
Meeting the Spider & Quest Complete!

After deleting Meruem from existence I went over to Pitou as I snapped my fingers as she began to wake up.

Soon enough she pulled herself from her unconscious state and looked around before looking back at me, and instead of flying into an obvious state of rage at the death of her king she simply kneeled before me, "Thank you my Lord for opening my eyes to your greatness, I am yours to command from now on." As she looked up at me in worship in her eyes as she had finally found her true king.

And why shouldn't she look upon me that way, if the absolute loyalty that was written in her from her DNA itself wasn't overwritten by me before her birth she would still try to kill me but because I did that earlier on the loss of her previous King doesn't faze her as in her eyes is that the crown was passed onto someone much better than the last one, survival of the fittest and that only the strongest should be King, that was the only reason she had a rather good relationship with me after being around me for so long compared to her fellow Royal Guards that only looked upon me with either fear or indifference.

"Good, come now Pitou, this place has no more need for us here." I say before I turn and telepathically talk to all of the remaining Chimera Ants that served the preivous Chimera Ant King.

(Any living Chimera Ants, the Ant King is Dead, you have two choices, either meet me in the throne room to pledge your allegiance to me, or leave and live your own lives, the choice is yours) in all honesty I found very few of the remaining Chimera Ants interesting to me so I cared not what the rest decided to do if they wanted serve me then that's good if not then no matter as I see no point in me hunting them down, even though I easily could.

So me and Pitou left for the rather mangled Throne Room as I took my rightful seat on the throne, though one I won't be keeping, for now it's still mine to use.

After five minutes no one showed up, so I was assuming that no one was coming as I sensed most of the Chimera Ants scatter and go where ever the hell they wished, but then I saw one singular Chimera Ant approach us and cheerfully entered the throne room.

"Hello Dio-sama! Hina is here to serve you!" The young female Chimera Ant shouted out excitedly as she entered the room rather enthusiastically.

"Very interesting, and why do you wish to serve me?" I find it intriguing as I found her one of the few Chimera Ants I was originally interested in and that she came herself was surprising as she had a leader that she was following before, but seems he had perished along with his other subordinates, only exception is her survival.

"Because Hina doesn't really know what else to do now, and I heard that you can make those that serve you even stronger and fix their defects, which is great! As I have a issue with my Nen that Negatively effects my body and all, if you can fix that I swear to follow your commands till the day I die." Hina said with confidence as she placed her hands on her hips and nodded to herself with a cheeky smile on her face.

I close my eyes as I place my chin between my thumb and fingers as I nod, "I see, a simple request and it shall be done, so pack whatever you have as we leave in the hour." I say as I stand up as I see her cheerfully smile as she scurry's off to get her things.

Next stop YorkNew City…




A little over a week had passed since that day and a few things happened leading where I am currently now, waiting in the desert not to far away from YorkNew City, as I, Ainz, Pitou, Zazan, Misquito Girl, Meleron, Peggy, Palm and Hina were waiting for our guests to arrive.

Not to many things happened in all honesty, Zazan had made a small army of bestial Chimera Ants from those she gathered from the literal dregs of society but they would be useful to me after I left this world and set up shop on my second island I plan to take over giving them control over in my absence.

Another thing happened was the Metamorphosis of both Hina and Peggy, Hina didn't change much from her original form and took the shortest time to change as it fixed the defect in her Nen making it so when she exercises curses they leave marking on her body instead of making her look pregnant.

But Peggy had the biggest change as he lost all of his Penguin attributes about him and gained a pure human form just like Meleron did where he emerged out as what I would call a wisened old man base on his looks.

(Peggy's new Human form.)

After that however a problem came up I hadn't thought about that Zazan, Mosquito Girl, Palm and Pitou came to agree on, Who would be my Queen, or at least who will be the first Queen as I pointed out that I will not just have one woman for myself and that these three wouldn't be the first or the last either which didn't surprise or saddened them as their King and Lover he had full right to have as many as he wished in their eyes as it is beneficial to bare his children as it would be their honor and the honor of any others that join later on, in their minds at least.

And my response was simple, who ever was the strongest of them would be the first and then it followed after that with strength as my last wife later down the line would be the weakest of them all.

Though obviously none of my wives/lovers would ever be truly 'weak' but their will obviously be much stronger than an average person by a extremely wide margin after all.

And if someone ask will their ever be love between me and my lovers/wives? And the answer is I don't honestly know, currently any and all women I obtain as my own are to vent my lusts upon and create possibly the perfect heir of my own, multiple at that.

But I will make it clear, unless my children turn against me there is no way in hell I will let my children suffer the fate I did, maybe I won't show them affection a father should but I'll never treat them poorly to the point that I did to kill my own bastard of a father for what he had done to both me and my mother before her untimely death.

So with that out of the way Pitou stood at the top as the current first wife/lover followed by Zazan, Palm and then Mosquito Girl at the end.

(A/N no it's not official with his relationship with Pudding and the other Charlotte daughters yet, but if I did include at least Pudding she would be dead last at this point in a purely strength wise scaling.)

And that was basically it, but soon enough we saw a rather large Humvee like vehicles approaching us from the distance and in less than 5 minutes it arrived before parking not to far away as everyone in got out and walked towards us.

10 people came out of the vehicle with the last one to walk out and look at us all as he shut the door and began walking towards us before the Spider stood face to face with me.

(A/N After what happened to both Alluka and Killua both Illumi and Kalluto Zoldyck cut ties with the Troupe after being called back by the family to find the monster that killed off two of the family members so no unnecessary fights gonna happen here.)

"So, you say you have a way to bring my…. Friends…. Back to life, and I'm only giving you the time of day since you somehow knew their nicknames that only we know and only something Uvo said before his death, if I hadn't heard those things…. This conversation wouldn't be happening." Chrollo was rather calm about this, on at least the surface, but his heart was beating at a slightly quickened pace as the death of his friends hit him the hardest out of everyone, even if he remains rather stoic and doesn't say how he feels to others usually.

"Hmm, that is understandable, though I can feel that your not going to take my word at face value, but all I ask of you Spider, no Chrollo, is that you take this and join our group and all the things you will ever need will be their for you to get." I say as I pull out the spare phone that was given to me at the start of this quest and presented it to him.

Chrollo looked at the phone in my hands and looked at to his Troupe members who for the most part just shrugged, "It's your call boss, but if this is true and if we really can get both Uvo and Paku back I think it's worth it." Spider 1, Hazama, said as he scratched his chin basically saying the opinion that everyone else had.

If it's true then it's worth it to join this group, but if it's a lie then well…. It's not like they haven't taken out the trash that waste their time before.

Hearing this and getting the unanimous agreement of his members, Chrollo took the cellphone and officially joined the chat group.

(Quest: Rise of the Chimera Ants! Complete!)


Next chapter is the rewards and him heading back to the World of One Piece to wrap up this story Arc before we start the next one as this next arc and the one after will be personal arcs of his own before we do another world quest after all of that.

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