

"I have enemies, Wednesday," Vlad spoke. "They span the entirety of this world and only a select few, no matter how powerful, are able to perceive them." He raised his hand and cupped her jaw as they stared into each other's eyes. "And you are one of them." He finished, with her looking genuinely confused for a moment.

Or at least, a moment to the outside world. Only she knew how fast her mind worked before her eyes slightly widened before returning to their resting state of intensity as she peered into Vlad's eyes.

"Your enemies are the spirits." She stated with certainty. Her brow slightly furrowed.

He graced her with a head nod filled with elegance.

"Aye, so far, they are the ones that I have identified. Though, based on what I know of the other side, it would be an impossibility for them to be moving completely alone. Take our lovely Goody for example," He inclined his chin towards the pretty ghost girl. "Even she, who never truly died and maintained a state of in-between could not interact with the world of the living as she wished. Only you, her descendant could she channel. Someone called forth the spirits long ago. Someone with an ability that I could not discern back then." As Vlad spoke the air in that dark gloomy chamber began to become colder, heavier. "That begs the question, what else happened back then that I could not perceive. What else did I miss. And How Many COWARDS Are Running Around This World Believing They Got One Over On VLAD DRACULE!!!" He finished with a roar as he spoke. The ground shaking, with the quaking being felt throughout the entirety of the academy. Then, it was done.

His face, which had taken on its steamy demonic appearance instantly reverted to his equally as steamy original features.

He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breathe in, mostly for appearance, but also in order to take in the scent that was wafting off of his lovely one. He caught a whiff as soon as he finished his mighty roaring and knew he had to inhale that scent deep inside his senses in order to imprint it in his mind.

Though, immediately after inhaling some of that goood stuff, Vlad did a quick shake of the head, and squared his shoulders. He had business to handle.

He looked into Wednesday's eyes, who on the outside, was still simply standing there looking at him with her same stare, however he knew. Oh, he knew. Sometimes, being the most attractive being on the planet can be tedious, but that is his weight to carry.

"So, as I was saying, I have enemies. Enemies that I want to kill with my own hands. My loyal one has been traveling the world, marking the location of each, so I do not have to. Now, it is up to me to travel to those places and put down some riff-raff."

Wednesday narrowed her eyes, slightly.

"Are they...dangerous?"

"Pfftt, hahahahaha," he could see her hands beginning to form into fists. He knew that if he were anyone else, she would have already taken a swing to their far less beautiful laughing face. Now, she was just simply annoyed that she could not, for many reasons, and thus she had no idea how to react. He decided to take pity on the poor little star child.

He raised his hands, in a motion of surrender. "Okay, okay. I just found it funny, your question. For a second, I thought perhaps you were worried for me. Then, I remembered who I was talking to. I would like to say that jealousy is not a good color on you, but I do admit, you wear it well." He leaned down and gave her a peck on her pursed lips that adorned her annoyed face. It almost made him laugh again, but he is far too smart for that.

"In case you have forgotten, my dear, you currently have a few enemies of your own to slay."

Her eyes narrowed even further, seemingly wanting to disagree, but not finding the exact words that would work for her argument.

"I will always have enemies to slay," oh, it seems she found them. "However, there are orders of priority. Your enemies seem like they would take a lot more work than my current ones. I believe it would be best if we wait to make a move on them, until we can move freely."

Once again, a smile graced his face. "Those are a whole lot of "we's" that you are throwing around. Though, I do understand. As I said, gorgeous, they span the world. Hidden, with unknown motives, and unknown numbers. There will be many that "we" will have to mow down in order to get to the root of the dead tree. I will need your help, eventually." He took her cold small hands, in his somehow warmer ones. "But, for now, slay your demons. And then, join me as I slay mine." His voice seemingly hypnotic, despite simply speaking regularly, as he concluded.

Wednesday, deadpanned as she listened to his nonsense, that made sense. Though, she did not want to admit it. From the moment that she heard that he had enemies that came from the time when he was active in the world, he had her absolute attention.

She knew he was old. Incredibly so. It only reaffirmed her belief when she heard her ancestor speak about him existing before her.

Now, she had the opportunity to combat enemies that had roamed the world for at least hundreds of years. Some ant running around slicing up randoms cannot really compare.

However, she knew that her Vlad was correct. She did have a battle underway and enemies to slay. Enemies of her own that should die by her hand.

The way he desired his enemies to die by his.

Priorities, indeed.

"Okay, my enemies will die by my hand. Quickly. And then, your enemies will die by our hands, slowly." Simply because she understood something, did not mean that she had to accept it.

Vlad gave her a look of understanding, with a half smirk.

She liked how well he knew her. He was the only one in the world after all.

"Then, get to work, lovely."

He cast his eyes above her head, where she knew her ancestor was waiting.

"We have work to do, Goody."



(A/N: Additional chaps are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .)

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