
End of the Third Day - I

If he could, Alexander wanted to kill Alyssa right now for humiliating his son in front of everyone.

But he couldn't do anything to her, and he immediately calmed himself down because there were a lot of eyes on him.

"I TOLD YOU!" The woman sitting beside Alexander was even more angry.

"We should have killed her." She was speaking, but midway, Alexander raised his hand, signaling for her to stop.

But what stopped her was not Alexander's signal, but his glare.

But she couldn't sit back and see her son humiliated in such a manner in front of everyone.

"His wrists are all broken," the medic who was examining Alan said.

"Let's take him to the ward first." The professor in charge there spoke, and they immediately moved.

Everyone missed it, but Alyssa broke both of Alan's wrists while she was slamming the huge ice pillar on him.

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