
Chapter 141

(A/N: Bonus chapter brought to you by Huzaifah Patel.)




Though it took a while because most of the larger groups of monsters had been eliminated, Izuku and Momo eventually encountered a group of nine Gnolls, bipedal monsters that resembled Hyenas in makeshift armor. Their heights ranged between 130-150cm, but they had a slouched posture and digitigrade legs and feet, allowing them to move swiftly even in makeshift armor.


Name: Jenrahk

Species: Gnoll

Title: None

Quirk: Hyperosmia

Bond Level: 0

Current Level: 59

Effective Level: 59


Strength: 49

Agility: 114

Vitality: 315

Intelligence: 18

Dexterity: 74

Luck: 28

Free Attributes: 0


[Scent Lock], [Cold Resistant], [Darkvision]


[Bite], [Feral Charge], [Marking], [Rallying Cry]


After inspecting the Status of a spear-wielding Gnoll with the highest Level among the group, Izuku, keeping his voice low and scent at least somewhat masked using Black Whip as a veil, explained, "Their average Strength is around 45, but their Agility is at least double that. As for their Perks, most can see in the dark, track scents, and resist the cold. Skills to be wary of include a charge-and-bite attack, piss, and an ability that lets them call for backup..."

"That last one seems useful..." remarked Momo, causing Izuku to smile as he appended, "For us. We just need to be careful to avoid being encircled. I can escape easily, but-"

"I'll be fine," assured Momo, popping a military-grade tear gas canister from her cleavage like a Pez dispenser before catching it and adding, "I don't need to fight directly to be of assistance."

Nodding in approval, Izuku put on the breathing apparatus of his costume and accepted a pair of sleek skydiving goggles from Momo, donning them before bursting forth from their cover and charging the loose formation of Gnolls with two active gas canisters. It would barely take any effort to kill them on his own, but as it wasn't a high-stakes situation and there was a non-negligible chance that someone was observing them, Izuku decided to relish the opportunity to fight alongside one of the amazing women he had grown to love.

Reacting to Izuku's appearance, one of the Gnolls exhaled what sounded like a laugh mixed with a high-pitched cry as it swung an axe surprisingly deftly toward his head. 74 Dexterity was around the level of a fairly skilled hand-to-hand combatant, but with a modified base of 300, the Gnoll may as well have called ahead the previous day to warn Izuku he was going to attack.

Weaving and spinning around the attack before the Gnoll could finish its swing, Izuku smashed one of the gas canisters into the canine creature's snout, shattering both bone and canister as an explosion of tear gas filled the area. The Gnolls caught in it instantly retreated, coughing and clawing at their eyes in vain, but the fastest barely got more than five steps before Izuku spread Black Whip from his body, pulling it back in by its neck, each kill netting him between 107,250 and 115,050 Experience.

'Holy shit,' thought Izuku, quickly doing the math to deduce he would be able to reach Level 54 and Momo Level 53 if they killed every remaining Gnoll in the breach. On average, doing so would net them 34,380,500Exp, and he presently had less than half that...

Seemingly just as excited, Momo surprised Izuku by abruptly setting off a ton of fireworks. Neither wished to torture a Gnoll, though Izuku would do it if he had to, so she took the initiative to advertise their position to every remaining monster in the breach, sparing them the need to comb through more than 75 square kilometers of nearly identical forest...




[4 Hours Later]

Though only a few dozen Gnolls came to investigate the source of the fireworks, Izuku and Momo ended up eradicating a total of 278 after she figured out that fresh blood was a far more effective lure. Unfortunately, even after searching for a full hour, they were unable to find even a trace of the remaining thirty required for the [Full Completion Prize Box].

"It's a shame we don't have the Pussycats here with us..." muttered Izuku, enjoying Momo's lap pillow within the cave housing the breach's core. The two had just finished a meal, so they were taking a break before deciding whether to continue or withdraw with their already tremendous boons.


Name: [Izuku Midoriya]

Title: Telania's Champion(Luck +500)

Quirk: Digitalization, Transfer, Stockpiling, Singularity, Gearshift(sealed), Fa Jin(sealed), Danger Sense(sealed), Blackwhip, Smokescreen(sealed), Float(sealed)

Current Level: 54 (53,214,529 EXP)

Effective Level: 107


Strength: 30(300)

Agility: 30(300)

Vitality: 300(6,000)

Intelligence: 100

Dexterity: 100(1000)

Luck: 710

Free Attributes: 0

Rerolls Available: 86


[Lesser Regeneration], [Healthy Body], [Sharp Mind], [Nimble Fingers], [Keen Senses], [Lucky], [Intuition], [Tripping]


Name: [Momo Yaoyorozu]

Title: Sexy Secretary(Luck +50, Luck +1 Each Time You Cum Inside Her)

Quirk: Creation

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 53(41,472,529)

Effective Level: 102


Strength: 59

Agility: 68

Vitality: 403

Intelligence: 151

Dexterity: 70

Luck: 273

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Big Eater], [Encyclopedic Knowledge]


"I don't know..." replied Momo, wearing an affectionate smile as she combed her fingers through Izuku's hair, adding, "I feel as though I'm gaining an unfair advantage, but I'm enjoying being able to spend time together, just the two of us..."

"Yeah..." replied Izuku, opening his eyes and meeting Momo's gaze with an awkward smile as he admitted, "I also have moments where I wish it could be just me and the woman I love. But, since this is the path we all chose to walk together, I'll see it through to the end..."

Feeling a slight pang of guilt, Momo exhaled faintly through her nose, her expression softening even further as she whispered, "I may have spoken out of turn. While I'm truly enjoying our time together, I enjoy the 'energy' and excitement present whenever we're with the others. It's significantly less peaceful, but I wouldn't trade what we currently have for anything..."

"And that's one of the many reasons I love you..." asserted Izuku, rising to a seated position and teasing, "The only issue is that when you say things like that, it makes me want to go on the offensive..."

Blushing fiercely, Momo looked around the area as if to ask, 'Are we really about to do it in a cave...?' but Izuku preempted her by grabbing her hand, shaking his head before saying, "Relax. I'm on the record saying there's a time and a place for everything. Just prepare yourself for when we return to the compound..."

Temporarily reverting to her 'interprets everything literally' state, Momo used her Creation Quirk to materialize a butt plug in her ass and thumb-sized pink rotor directly in her pussy for Izuku to 'fish out' later. Doing so reduced her combat abilities considerably, but while her face was flushed from Izuku's previous remarks, her expression barely changed before she smiled alluringly and replied, "I'll be ready when you are..."




"Oh? I wasn't expecting the two of you to return for at least a few more hours," remarked Henry, raising his brows as Izuku and Momo emerged from the breach, the portal abruptly blinking from existence behind them, much like an old-school TV being switched off.

Shaking his head as if he were disappointed, Izuku dispiritedly explained, "We looked around pretty much everywhere, but we failed to find even a single Gnoll in the past hour." Then, as Henry's words suggested the other groups were nowhere near finish, he perked up and asked, "Are there any other breaches nearby that we can enter?"

"It's not that there are none..." admitted Henry, smiling awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head and neck. The reality was that Historia and Rebecca had been taken to one of several uncleared breaches to ensure they could acquire as much Experience as possible. The Headmaster had contacted him a few hours prior to give the go-ahead for Izuku and Momo to enter the same breach, but Henry was hesitant to reveal the truth since it could cause problems if the group of Alissa, Cain, and Dae-Jung learned they were effectively being gatekept.

Fortunately for Henry, Izuku was more than satisfied with the knowledge he had nearly quadrupled his Experience total in a single day, laughing at the maroon-haired Hero's expense before supplanting, "We'll just return to the heliplane and be on standby until the others to arrive. After all, we are just guests. I'd feel at least a little guilty if we stole all the opportunities of the other Knight Course students."

"That's a remarkably mature way of looking at things. As expected from a student of UA," replied Henry, nodding approvingly as he internally sighed in relief. Izuku recognized there was something off with his response, but since Momo had gently tugged the back of his shirt to indicate it wasn't a good idea for them to keep fighting, he didn't attempt to probe the matter further...




Sensing someone approaching, Izuku raised his gaze from the movie he and Momo were watching, prompting her to pause it as they both shifted their attention to the hatch. A few seconds later, the group comprised of Alissa, Cain, and Dae-Jung arrived, opening the hatch with a bit of force before the short-haired tomboy hopped inside, pausing as she met their gazes and looked them over in confusion.

"Have the two of you just been here watching movies this whole time...?" asked Alissa, making her way over and slipping past them to take the seat Izuku had been preserving for Historia. Then, though she didn't touch him directly, she promptly invaded Izuku's personal space by leaning over to see what they were watching.

Understanding the reason for Alissa's confusion, Izuku, briefly meeting the gazes of Cain and Dae-Jung, explained, "We killed as many monsters as we could but eventually gave up looking after failing to find any for an hour. As for the state of our clothing...we're just that good..."

Seeing that Izuku wasn't bothered by her actions, Alissa leaned a little closer to him but flinched when Cain noted, "You smell like tear gas," in his apparently characteristic monotone.

Seizing the opportunity, Alissa leaned into Izuku and made a show of sniffing him before recoiling in apparent disgust as she exclaimed, "No kidding! Jeez, what did you do, bathe in the stuff!?"

Though his body shouldn't have smelled of tear gas, courtesy of his Black Whip, Izuku wasn't surprised as he was next to Momo and they had been cuddling even back in the breach. The smell had initially been overbearing due to his [Keen Senses], but he had since gotten used to it, filtering it out completely.

"Then I guess you'll have to try and seduce me some other time," mused Izuku, shrugging with the same enthusiasm as a farmer of fucks during a long drought.

Furrowing her brows, Alissa's primary emotion was anger, but there was a hint of genuine hurt in her eyes as she replied, "Fuck you..." before getting up and moving to the opposite side of the heliplane. Izuku had correctly deduced that she had been tasked to seduce him by Roman, but she only agreed to it because she thought he was hot and had heard her so-called Master mentioning that he came from nothing, just like her.

Causing Alissa to feel even more annoyed, yet somehow increasing her Bond Level, Izuku gave Momo a nod, prompting her to resume the movie. The latter wasn't very good at ignoring people, but she was acting in the capacity of Izuku's attendant, Momo regarded the trio across from them as stagnant air, unpleasant but tolerable. Fortunately, around ten minutes later, Historia and Rebecca arrived, their presence frustrating Alissa even further as Izuku readily set aside the laptop, entrusting it to Momo so he could engage the duo in polite conversation...




(A/N: As a reminder, the amount of Experience required to Level up is fixed until you reach the next bottleneck. Then, the amount needed is the same as what was required to reach that point. For example, the amount of EXP it takes to go from 60 to 61 is essentially the same as what it takes to go from 1 to 60, the caveat being that you can't share Experience with people too many Levels above or below you.)

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