
Releasing the Demon king 3 (finale)


The Glaive which was a few metres away from the mage's neck, came to a stop. Orion's eyes shot open after waiting for somewhile. He thought the sharp blade had already slit his throat in half, but it seemed like it didn't.

  Both individuals glanced at the end of the passage where the sound came from, only to be welcomed by the sight of that particular pale skinned figure. With gentle steps filled with pride while exuding dark aura, The dark mage approached them.

She casted a furious glance at the elven with the glaive before shifting her gaze to the helpless mage. Her gaze had softened as she looked at the already stuttered mage, who's body was visibly shaking. Despite not seeing her eyes, both Elvin and Orion could feel the nature of the glare they received from the feminine cast. Either fiery or calm.

"please, please don't kill me I beg of you. I'll do whatever is it you want. Whatever? J-Just name whatever it is. It will be done", Orion gulped before continuing. His saliva felt like they were choking and drawing him short of air "Please don't kill me" He added, pleading like a helpless chicken towards the feminine figure that stood in front of him.

With a smile curled on the black lips of the mage, she gently bent down. Stretching forth her blood-red hand to the asirald who sat on the floor.

"I'm sincerely sorry for all the troubles he must have caused you. Accept my apologies fellow being" She said, her voice very charming, sweet and pacifing. Before turning to the Elven warrior who stood beside her "That is no good way to treat a friend with uses. I hope you learn from your mistakes".

Elvin only responded with a nod as he muttered "I'm sorry".

Shifting her gaze back to the nervous mage the sat on the floor slightly twitching at her aura.

"Here... Take my hand." She said, stretching her hand further to the mage, "Take it warrior. I won't harm you" She added, beaming a smile. Orion who seemed to be affected by her kind words and gestures, slowly took her hand. Her hands felt unimaginably soft than it's sight.

With that, he was sent back to his two feets. He dusted off particles from his cloth which had a bold 'F' written at its back, likewise a flame crest on the cloth. He thanked the dark mage for her kindness towards him.

Little did he know what was waiting in stock for him.

"Back to what you said earlier, your service is indeed needed" She flashed an evil grin at him. Orion knew what her request was, and all he could do was to fulfill it.

"Follow me warrior" She said leading the way back to the Golden door chamber, followed by Orion and Elvin respectively. As they moved, Orion occasionally glanced behind himself, giving surprised looks at the Elven who matched behind him. His face blank and emotionless.

What had gotten over Elvin? He kept thinking to himself.

They had momentarily arrived at the Chamber. Since Orion knew what was expected of him, he walked towards a position right in front of the Golden door. Close to where the dark mage had stood earlier. He released Cyan Divinity directing it into the five Ecclesiastes symbols inscribed on the door which also glowed in response to his actions.


The Golden door opened, revealing an exorbitant dark room occupying a very large bell, remaining lots of space to move around. The only source of light within this alcove was the bell which glowed.


Orion felt a hand clasp his head tightly from behind. His Cyan Divinity began to leave him. His eyes widened in realization. That mage had tricked him and now she was clearly feeding on his own Divinity.

"YOU CHEAT! Y–YOU BLOODY CHEAT!! AFTER WHA—" He couldn't complete his curses as he felt himself immensely suffocating. He gasped, both hands on his throat as his Divinity left him. Normally, he should have been dead earlier. But the fact that he was a special mage made it different. He finally became pale white, dropping dead on the floor.

"Too pathetic for such amount of Divinity" Rivaka said, stepping over the dead body heading into large alcove before her. Just as she entered that dark room where the bell laid, she released black divinities directing it to the bell. Those black divinities infiltrated the bell entering the body of the Silver-haired man who levitated within. They entered his body in form of white colours.

After an immeasurable amount of Divinity had entered him. His silver eyes flashed open glowing really bright.



The chains, the prism glass and everything that held him hostage, were all destroyed. To those outside, The bell began to release a very bright light, While they shielded their eyes with their elbows...

              MORTAL REALM

Weeks had passed since the third child of the McAllister family had found his heart throbb. The McAllister's had been surprised at their son's coming out as gay but they had to accept it and eventually get used to it.

Although it wasn't for everyone...

Max in particular stopped entering his room, discussing with him, even avoiding him and his newly found boyfriend Brooch. Eradan couldn't care less since he had gotten used to it. His mom had been scolding Max continously, based on his attitude towards his brother. But he always phrased it off with a shrug saying he wasn't a faggot and had nothing to do with them.

Arielle on the other hand, well this was the part that really made Eradan like his sister. She wasn't bothered by the fact that he was gay. Infact, it weirdly made them closer than usual but there was something still eating her within. It was the silver haired guy his friend Riele had mentioned during their preparation to travel and the white paper she had given him. Arielle had been sincerely curious about everything.

Twice, she had sneakily entered her junior brother's room when he went out with Aaron. With the purpose of finding white papers of any such. And twice, she came out disappointed without no findings but was still curious about everything despite not having proof.


It was a lovely morning, the sky bright and clear. The sun was already out in its full glory sending rays onto the Earth, warming mother nature of the cold night that passed. The rays of the sun infiltrated a room through the window landing on a particular Amber haired youth that slept peacefully at the comfort of his bed.






The phone on a table beside his bed rang. He yawned as he woke up to the ringing of the call. Stretching his hands to where the phone was, he cut the call and went back to sleep. Snuggling around on his bed to find the perfect spot to sleep back.


The phone came up again almost immediately. He groaned in stern annoyance before picking up his phone which had an unknown number on it. He Resisted for some minutes before picking up the call.

"Hello" He greeted.

"Hey!" The voice over the phone replied."How are you?"

"I'm fine... Um–"

"It's me Alex. Alex Kingston" The voice said over the phone as if expecting the question.

"... Oh! Riele gave you my number?.."


"I'm sorry didn't mean to... Not like–"

"It's Alright I understand, for security reasons. And yes she did give it to me"

"You called for a reason right?" The youth asked but was answered with an utmost quiescence. He stared at the phone to be sure if the other was still in the call, And the answer was positive. Why isn't he answering? He deduced. After more minutes of silence, the voice finally spoke.

"Eradan, Have you read the white paper I gave to you?"

The youth was taken aback and suprised at the question, but he answered plainly "Not yet... Was too busy"

Alex paused for a while, arranging his thought before he finally spoke up,"Eradan, I've been in deep thoughts for awhile now. Each and every one of them all focused on you. I've–"

"Erm Alex not no–"

"Please would you let me finish" Alex interrupted, sounding like a wounded lion. Alex felt heartbroken. All his attempt to make this youth fall for him were seeming useless. Why was this youth doing all this to him? Were did he go wrong? He thought before continuing.

"I've spent every single day after your departure, thinking about our future. Me... You... And childrens if you want. I've spent days thinking on how to breakup with Arielle, and meet your parents for consent... Just to be with you"

"Alex, you're getting all this wro–" Eradan was cut off.

"Days! Eradan. Days!.. And now I hear you already have someone else in your heart. Why Adan? What did I do wrong? I've approached you twice or Thrice... With no's and let me think about it as answers. What did I fucking do wrong?"

Eradan was stunned and speechless at the same time. It was the first time he heard Alex using a curse word likewise doubting himself. He felt pity for him it's just that...

"Alex I appreciate your efforts. I really do. It's just that–"

"It's just what Adan? Just what? ADAN, I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! I LOVE YOU!" These words came out loud just when a particular figure opened Eradan's Door, walking into his room. It was Aaron Brooch walking into his apartment...

                   GEORGE BILL

Holy shit!

Would Aaron find out about Alex in the next chapter...

(>* ³ * )> Nyann

Nightflamescreators' thoughts
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