
Chapter 14 (First Date)

(1 year ago)

The girl breathed in and out and tried controlling her shaking legs.

Her friends were as worried as her, they stood in front of her panicking and at the same time trying to calm her.

She carried a white small box consisting of candies and chocolates with a pink love letter lying on top of the box.

“Come on Jennie, you need to be brave and not act so anxious when he comes, you are one of the prettiest girls in Hanyang right now... breath and just approach him with boldness... it wouldn’t be that bad”, friend 1 encouraged.

The girl knew being pretty is not enough to impress Ha Joon, he turned down the prettiest girl without hesitation, he does not care, but giving it a try is not bad is it?

She smacked her lips and nodded.

“Yes, you are right? I will be brave and not get scared... I look super pretty right?“, She stuttered while staring at her friends for a quick response.

She knew Ha Joon would be out any minute, her heart raced at the thought.

Her three friends nodded in agreement but were still a bit nervous for their friend who was about to take the boldest step ever, Ha Joon is every girl’s dream and he has turned most girls’ proposals down.

“Oh my God, he is coming guys... Jennie here is your chance”, friend two who has been watching out for him suddenly said, almost yelling.

“Are you sure I look pretty, guys... how is my hair?!“, she repeated.

They gave her a thumbs up, happy yet anxious for Jennie.

Ha Joon had seen her standing in the way from a far distance, and he immediately knew she was waiting for him.

He let out a light scoff as he kept walking, with so much confidence and charisma.

His two hands were always in his pocket, which for some reason gives him confidence when he walks.

Hoping she was not standing on his way to talk to him.

Ha Joon looked straight and was now side by side with her, he had almost taken a step forward when she said.

“Hey, Ha Joon ..Hi... um”, her lips quivered as she turned her face to the side to look at him.

Not looking at her or at the box she was holding, he answered.


The obvious squealing of Jennies’ friends made Ha Joon turn his face to the box in the girl's hand.

Jennie’s heart skipped a beat and her breath shake in response.

“He said hi.... maybe this is a green light for me!“, she thought before looking back at her friends.

She saw their happy faces and thumbs-ups.

Now filled with courage, she blushed and stretches the box to him while looking down shyly.

Ha Joon sneered and looked away, the last thing he needed at that moment was another girl proposing to him, he just wanted to go to his room and sleep.

“I... I thought about you and decided to get... and I erm! got this for you, I hope you will......”

“I do not collect things from strangers, I am late for my sleep appointment.... so I will go now”.

Her friends gasped almost loudly.

Immediately after Ha Joon had walked away they hurried to Jennie to console her.

The box was still in her hands, her weak legs she had controlled for the past few minutes finally failed her, she fell on her knees.

“He... He didn't even look at me... He didn't look at me“, her breath trembled.

“SLEEP APPOINTMENT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM? What a mother f###er”, she yelled out and threw the box away from her.

Present Day.

Alexandra felt eyes on her as she walked side by side with Ha Joon, she knows what she has gotten herself into is not a small deal, they all worshipped Ha Joon and now some girl is walking with him, dating him.

They finally got to a restaurant.

He stopped and turned to her.

“I am not rich... I know this isn’t a fancy restaurant and you will....“.

Alexandra knew what he was about to say, she does not care about those kinds of stuff, rich or not.... she is keeping him company and that is what matters to her at the moment, and apart from that... It is not real, it is all part of their deal so why is he bothered?

“Come on, let us go in...“, she interrupted and held Ha Joon’s hand as she pulled him along with her.

He smiled and followed her.

They sat opposite each other while staring at the menu in front of them.

The food was great looking and cheap.

“Wow! I cannot believe I will be able to eat all this in real life... I have always dreamed of eating all of this and right now I wish we could order it all! everything”, Alexandra said as her mouth watered.

Ha Joon saw how her blue eyes got brightened at the menu, he has never seen anyone stares at food the way she does.

Like a newborn baby staring at its mother for the first time.

She stares at it like it is love at first sight and for some reason, he likes that she adores Korean food that much.

“Have you not eaten any Korean food? I mean even back where you are from?... I am sure there would be some nice Korean restaurant there... or not?“, he asked.

His two hands intertwined on the table while his eyes were fixed on her.

She smiled and shook her head.

“I don’t want the Korean meal in Houston...“, she said and finally looked up at Ha Joon, her smile brightened so wide that her bunny teeth were exposed.

“Eating Korean food in Korea is different, that sweet feeling when you know you are in the country and you are eating the country food!!!!..” she paused and bite her lips softly while expressing her excitement by wiggling her knees.

“I am very glad I am doing that while on this beautiful fake date with you!” she said smiling and admiring the restaurant.

“Ah, they sell black noodles too! whoa”, she gasped softly.

He nodded and looked away.

She was right they were on a fake date but why does she have to say it that way, Ha Joon wondered.

He call out for a waitress who had been smiling at Ha Joon the moment they came in.

She arrived and immediately turned red as she took their orders, her face was focused on Ha Joon so much that she did not care about Alexandra seating opposite of him.

Alexandra ordered kimchi fried rice while Ha Joon went for kongguksu, (noodles in cold soybean soup).

“She is in love with you! that is crazy”, Alexandra whispered to Ha Joon the moment the waitress left for their orders.

He does not look surprised, he raised his eyebrows and put his tongue at the corner of his cheek.

“Yeah... they all do! I am used to it...“, Ha Joon answered and rested his back on the chair, he sighed and stare back at her.

After a short while the waitress returned with their orders, she brought his food first and gently placed it in front of him, she was setting the chopstick beside his kongguksu bowl when Alexandra stretched her hand to hold Ha Joon’s.

Alexandra noticed his shocked eyes, she smiled at him and fondled his hand.

“I am so happy to be here with you Oppa!, you give me so many butterflies, so many beautiful butterflies...” she said smiling at Ha Joon.

He gulped nervously.

Her expression, smile, and lovely voice all seemed so real to him, he looked down at her hand stroking his.

But it was all acting.

The waitress’s face dropped.

She glared at their hands locking and immediately walked away to bring Alexandra’s meal.

After a short while.

She returned with the kimchi fried rice and without smiling or saying a word, she placed it in front of Alexandra, placing her chopstick in the middle of the table out of hand’s reach.

“Wow, you are totally good at this, she got mad already...”,

Ha Joon said with a smile on his face.

Alexandra quickly removed her hand from his as she smiled down her meal.

He grabbed the chopstick and gave them to Alexandra.

“I did not know I could act that good! we looked so real!“, she said and tucked her hair behind her ear as she held the chopstick.

After a short while of trying to eat with the chopstick, she figured it was difficult.

Ha Joon who had noticed immediately called out for a waitress.

“Can you give us a spoon please?” he politely asked.

It was a different waitress this time, an older lady.

“I actually thought this would be easier to use, why is it so hard... I don’t want a spoon... I want to use this, I need to learn”. Alexandra said in a frustrated tone.

He watched her try so many times but it was not happening.

he exhaled sharply and grabbed his chopstick.

“Hey, look!“, he said and expected her to watch as he tried eating with his chopstick, hoping she could learn from him.

He was gentle with her.

“Just hold it this way and slightly hold it apart”, he said looking up to make sure she was watching.

She was.

“Insert it into your rice like this... maintain the gap between the chopstick and gently squeeze and lift....”

Alexandra moved her eyes from the food he was using as a demonstration to his face.

“Don’t worry if you don't get it immediately, using chopsticks to pick up noodles is way easier than rice....”

The Ha Joon he saw sitting on the bench that day is different from the one sitting in front of him right now, the first day she saw him... he laughed at what she said, she found it annoying at first but it was not that bad.

She should not have judged him and thought less of him when he is a friendly human with a lot going for him.

Since she heard about his past story, she has been wishing him nothing but happiness and more laughter.

“His laugh is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, he should not be hiding that”, she thought and gaze at how his mouth was moving as he kept elucidating chopsticks to her.

Alexandra suddenly felt the urge to make him laugh more, his teeth are so pretty if that does not sound awkward, the night he laughed made his perfect teeth show so well.

How is a person’s teeth that well arrange? She wants to see him laugh again.

“If being with you will stop you from being unhappy and will make you vibrant the way you are right now... then I think I love being your girlfriend... Even if we are not real Ha Joon, I still love it”.

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