
Intelligence for Dummies

Since a surprising number of individuals have been commenting on the MC's Intelligence, I feel compelled to explain things.

First of all, Intelligence isn't a static attribute that remains fixed from the moment you are born to the moment you die. Not only does it increase as you accumulate knowledge, but your Level has a notable impact on it. Bakugo is an excellent example of this, as his Intelligence was a mere 7 in spite of the fact that he's fairly intelligent. As for the Ph. D. holders jokingly referenced by Izuku, most of them are just ordinary civilians. In other words, their Intelligence attribute is being gated by the fact they're scrubs.

With that said, allow me to explain Intelligence more clearly. Simply having a high Intelligence attribute does not abruptly make you all-knowing and exceptionally competent in every single subject imaginable. Genius and prodigiousness are things that are cultivated over time, often requiring competent mentors or guidance from similarly intelligent people to truly shine. If a child is born with a Quirk that affords them an Intelligence attribute of 100, it means very little without adequate knowledge and experience.

While the MC does have a background as a Soldier, it is specifically mentioned he wasn't the best, just a fairly ordinary grunt who knows how to fire a weapon. Increasing his Intelligence wouldn't abruptly turn him into Rambo or someone like John McClane in Die Hard. Especially when most of his time was invested in his studies, designing support items, and observing stock trends. He may have been training his body, but he kept his physical parameters low in order to stockpile free attribute points. Where, exactly, do you expect him to pick up superhuman combat skills and experience fighting robots when he isn't even allowed to use his 'Quirk' in public? All of his experience fighting with a superhuman physique came HOURS before his participation in the UA High Entrance Exam. This isn't a Marvel or DC movie where the MC has to train to adapt to his powers while others who received them are able to master them instantly.

In summary, while the MC has a very high Intelligence stat, it doesn't make him an omniscient genius who knows everything and can refer to himself as an expert in virtually any field just by memorizing the contents of a dissertation or textbook. This is especially true concerning things like combat as Intelligence has little effect on spatial awareness and reaction time. That comes from Dexterity. Intelligence 'is' a factor, but there is a reason Einstein wasn't known for his martial arts prowess or strategic brilliance...

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