
Chapter 13: My Way Forward. (Part 2)

I hardly slept. Ardent's information only made it worse. Questions spiralled my head. Why attack Axel? Just who did it and what for? If they were collecting mana then for what purpose? Were the demons preparing a larger offensive or was the Empire working on something more sinister. I didn't know and I wasn't sure I wanted or needed to. All I knew was that I wanted Axel to be safe and would stop at nothing to achieve that.

We were already on the road and would be so for the entire day. Aside from a short break for Pina it was a straight run. It was a quiet ride which was the exact opposite of the ongoing turmoil in my mind. It hadn't ended last night and kept going during the day, a constant nag that refused to let me sleep. I could only take solace that tonight I'd actually get some rest because I'd probably knock myself unconscious from thought alone. Fear, worry, apprehension, anger, if there was a negative emotion I had it.

"Hey," Taylor sat next to me but she barely registered in my mind. "Umm Rain?"

"What?" I replied in monotone.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you if you weren't busy," she started off quietly. "I thought the feeling would disappear but even after we left Greytree I've been-,"

"Taylor not now," I spoke through gritted teeth. Her voice grated against my brain like a fork scratching across a lump of meat. No agitation, timid even, it was everything that my mind was rejecting.

"Oh…," for a moment I caught her dejected expression but it was more than just that and it broke through me. A piece of her trust in me fell apart. "Sorry I shouldn't have bothered you. You've been in a mood all day, I just thought- you know what never mind."

I remembered. Taylor and I hadn't talked in this cycle. Her own problems which had been bottled up, they were still there. The entire time I had been struggling with myself I completely forgot about her.

"Taylor wait-," I tried to apologise but I couldn't. Words didn't form in my mind, instead all I could see was black. Seconds of silence passed between us. Until finally Taylor stood up. Without a word she just left and all I could do was watch her. Right now I had no right to even talk to her.

Like that night came and just like before I failed to sleep.


Today we would arrive at Axel. On the plus side my anxiousness had been lessened, not by anything fun however, but by the guilt and awkwardness I felt whenever Taylor and I crossed paths, which for being in a small carriage was a lot. Our eyes would meet and for a moment it felt like we could talk, only for one of us to quickly back down. It was worse when I realised that this entire trip Taylor had not once tried to pull anything on me. The distance between us felt further than when we first met. Ardent on the other hand was oblivious to us and calmly read books in the back of the carriage.

Just before midday Axel came into sight. The fields stretched outwards and from here everything looked normal. There was even smoke blowing over the rooftops far off in the distance. Whether it was from a normal fire or a 'murderous everyone is dead' fire I didn't know and thinking about it drove a pit into my stomach.

"Hmm," Ardent poked his head out from the cloth and looked towards the town. "Everything looks fine to me." His eyes shone as if glazed over with light.

"Hopefully it will stay that way," I said grimly and ushered Pina to move faster.

Within the hour we reached the fields. My eyes scanned for any signs of life but there was no one. I could see signs of some recent work but that was all.

"Ardent, Taylor, do you see anyone?" I asked apprehensively.

"No, I don't feel anyone close by either," Taylor shook her head.

"Perhaps they're hiding," Ardent suggested.

Or maybe they're already dead. I clenched my jaw and kept the dark thoughts to myself. I'd find out soon enough. I took the reins and sped Pina up. My anxiety was pilling on as if thick stone slabs were being pressed against my chest crushing the air from my lungs. If I was too late this time, how much more could I do to arrive faster?

We neared the first buildings on the outer edge. Most of them belonged to those who tended the farms and fields, all of them were empty. It was the middle of the day, it didn't make sense not to see anyone again. Not even a peek from the children. Usually someone would have come to greet me and like the last cycle Walter and Lane our town guards were nowhere to be seen. The carriage bumped as Pina was forced to slow down and we turned the corner to enter the main streets. A pile of boxes blocked our way. It was the same place I had seen Ms Elena's wagon.

I couldn't take it anymore and jumped from the carriage. I needed to see them dead or alive.

"Rain wait!" Taylor yelled after me but I was already gone running down the streets like a mad man.

The final turn came and I skidded around it almost crashing against the far wall. My eyes widened in shock as I faced the town centre.

"Surprise!" an enormous cheer almost blew me to the ground as colourful streamers flew into the air.

"Huh?" I was stunned. The entire town was there with giddy smiles and all I could do was stare at them dumbly.

"Rain!" Taylor caught up to me a knife in her hand. "It's a trap… or not?" She looked just as puzzled as I was and awkwardly put the knife away.

"Welcome back!" the people of Axel, my family and friends cheered once more.

I sighed as tears began to pool into my eyes, "What are you all doing?"

"Look he's moved to tears!" someone shouted.

"I knew this was a good idea," they began to chatter.

"So we're throwing a party now right?"

"Didn't you still have work to do?"

"Pah! Work comes later."

"Hey Rain get over here!"

I looked at them all busily moving about in the town centre. They had already set up tables and chairs as if we were having a festival. It was still a work day… and yet here they were to welcome me back.

"Rain what's wrong?" the town mayor approached me, Sir Mattias one of the people I called father. For a second the sight of him impaled atop the mound of bodies split into my mind but it quickly erased itself as he smiled.

"You gave me a heart attack," I replied feeling the tension ease out of my body. "I thought something had happened, everyone was gone."

He laughed, "That's cause little Terrance spotted you on the road through the spyglass. We didn't have much time but everyone wanted to give you a good surprise."

"I could have done without it," I smiled. Just what I should have expected from the people here.

"Oh who's this fine lady?" he turned his attention to Taylor beside me. She was standing straight but I could tell her tension hadn't died down. This probably looked crazy to her. "A traveling companion or something more?" Mattias winked at me.

"A companion," I said bluntly. "This is Taylor."

"Ah," Taylor flinched hearing her name called. "A pleasure to meet you."

"Hmmm," Mattias eyes her closely. "A shame Rain, you don't see girls as fine as her around these parts."

"Stop it," I was beginning to get embarrassed. Luckily Taylor was still too out of it to reply properly. If she had replied suggestively it would take me forever to fix it.

"And who is the man-," Mattias paused. "Ardent?"

"Sir Matarus," Ardent smiled from the pleasant surprise. He flashed me a look, "Well I can understand where some of Rain's talent has come from."

"It's been a long time," Mattias greeted him with a firm shake. "Those robes, you reached the level of a Master Wizard."

"I did indeed. Though I honestly did not expect you to be here of all places after your retirement."

Mattias huffed, "We can talk of the past later. I am glad to see you rising up in the world." Okay now I was confused. "Rain come, you have much to tell us. You haven't been gone all too long but everyone wants to say hello. Of course, Ardent, Taylor come join us as well." And so I was passed around as my family and friends questioned me. Still I couldn't help but smile seeing them all alive and well. If it weren't for the foreboding feeling in my chest, I would have been truly happy. This wasn't over, someone wanted the people of Axel dead and I would stop it.


Even I was starting to think that this was a bit much. The entirety of Axel had stopped to welcome me and at first I thought that after greeting everyone they'd all go back to work but it soon became lunch and now… well it was still going and the sun was a about to set. In total it had only been just over a month since I left and I was back much sooner than anyone expected. It was the longest period of time I had ever left Axel including my deaths or not, but to think everyone was so happy having me back really did fill me with warmth. As one of my parent's had said, 'it's because we thought you'd be gone for much longer'. Regardless for an impromptu party everyone was having a little too much fun. It was still winter and I had to wonder if our food reserves would last.

Taylor appeared beside me and sighed, "Your family are pretty umm… nice." I could feel her pain. A girl like Taylor had never come to Axel before. It wasn't just that she was pretty but it was the way she dressed and carried herself that stood out. People were curious to who she was and especially her relation to me.

"Sorry about that," I said with a smile. "They mean well."

"It's fine. I'm just not used to it," for a moment she looked incredibly tired. A pang of guilt welled inside me. Her expression vanished as quickly as it came and she smiled, "But really they can't all be your family right?"

"Not blood related at least but I consider most of them are. If you don't believe me watch this." I moved off the wall I had been leaning on and raised my voice, "Hey Mum."

A dozen heads turned, "Yes Rain?"

"What's up?"

"Did you need something?"

"I said call my sis!"

"Haha hic…" well someone was drunk.

I looked back at Taylor, "See? If I call Dad I'd get even more."

"I'm beginning to understand why you are how you are," Taylor laughed. "With how they carry on about you, it must be nice to be so loved." There it was again. Just for a brief second and then gone like it was nothing. "If I said I was your girlfriend I wonder how they would react."

"Please don't for both our sakes," I refused her suggestion immediately. If that happened I would really have no time to investigate. I'd be swamped by too many prying eyes. It was already bad enough.

"Don't worry, I won't," she punched my shoulder lightly. "Well I'm going to go and hear all your embarrassing stories now. I'm sure there are plenty." I could only shake my head as she left, there was no stopping her especially considering all the alcohol had loosened too many lips.

All in all it was nice to be home. The kids I considered my younger siblings were the most excited to see me back and for a while I listened to their stories and played with them. I talked about my experiences with my parents and many of them laughed. I also kept some things hidden, a lot of things hidden. The fact that I had killed another person. The terrors I had seen. The threat that still hadn't come. Between it all the party eventually died down and slowly one by one everyone departed home.

"Rain stay with me tonight," Mattias said his face bright red. "Your friends can come too. Plenty of space I have."

"No!" Nill who ran the inn barged between us, "Obviously he should stay at the inn. We have plenty of open rooms."

"Bah! You always have open rooms."

"That's your fault you old coot. No one ever comes to this backwater town."

"Like you could handle it if they did!"

"Bert and I were the ones who taught Rain how to cook so he should stay with us today."

"I was the one who taught him his common sense!" They were beginning to argue and their state of intoxication wasn't helping. "I'm the town Mayor, I'm pulling rank!"

"Hold it," I split them apart. "I'll stay with Mattias tonight and I'll come by for breakfast, how's that?"

"I can live with that," Nill huffed at Mattias and departed.

Together with Ardent and Taylor we were led to a large house close to the town centre. It doubled at the Mayor's office and home. Most my childhood I had lived here but every week or so I'd stay at another of my parent's homes.

"Please make yourself comfortable. I'm sure Rain can guide you," Mattias yawned. "I'll be retiring early." His eye caught onto Ardent's, "We'll have our chat later."

Ardent nodded, "I'm sure we will."

We were left alone in the living room. With only the three of us it felt so much calmer. I sunk into the couch and relaxed, Taylor and Ardent joined me.

"You have a wonderful family Rain," Ardent commented. "Especially that Margaret. She taught you apothecary correct? Her mind is very active and unique, I found myself talking to her most the time."

"Careful Ardent she looks young but she's nearing fifty now," I was serious.

Ardent chuckled, "I don't think age matters much but don't worry I have no intention to overstep my bounds." His smile faded and he became serious, "I received a reply from Ronalt."

"Go ahead," I edged closer to him.

"Like you said they found evidence of the demon's tunnelling. A battle broke out but Greytree's forces had the upper hand and the demons were quickly pushed back to the forest. Everyone is doing well."

I heaved a relieved breath. Knowing that things had gone well without me was a godsend.

"But if Rain was right about the attack then," Taylor looked at us both suggestively.

"Yes that is the problem," Ardent nodded. "The likelihood Axel will be attacked has increased exponentially. Ronalt has promised to send some trusted knights to move to Axel in the coming week or so. They are to not only protect the town but also to watch the border. As for the rest of our party, it may take some time. Though the battle was won, there is still much to resolve. However till then we should be making our own moves."

"I planned to do so regardless," I frowned in thought. The attack on Axel would happen within four days at the latest. We couldn't rely on Lara and the others to arrive before then. "Tomorrow we'll go investigate the surrounding area, hopefully we can find something."

"I truly hope we can stop your vision from happening Rain."

"As do I," I agreed wholeheartedly.

"Now I must rest. Your family were very keen to feed me and I may have over indulged," Ardent patted his belly. "May I know where my bed is?"

"Upstairs first door on your right. There's a bathroom just down the corridor. You should have everything you need."

"Thank you," he bowed and left the lounge.

It was just Taylor and I. We sat beside each other on the single couch. A small hearth sat in the wall to our left, the wood inside little more than embers. Above us crystals of light lit the room. Several shelves of books lined the wall and familiar knickknacks and paintings sat on top cupboards. We sat in silence neither of us moving. I was beginning to become overly conscious of her breathing. It was soft and from the corner of my eye I could see her chest rise and fall. Unlike when I had first met her, her shirt was now buttoned higher revealing less of her skin.

Suddenly she stood up, "I'm going to head to bed as well. Where-."

"Don't," my hand pulled at her sleeve and our eyes met. For a moment I almost let go but I held firm. "I- we need to talk."

"Sure," she sat down slowly and turned her body my way.

"I'm sorry," I threw it out in the open and bowed my head.

She seemed surprised, "For what?"

"Before, on the way to Axel yesterday I cut you off. You looked like you had something to say but I was so preoccupied I refused you."

"It was nothing," she began to stand again.

"It wasn't nothing Taylor," my words stopped her. "I know you've been struggling lately. In Greytree, here, you're not comfortable are you?"

"You were watching me?" her gaze stared down at me accusingly.

"You could say that," I met her eyes and held them. "I'm here to listen now."

"Fine, I'll admit it. I don't get it. All this happy town living, it's strange. It stresses me out, everyone is always smiling and at times I feel like I want to snap," she huffed and looked away from me. She was much less composed than when I talked to her in Greytree. Back then however there had been a wall between us. Right now it was feeling a bit too intimate even for me. "Today so many people wanted to talk to me it was unnerving."

"You can't handle that kind of attention can you?" I softened my voice.

She sighed, "Rain have you ever fallen in love with someone?"

It was this again. "Let me guess. When you steal someone's heart it's the most satisfying thing? The feelings that they give back to you are like nothing you can experience normally."

"Yes," her eyes widened, "Have we talked about this before?"

"No," I lied and told the truth. "It's something I've read."

"Well the attention I got from that, the pleasure…. The rush I felt when stealing. It just feels so small now." She shook her head, "Maybe it's because I haven't done it awhile."

"I'm not going to say that stealing isn't fun sometimes," I smiled. There were times I had played pranks on my parents and they were fond memories. "But you have us now right? Lara, Ardent, Ronalt, Marley, even Earnest. If you want some attention, I'll give it to you because I care about you."

"Ummm did you just?"

I realised what I had just said and could feel my temperature rising, "I mean as friends. You're an important friend and companion." I coughed and cleared my throat.

Taylor smiled and laughed. It was the same bright smile I had seen before, the one that made my heart beat. "Thank you Rain."

"N-no problem," I was still embarrassed.

Taylor stood up with a stretch, "I think I'll head off to bed. Though I might shower first. Care to join me?"

And with that small quip of hers I felt relived she was back to normal, "Sorry but it's a little small for two people."

"I don't mind getting closer to you," she winked.

I laughed and shooed her away, "I'm glad you're doing well. Now hurry up I need to clean myself as well." She walked away and I watched her leave… was it just me or was she swaying her hips more than usual? Knowing her it was probably a part of her ploy.

I eased myself further into the familiar couch. I had spent many hours in this room and I wanted to keep doing so. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Now that I had seen Axel safe my despair was being replaced by sterner anger. I'd make whoever hurt my family pay. Killing them wouldn't be enough, they needed to suffer for what they did. For that reason I was happy Lara wasn't here.

After some time had passed I washed myself in the bathroom. I was wary that Taylor might be still inside and had double checked she wasn't lurking about. Clean and refreshed I headed to my room. It was just how I left it, although now there was a suspicious lump beneath the blankets of my bed.

The lump turned my way, "Oh Rain, what are you doing here?"

"This is my room," I struggled to keep a straight face as Taylor looked at me.

"Sorry, I should have guessed. Silly me," she apologised and slowly with purposeful movements began to remove herself from the bed. The blanket slipped down her from her neck revealing bare skin below it.

"Stop!" I skirted my gaze from her. "I'll sleep somewhere else. Don't mind it!" Before she could reply I had already turned around and closed the door behind me. That was close. I wasn't sure what she was wearing, if anything, beneath those blankets. She really loved messing with me but I was still a man. I might have done something I'd regret at that rate. Maybe it would have been better to leave her like she was, at least that way I'd have some peace of mind. I sighed and went to the other guest room to sleep, the last thing I wanted was for the same thing to happen with Ardent.

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