
My mother and system update.

(A/N - if your enjoying so far please leave a comment and tell me if there is something I can improve upon)

'Ah this must be my mother, but she looks so young?'

The woman in front of the wooden door leading to the room which I was in was dressed in a black dress flowing down to her ankles and 4 inches red high heels and black tight gloves that reach half way up her forearm. She had flowing black hair which reminded me of the night sky and deep red eyes. Upon her back were wings made with smooth feathers the same colour of her hair which were placed just under her shoulder blades either side of her spine. She had a tail that looked the same as mine but instead of a purple tint to the top of the spikes it was a red like her eye colour and her tail was much longer than mine placed above her bum in the centre. It was like looking at an unnatural beauty with curves in all the right places.

'Wow she is pretty, I wonder if I will look somewhat like her when I'm older?'

"Ah it seems one of the eggs have hatched already." The stunning woman I presumed was my mother said to herself.

"Come here darling" she spoke softly while slowly approaching me and lifted me up from under my arms and placed me towards her left shoulder where my head rested upon.

"Hmm, I wonder what I should name you." She muttered to herself while rapping a wing around me.

Her wing was very soft and felt light. It made me feel sleepy but I forced myself to keep my eyes open.

She started approaching the door before opening it quietly and walking down a stone corridor littered with torches placed in metal framing on the walls.

She continued walking for about 20 seconds before reaching another door ,which was made with steel, and opened it revealing a massive bedroom with a king sized bed placed neatly at the back but in the centre of the wall with two bedside tables either side of the bed, one of which had a candle placed on a small metal tray with a handle and three books neatly stacked on top of each other next to the tray with the candle.

She sat down on the bed and layer down with me snuggled under her wing.

"I'll name you.. Kiera."


<You have been granted the name Kiera>

'Hm, the same name as my past life but this time I can actually see my mum.'

My past life i was an orphan and I was told I was in a basket with a letter that just said my name. Not that I care though.

"It's a little strange you were born a year earlier than you were due to be hatched, I guess you wanted to see me sooner then" My mother chuckled to herself then looking at me with warm, loving eyes.

"Go to sleep darling" She said softly while humming a soft melodic tune to me making me drowsy for me to soon after drift off to sleep.


'Oh great I'm back in a black nothingness, isn't that wonderful'


<Higher being changed the system>

<Updating to latest version>



<Retrying update>


<Successfully updated system. New features added. EXP counter, Level counter, Enabling evolution system.>




<Adding shortcuts to certain parts of the system>



<Shortcuts added. 'Status' will bring up your status, 'Skills' will bring up your skills, 'Title'

will bring up your titles, 'Blessings' will bring up your blessings>

<Confirm changes? [YES/NO]>


<Confirming.. please wait>

<Successfully changed.>

'Well that was weird but that's pretty cool I guess.'

<Waking up host>


I then re-opened my eyes and saw my mother lying on her side facing me with her head resting on her hand watching me with her wing covering me acting as a blanket.

"Good morning." She said to me smiling.

I tried to reply with 'good morning' but came out as a…

"Goo Gaa"

'Oh yeah I forgot I was a baby,'

My mother then reached for me, lifting me up with ease before saying..


She got up with me in her arms walking out the room to the room opposite us.

There was a long rectangular table in the centre of the room with plates, cutlery and glasses placed in front of each chair which there were 26 of.

She walked to the head of the table and sat down and took off a strap from her dress.

'Ugh I've got to be breast fed I forgot about that.'

I'm not going to explain what happened because I assume you already know and it's a bit weird saying stuff like that in my opinion so after I finished feeding she snapped her fingers and food appeared out of thin air.

A medium rare stake, mashed potatoes and asparagus with a small amount of gravy appeared on the plate next to me.

After she finished eating she walked back to the room we were in previously and snapped her fingers again and a nest just like before appeared next to the bed and I was placed onto it.

"I've set up a magic barrier around this so don't think about trying to escape." She giggled inching a bit closer to me and bopping my nose which made me sneeze ..smoke?

She then left to I have no idea where but I was left alone.

I decided I would check my system again for the new update thing I saw in my dream.
















Mental force/power:[ERROR]


'Okay so this is a lot easier to access certain parts of my system and I only need 5 EXP to level up also I assume after I hit level 30 I get evolution options which is great.'

After fiddling with my system a bit I soon fell asleep.

(A/N - I'm going to try add more words to future chapters as these are short but oh well. Leave a comment or review if you like the story so far or if there is anything I need to improve upon.)

I’ll try making the new chapters have 2000+ words.. anyway thanks for reading.

W_D_Y_W_F_Mcreators' thoughts
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