

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

"What? You want me to beg Cao Aiguo? I have to get the right to use the Divine Dragon System?" Li Laide's face turned black when he read the message in the telegram.

He had already lost all face in the conference just now! He no longer had the face to continue staying in the conference.

That was why he walked out of the venue in anger.

And now, the message in the telegram required Li Laide to obtain the right to use the Divine Dragon System no matter what.

If he couldn't complete this mission, his current position would be revoked.

"These stupid pigs, why don't they try it themselves!"

"How dare they threaten to revoke my position." Li Laide was raging with so much anger that he punched the table in front of him.

Then, he sat down with a dejected expression. His expression kept changing as he stood up gloomily and left helplessly.

Although he was furious and very unwilling,

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