


Oom Hennie arrives at the smallholding, which has now been turned into a crime scene, and together with his forensic team, they start to comb the area around the dump looking for any clues that will lead them to the answers that they need.

Adam’s body is photographed, bagged and then removed to the pathologist’s van for removal to the state morgue in Lusaka, where further tests, plus an autopsy will be performed in order to determine the time of death, as well as how he died.

Overzealous police are all over David and Adele, question after question, trying to trip them up with a lie, trying to tie them in with Adams death, but both of them stick to the truth and repeat it over and over to the investigating officer. They are interviewed separately, and both stories are identical, which leaves the police with nowhere to go, and no suspect in Adam’s death.

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