
Flamme 2

-Few months ago-

"Frieren, it's time for us to go prepare ourselves." Flamme told her elven apprentice to prepare.

Frieren did as she was told and after that, they started their journey to wherever Flamme wanted them to go.

As they walked, Frieren couldn't stop herself from asking. "Flamme, where are we going?"

"Hm, I've heard that there's news that there's a demon in the north, devouring children and women at night. It is worth investigating and if it's truly there then, that means we'll remove one more vermin from this world." Flamme said it with a casual tone, but Frieren knew her enough that she was raging inside mentioning demons.

In fact she felt the same, she hated demons as they are nothing but wild animals in her eyes that needed to be weeded out of this world, so that the world would be a peaceful place.

"Also, call me Master." Flamme and then she hits Frieren with the stick she took from the ground.


"Etai~.." Frieren gently touched the part where her master hit her wooden stick.

"Now, let's continue our journey." Flamme said to her apprentice.

It took days to get to their destination by foot, including rest times. Once they saw the village they were greeted by burning houses.

Both didn't hesitate to go and check the place, however they were a bit too late as there wasn't a single survivor around.

"A pity…" Flamme sadly looked at the villager corpses around the place, it was clear that a demon slaughtered them based on their missing flesh and wounds.

Frieren gripped the staff that she was holding, this exact scenario reminds her of her own village where her family, friends and people were slaughtered and only she was left.

"Frieren, block." As soon as she heard her master's advice, she didn't hesitate to create a barrier and suddenly a beam hit the barrier she just created and instantly it was broken from a single strike.

And to think this was the strongest barrier at this time, if she didn't heed her master's word she might be a lying corpse right now.

Then the demon showed itself, it's eyes were eerily red, it's body was 8 foot tall, had 4 arms and a female like body.

Its face was beautiful in human standards, however it was ruined by that hideous expression it's making.

"Oho~ a human? And an elf..?! I see, your species still lives." It spoke as it eyed Frieren.

Frieren didn't answer, but she gripped her staff harder, it was clear that she was agitated.

Flamme noticed but didn't say anything and let her express herself, as in her eyes Frieren needed experience controlling her emotions.

Hopefully this would teach her that letting one's emotions go could have dire consequences.

"It matters not, I'm going to kill you at the end of the day, considering both of your mana are vastly inferior to mine." The demon smiled viciously while Flamme was grinning internally.

'Yeah, inferior because that's why I want you demon to think about us, they would never thought a mage would limit their own mana, as it is considered dishonorable but I couldn't care less, as you demons play dirty, naturally I would play dirtier than their own game.'

Flamme noticed that the demon didn't notice that Frieren was limiting her mana like her and thought that her apprentice became better with limiting her mana.

Now, she just has to keep doing it for the rest of her life, so that later should be more natural than ever.

Either way, she'll let Frieren take care of this one.

"I have enough of this pointless chatter, die!" The demon fired its magic using 4 of its hands, making a purple beam from a different direction.

Frieren quickly blocked all 3 magic beams, except one and it hit her directly, exploding everything a few meters from her location.

The demon smiled with triumph thinking that it won, not even a second later a beam the size of a basketball hit its heart without resistance.

"Wha-" The demon couldn't finish it's surprise as it immediately dropped from the dirty ground.

Then the demon body started decomposing itself in a rapid-pace.

The smoke in Frieren's location slowly disappeared revealing the elf who made a barrier at the perfect time when the magic beam was about to hit her.

Flamme was impressed, while the act itself wasn't hard to replicate, however the timing and sheer balls for someone to pull it off.

What she did was like playing her own life, and there's a 9 out of 10 that this trick wouldn't work, it's that risky.

Flamme takes her earlier criticism about Frieren not controlling her emotions, that act alone speaks of her control.

It wouldn't be possible if she didn't forcefully calm herself, it seems that she doesn't need to worry about her disciple now. If she keeps this up every battle then, she would be alright.

With her increasing mana and a rational mind to think in battle, there's hardly anyone who can beat her in magic, but as for melee, well she can figure it out herself.

After all, everyone starts somewhere.

While feeling proud of her apprentice handling herself well, she noticed something in the distance.

"Hn?" Flamme squinted her eyes and saw something bright in one of the burning houses, and no it wasn't the flame but an entirely different source.

Frieren noticed her master's strange behavior and said, "Flamm- I mean, Master?"

Flamme didn't say anything, instead she went toward that light she just saw and as she got a closer look, it became clearer that it is indeed another source, to her it looks like a door that is made from the same element as the light itself.

"Master- huh? What's this?" Frieren finally noticed the door that was seemingly made out of light.

"I have the same question as you Frieren, I would like to know the answer too." Flamme said with a clear fascination in her voice, as she hasn't seen this one from her entire life, when she thought she had seen all the things from this era, yet again the world has proven her wrong and she was honestly grateful for it as the world once again showed her that there was still more to discover.

The heat of the burning building is bothering her observation session, so she decided to put it out by using a formula that generates water so that this fire would disappear.

After a few minutes of using the same magic, finally the fire was gone, and it was time for her to observe this interesting unknown object.

Observing around it for a few minutes, it's side doesn't to be different from each other, also she noticed that this object didn't have a single trace of mana or magic, which made it more fascinating.

More importantly, she knew that this object wasn't always here, it is obvious due to the fact that the people would have already tried to hide this or perhaps used this door.

So it's safe to say that, no one aside from her and Frieren discovered this object.

Either way, it was clear that this door is a work of the supernatural, despite its lack of magic.

And for her to continue her observation, she needed to try to open it. Now here's the tricky and exciting part: what was inside the door?

Would it be nothing?

A trap?

A treasure trove?

Or another thing entirely?

Flamme could hardly wait, however she was no fool either, she didn't survive this long by being careless, that's why she prepared herself to cast her own personal barrier.

Although it's still incomplete, it's still a hundred times better than the so-called strongest barrier.

With a deep breath she covered herself with a barrier and necessary enchantment for her to hopefully survive whatever the thing inside the door.

But of course, if she somehow died then, her apprentice could handle herself and she already taught her everything she needed to fight the demons.

Flamme didn't hesitate to hold the door handle and push to open the door and what she saw was something she didn't imagine.


Different from what she had in mind, this place was completely different from her earlier expectation.

Everything from this place screamed 'luxurious' and she couldn't help but think. 'Perhaps, I've stumbled into the house of a noble?'

But this quickly changed as soon as someone with an unfamiliar set of clothes appeared to greet her and even she could tell her that what this man wore is expensive, although she's quite unfamiliar with his style of clothing.

'Maybe from a different culture?' Flamme looked at the man in wonder, it was clear that he's younger than she is, but also this man is very handsome.

Maybe the most good looking man she had ever encountered, that's just her opinion though.

"Welcome to my humble shop, where you can buy everything you want with the right price, please come in along with your companion."

Oh, and he's also a greedy merchant.

A/N: Flamme PoV isn't done yet!

After this arc, what do you think should I add next?



Demon Slayer?

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