
Selection Pt. 3

I placed my hand upon the blood red cocoon before me, "Arise my pet, come and serve your master."

*Crick Crack*

From where my hand touched the cocoon began to crack across its entire length before breaking and falling into nothing but red dust as the figure of a woman kneeling before me was seen.

The pale naked woman knelt before me, long black wavy hair careened downwards to her lower back in length as purple crystal ball was lodged in her forehead with her piercing blue eyes slowly opening up to look upon me with her tinted purple lips opening in slight awe and admiration for the man before her, but what was also different was that her forearms all the topside of her hands were covered in scales and all the way from below her knees to covering the top sides of her feet leaving only her toes and soles like that of a human clearly showing that the world still chose her fate for her even with a different master.

"My Lord." She said as she bowed her head towards me before she looks back up at me awaiting my command.

"Arise Palm, your old life has ended and a new one has begun by my side." (**) I say before new clothes materialize right before her eyes before I hand them to her, I can't let them know on the chat group and chat shop yet after all.

"Put this on and after that I want you to begin your trek north to the city of YorkNew City, there you shall meet more of your new comrades there, help them with what ever they are doing their at the moment, the one in charge their is Zazan a female Chimera Ant who has a scorpions tail on her back who is the leader of the nest in my absence." I said giving her my first commands, though she looked hesitant.

"But my Lord! I wish to stay by your side-" but I just place a finger on her lips and look at her with blood red eyes.

"This is an Order Palm, besides it's in your best interest to do this as we will have problems if those related to your past try to do everything within their power to return you to your old self and join their side, not realizing that if they succeed that it would lead to your demise as a result." After all I did place that fail safe within their body to kill any of them who decide to betray me in anyway shape or form.

And more importantly I don't want to feel I had wasted my time in making her my subordinate only for her to be convinced to return to her old friends side just for them to watch her die, it would be amusing but a waste of my time nonetheless.

She took my clothes and bowed her head, "I understand, your command is your will, and thus I shall do it." She said before she rapidly put on her new clothes which consisted of only a pair of panties, a bra, and a long purple/pinkish dress that was long enough to reach above her knees.

After that her eyes glowed from their blue color to fuchsia/red before her rapidly changed and gripped around her very own body before making a black gothic Lolita outfit with black arm and leg length covering gloves and boots respectively before ending in a wide brim hat as a result.

This enhanced her body dramatically making her stronger and faster than before as a result of this new form, "Dio-sama, I will be on my way then." She said as she bowed toward me.

I smirked before handing her a map of this world so she knows exactly where to go before she turned and sprinted off towards the north before I turn back to the palace and make my way back.

I should note that during these past several days leading up to this current moment a few of the Chimera Ants under the king have already been taken out but it doesn't really matter as it seems that even with us here if we don't actively go out of our way to do anything that things will just keep following the stories path after all.

So a few days pass and the Ant King has begun to spiral further and further into self reflection on who he really is and his own humanity to the chagrin of his royal guard who are both saddened and disappointed in seeing their king becoming like this and none of what they say will reach him as he didn't take the words of one with more strength and experience seriously, then what about them who are weaker than him as a whole.

At this he even asked Pitou to change the shape of her En to only cover the lower sections of the palace but leaving the upper area uncovered for he wanted to be left alone to his thoughts, which she reluctantly obliged.

Though seeing this and hearing about this both me and Ainz knew what was about to happen and so all we had to do was wait and the real battles can finally begin.

As for me I was standing upon one of the outer towers of the palaces walls along with Pitou as I looked back towards the palace and just shook my head.

"Your King is a fool, the longer I'm here the more disappointed I am in everything I see, all of his power and only a small minded man who thinks highly of himself and his goals but ignoring the fact that his dreams will never come to fruition." I say aloud while I keep looking at the palace waiting for what's to come.

"…." She unlike the other two Royal Guards who would have at least still tried to say something in their kings defense was dead silent as my words rung true with her but she wouldn't verbally agree but neither would she disagree with me either.

Though she has extreme control of her En, hers only goes so far while mine goes even farther along me to make a bubble around the palace a half kilometer tall with it reaching several of kilometers up into the sky, and I don't care if the king likes it or not as he should be glad that I'm even giving him that bubble to do what he wishes without me knowing what's going on within.

But what was more interesting was the two men riding upon a dragon made of pure Nen, though when they entered my En's range I could feel though my Nen both of those men's bodies tense up as a result.

"Such a large amount of En! Is… is this the Chimera Ant King?!" One of the old men, Zeno Zoldyck, said to the other who had hired him as this is probably the most terrifying feeling he had gotten from one being in his long life.

"…. No, it's not coming from the palace below but from outside it near the castle walls as it's epicenter, it's either his strongest royal guard…. Or something much worse that we had no knowledge of." The other man, Issac Netero, said as sweat trickled down his forehead.

But he believed it to be the later as he felt the eyes of the beings En only to be watching them but not moving whatsoever, whoever this was they were obviously insanely strong to the point of being on par with the Ant King or worse even stronger than him, and Issac's gut feeling was that whoever it was they felt, they were much, much stronger than the ant king himself.

"Should we-"

"No, we charge through, if their not moving that means their allowing us to do what needs to be done, it seems the relationship between whoever this is and the Ant King isn't close or is strained, so let's finish this." Issac says before readying himself.

"Alright, then let's finish this." Zeno says with a nod before the dragon begins to dive head first towards the palace below after exiting the surrounding En and into a pocket area that isn't being covered by anything.


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