were for.

'Dark Arts'

Yes, dark arts was arguably the area Adam had the least knowledge of. The reason was simple, there was little easily accessible content.

Mainly efficient content. Adam could be insane and serve as a test subject for human transfiguration if he needed testing. But there was no chance of him testing out dark arts without having an acceptable background.

'Maybe this year I'll have the chance to learn a little' He thought, remembering a certain item that will be in the castle this year.

Pushing the thoughts aside, Adam walked up to the counter and knocked on the bell. There wasn't a sound even after he hit it, but Adam knew something had happened as he felt a slight surge of magic.

Some time later, the door behind the counter opened and an old man, short and dirty-looking, came out grumbling.

''Damn it... It went wrong... I put too much dead weed... ''

The Old Man mumbled a few more gibberish before finally focusing on Adam, looking him up and down.

The old man had already served many people in his life, most of the wizards who came to his shop were there for two reasons, the first was after some illegal ingredient, and the second was those who were there to sell things.

In both cases, it was dark wizards who frequented there, and they all had a suspicious, attentive, and ill-tempered presence. But as he looked at Adam, he could tell the young man was different.

The young man seemed indifferent, and did not give off any presence. Like it wasn't even there.

The old man looked into Adam's eyes and felt his mind cloud for a second, a sense of crisis rose within him. As if those eyes could look into your soul.

Taking a step back with high guard, the old man checked to see if his mental defenses had been attacked, but found them to be intact.

Still on guard, he asked. ''Buy or sell? '' He didn't consider the chances that Adam had walked into the wrong shop, and was here for a potion for boils.

''Buy'' Adam replied, his eyes roaming the store.

The old man frowned, he prided himself on having the best illegal ingredients in all of Knockturn Alley. ''Don't be an arrogant brat. ''Snorted. ''I have anything, what do you want? Virgin blood? The heart of a Troll?''

Adam looked at the old man and replied. ''Dragon's blood….. ''

Upon hearing the item Adam wanted, the old man frowned. Dragon's Blood was one of the rarest items on the underground market.

''I can have him, or I can't,'' he said, his eyes on Adam, but avoiding eye contact. " But can you afford it ? ''

Adam made no move, and a bag full of gold coins fell in front of the old wizard.

The old man took a dry gulp when he saw the bag of coins, it took all his strength to avoid attacking Adam and taking the bag at that moment.

He wanted to, but he could see how Adam didn't show any expression, it was either confidence, or it was foolishness, and he wouldn't bet his life on it.

After hesitating for a moment, the old man returned to the room behind the counter, and disappeared for a few minutes before returning with a medium crystal decanter.

The liquid inside the bottle was dark red, and Adam could feel the energy emanating from it, even protected by the bottle.

There was no doubt it was pure Dragon blood, and it looked like an adult.

The old man didn't hand Adam the bottle, but set it down on the counter and looked at the money that was still there.

''You can take it,'' said Adam, and turned his back, walking to the door.

''Wait–'' The old man didn't understand why Adam was already leaving, but at that moment he noticed that the bottle had disappeared from his sight, and now in its place was the bag with Galleons.

When he looked up at Adam again, he saw that the place was empty and there was no sign of the young man.

''Dangerous. '' Swallowed hard, the young man had used magic a few times in front of him, and he didn't even notice. If it was an attack, he would be dead and not even know it.

Adam, who didn't mind the old man, was walking down the dark and dirty alley.

'Now that I have the blood, I just need to get ready to draw the runes.'

He stopped in his tracks when he felt a magic drift towards him. Looking to the side, he saw two wizards staring at him.

It was the same wizards who had whispered among themselves earlier when they saw Adam.

''Do I look like a young weak? '' He muttered doubtfully, before shaking his head and walking back.

The two wizards weren't afraid to cause trouble inside Knockturn Alley. One of them held his wand and was ready to cast a stun spell on Adam.

For him, the young man in front of him was a newcomer to this place, walking around without covering his face, in nice clothes as if he were on a walk.

After capturing the young man, they would steal all his possessions and sell him to one of those weirdos who liked corpses and wizards as guinea pigs.

Ready to attack, he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

'What's going on? ' He wondered, when he felt that he had no air in his lungs, his eyes widened in shock, and he tried to take a deep breath, but found that no air was coming in response.

Looking to the side, he saw that his companion was in the same state, his face red and his eyes terrified.

Despairing, he tried to use a counter spell, even though he was unfocused, it was the only thing he could try.

He tapped his wand on himself twice, but nothing happened, the spell worked, he could tell that, it was like he wasn't under a spell.

Both wizards fell to the ground, writhing in despair. His eyes shifting to look at the young man who was now walking a little way off.

They saw the young man stop in his tracks and look at them. They saw the young man smile.

The devilish smile was the last thing they saw, and the last thing they thought was how they had died.

But they would never have the answer.

Adam left that dirty place, and went back to the mansion. Heading straight for the training room, he wanted to get started as soon as he could.

As he walked towards the bedroom, he noticed that George wasn't in the mansion, which was good, he didn't want to have to explain now why he looked different.

''Maybe I should create a secret base somewhere, a place of my own, where I would just do my experiments, secluded and in secret. '' Laughing, he muttered. "Perhaps I could call it the fortress of solitude.''

Arriving at the training room, Adam took off all his clothes and returned his appearance to normal.

Snapping his fingers, he made the bottle of dragon's blood appear. Opening the bottle, he smeared his finger and injected his pure magic, preventing it from dripping onto the floor.

In front of him a large mirror appeared, then three other mirrors appeared, going around it. Now, Adam could see every part of his body without looking away.

''Let's get started.'' He sighed, bringing two blood-slick fingers to his chest, and pushing over the flesh.

Adam frowned as he felt his flesh hurt, even if it was only superficial. Careful not to shiver, he began to run his finger down his body, drawing strange symbols.

First it was on his chest, then on his arms.

About two hours later, Adam had used up most of the bottle of blood and had his whole body drawn, with symbols.

''The magic now.''

He injected pure magic into the symbols, which glowed in response, before fading back to dark, and in the process, became less visible, until they disappeared, now, there was not a single symbol on Adam's body.

Adam smirked and waved his hand, making the mirrors disappear.

''Which one should I test first…'' He muttered doubtfully. Then he looked at the bottle next to it and decided to start with that.

Taking the bottle, he poured magic into the palm of his hand, and in the next instant, the bottle disappeared.

''It worked ? '' He muttered before installing his fingers and the briefcase that was in his room appeared in front of him.

Opening it and descending into the secret compartment, he searched a large table to the right of the room. The table was made from elderberry wood, and had over a hundred runes engraved all over its surface.

On top of the table, there was an almost empty bottle of dragon's blood, seeing the bottle, Adam smiled.

''Success.'' He looked at his palm in response, where if he wanted he could make a rune appear, tattooed on his skin...

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