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283 ac

A/N: The herbs I mentioned and their effects are real; of course, I exaggerate their effects for the story. Please don't mix them together; it could be poisonous.


The injury on my arm was worse than I thought. The pain had increased like a succession of waves crashing on the shore. The color had turned a dark purple in the middle and red around the injury. I began to wonder if the source of this pain was a hairline fracture. It really sucks that I don't have any healing spells yet. If I had a healing spell, I wouldn't have to deal with herbs; everything would be much easier. At least I have extensive knowledge about the effects of herbs, or else I had to depend on Maester Luwin.

Let's find a solution for the bruising and pain for today; if the pain doesn't subside by tomorrow, it means I have a fracture in my arm. For bruising, my orange ointment will do the trick. I'll need a medicine made of White willow bark, boswellia, ginger, and honey for intense pains. It was really hard to find boswellia, which only grows in the southern parts of Essos. I shouldn't be using this arm today; I shouldn't be using this arm today, just in case. But I want to go to wolfswood too; what should I do?

Just to be safe, I could stay at the castle today, hang out with the stark kids, and rest. After some searching, I finally found the Stark Boys by the kennels. All of them were there; even Bran had come. Time flies so quickly. I feel like he was born yesterday, and today he was a two-year-old boy climbing the kennel fence and hanging down like a monkey. Robb and Jon were trying to teach the dogs new tricks with the help of the kennel master, and I can't say they were very successful. The dogs were not listening to Robb and Jon. They were running around and jumping on each other.

On the other hand, Sansa was sitting on the sidelines, ladylike, as usual, watching them and lecturing Arya about how she should act. As always, little Arya did what she wanted without caring what Sansa was saying. Arya was getting to be a real troublemaker, but I could never get mad at the rascal, and now she was trying to ride one of the big dogs like a horse. When she saw me, she started waving and shouting:

"Aermir, come here quickly. Look, I've become a dog rider."

Her eyes were shining with happiness, but on the other side of the kennel fence, Sansa had a furious face.

"Arya Stark, get off that dog right now, or I'll tell mother about this." When their mother's name was uttered, this time Arya's laughing face changed shape. I was just about to say something when Robb called me.

"Aermir, come and look; we managed to teach this dog how to give a paw." After seeing the dog give his paw, both of them were looking at me with eyes begging for appreciation. So I obliged and said:

"Wow, it must have been really hard to teach a dog to do this." I could see they were feeling proud of this accomplishment, and Robb proudly said:

"I bet you couldn't teach the dogs that as quickly as we did." He is asking for it, so I m going to oblige.

I went to the kennel master and said, "can you give me some dog treats?" He reached into the bag at his waist and handed me a few pieces of what looked like some kind of dried meat. I went to the dog that they had just tried to train but had failed to do, and I crouched in front of the dog and started petting it. As soon as I touched him, he started to shake and whimper because I was beginning to dominate him. I started acting like I was training him because it would seem suspicious if I gave him orders, and he started following them immediately. I was pushing the dog with my hand so it would roll and, at the same time, was giving verbal commands.

"come on, roll over, yes like that, roll over, good boy."

I was petting him and giving him dog treats every time he finished a roll. After that, I made the "swoosh" sound while pretending to shoot him with a bow and arrow; then I said, "play dead," as I pushed him to lie still on the floor.

At this moment, Robb, Jon, and the kennel master were watching me with open mouths. When I returned next to them, they were still flabbergasted. Then I said

"So I taught the other two tricks that I thought were easier because I knew it was sooo difficult to teach a dog to give paw." When I said that, Robb looked at me while squinting his eyes then he jumped on top of me. While he was on top of me, he held my shoulders and started to shake me, then started shouting, "why are you so good at everything you do? I hate you." I lost my footing, and we fell to the ground. I thought he was going to cry because we fell, but he started to laugh then I started laughing too. At that moment, I felt an aggression swell inside my mind. In a second, I realized what it was and shouted.

"NO! IMU, STOP!!!!"

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