

As Brian looked around for the others, he heard a voice in his head:

'Sir, you need to leave this town immediately'

Brian was confused and asked in a worried tone:

'What do you mean?'

The system then spoke alerting:

'The city is infested with reapers, you need to get out as soon as possible!'

Shocked by the news of the reapers, Brian asked:

'How many?'

'More than 10000 sir'

Brian would stop walking and ask the system in a desperate tone:

"Why are they gathering here?!"

'The reapers gather in times of great catastrophe and by their numbers, it is certain that every human in Washington will die. Do you understand why you need to leave now?

(reapers, are responsible for taking the souls of mortals to the afterlife)

Brian would run again and ask the system:

'How much time?'

'30 minutes...'

Brian increased his speed and ran after his friends.




Running down a corridor leading to the exit of the arena, Thomas and Elizabeth were stopped by 10 villains, 7 D-Class and 3 C-Class. Thomas looked at their number and said to Elizabeth:

"How are we going to deal with that number?!"

Elizabeth, with a calm face, surveyed her enemies and said:

"I take 7 and you take 3 ok?"

Thomas swallowed and nodded at her. Elizabeth drew her rapier and attacked, Thomas followed and attacked the D-class villains.

The 10 villains were shocked to see two people who appeared to be D-class and F-class, but suddenly, 3 villains fell to the ground, the rest didn't understand and asked in a worried tone:

"Hey! What did you do?!"

Elizabeth replied in an intimidating tone as she cleaned her rapier:

"I just killed... But don't worry, your turn will come, wait patiently."

A shiver ran down the villains' spines and Elizabeth lunged at them again using her innate skill (guaranteed hit), she calibrated and aimed for the brains of the remaining 4. The remaining villains tried to use their innate abilities, but when they would use them, they were being killed, a small hole the thickness of Elizabeth's rapier would appear in their heads and all 4 would fall to the ground...

Elizabeth after finishing off the 7 villains, looked at Thomas and saw that he, despite being class F, was holding the ends against 3 villains, but as there was no time, she quickly killed the remaining 3, leaving Thomas shocked. with such speed and precision.

Thomas looked at her and said:


Elizabeth would nod her head and say:

"Let's continue!"

Thomas nodded and kept running.




After a long time, Brian found himself outside the arena, he examined and saw that some students managed to escape, but many were still inside, he mentally prayed that they were outside the arena and began to shout their names as he ran.

After Thomas and Elizabeth left the arena, they looked over and noticed that the area was completely empty and he asked her:

"And now?"

Elizabeth looked at Thomas and replied:

"Let's go find them, I think we better split up and..."

When she would finish her sentence, a sword was stuck in her back, crossing her body and reaching her heart, Thomas quickly attacked the enemy, but when he was close to reaching his face, the enemy retreated at a monstrous speed and said:

"The job is already done, wait what the hell...?"

The hero slayer looked shocked at Elizabeth, the wound that should have been lethal was healing! Elizabeth looked at the Slayer hero saying:

"I think this was a gift from someone... Come on Thomas, he's after me so go find your friends."

He listened to his friend's answer and when he was going to answer she kept saying:

"You'll just get in the way..."

Thomas quickly closed his mouth and said as he left:

"I'll be back with reinforcements, so don't die!"

She waved at him while keeping her eyes focused on the hero slayer and told him:

"Who paid you to kill me?"

The hero slayer sighed and said:

"I don't know, I don't care who it is or their motives, as long as they give me the money, I'm satisfied."

Elizabeth became serious and advanced towards him, she used her innate skill and calibrated so that the guaranteed hit was in his heart, but when she was aiming, he disappeared suddenly, she was startled by such speed and realized, he was someone extremely strong !

Recovering from the shock, she calibrated her skill so that the range and width were 100 meters and she slashed the ground beneath her, a huge crater was created, but that attack missed him, so she again using her innate skill with range and width of 200 meters (which was her limit in class D) she then slashed the ground again, a crater 2x bigger than the previous one was created, but again the hero slayer was not hit.

She looked at the destruction in shock, she put all her mana into her attacks, as unreasonable as it was to use all her mana, she did it why fight a one-on-one battle with a guy who registered higher efficiency than her , it was suicide!

Suddenly, the hero slayer appeared again and said while looking at the destruction:

"You're very strong, if any of those attacks hit me, I'd probably be dead... But that's if you hit me."

Elizabeth looked at him and said:

"You're right hahaha, but there was another reason I did it too..."

"And what would that reason be?"

Elizabeth smiled and pointed to someone in front of her:

"To get his attention."

The hero slayer turned around and when he looked in the direction that Elizabeth was pointing, he saw a boy with white hair and red eyes advancing towards him, but what he forgot, is that he was already in a fight... Elizabeth attacked the slayer of heroes using their innate skill, calibrated to strike the heart, as she spoke:

"You don't have enough power to underestimate me."

Suddenly, the hero slayer felt something piercing his skin, and his body, acting on pure instinct, managed to dodge so that he was hit in the shoulder and not in the heart. Elizabeth looks shocked, managing to dodge that distance was surreal, but she smiled and said:

"It's not just me!"

Brian appeared behind the hero slayer, his sword bathed in the absolute control skill (wind), he said as he made a vertical slash:

"Your mistake was not paying attention to me."

He made the cut, and the hero's killer looked shocked at Brian, suddenly his body was split in half, it was a shocking scene, but ignoring it he said in a desperate tone to Elisabeth:

"Where are the others?!"

Elizabeth looked at the desperation in Brian's voice and hurriedly replied:

"Thomas went looking for Amanda and Annabelle, but why are you so desperate?"

Brian would say in a worried and scared tone

"Everyone in this town is going to die... We need to find them fast, let's go!"

Elizabeth, despite not knowing how he knew this, decided to believe him, got up and began to speak:

"Thomas went that way, let's go!"

Brian nodded and the two would go after Thomas.




Amanda, who was unconscious, woke up in a jump as if she had dreamed of a nightmare, got up screaming the name of Annabelle, when she realized, she was in an isolated forest, she had some pain in her body but she ignored it and started to go after the others desperately, hoping that what happened to Annabelle had been a dream.

As she walked back to where she was with Annabelle, she noticed that Annabelle was missing, the only thing left was a pool of blood, along with a human heart on the floor. She knelt down and started to cry, mourning the death of her friend, Brian and Elizabeth who were nearby, heard her crying and ran to her.

When they arrived they were faced with a horrible scene with a sad atmosphere, it was Amanda who was sitting crying with her head down saying:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Brian immediately went to her shouting:

"Amanda!! What happened? Where's Annabelle?"

Amanda looked at her friend, buried her face in his chest and said crying:

"Annabel... Annabelle is... dead."

Brian and Elizabeth were shocked by the news and Brian said in a sad tone:

"It's not possible, right? You didn't see it, did you?"

When Amanda was about to answer, the air in the atmosphere changed, everyone present in Washington felt a familiar presence, an extremely cruel and evil presence, Elizabeth felt that presence saying:

"he woke up..."

Brian felt that presence, and reflected:

'Is this presence going to cause the great catastrophe?!'

Darkness has awakened in Washington...

Happy New Year!!!

Fabio_Henrique_5198creators' thoughts
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