
The Rescue of Tony Stark -100


The man in the black suit gave a thin, placid smile that seemed practiced and poised. "We are the people who have been keeping an eye on you, Mr. Stark," he explained calmly, his voice carrying a trace of amusement. We represent a group that prefers to remain in the shadows, but given your current situation, we've decided to make an exception."


Tony squinted at him, a million questions running through his mind. He glanced around at the setup — the carpet, the sun lounger, the parasol, and now, Dr. Jelly in hand. It was surreal, like a bizarre oasis in the midst of his chaotic escape.


"Conner, he was with you, wasn't he?"


To this question the man just nodded his head. "He and we all knew the risks; we have been tracking his vitals since we allowed him to get captured. Once we knew he was dead, we set out at once."


Tony felt a sharp sting at the mention of Conner's name and the casual admission of surveillance. It was clear now; Conner hadn't just stumbled into this situation—he'd been part of some surveillance mission. Tony's fists clenched involuntarily as he processed this new revelation.


"And Yinsen?" Tony asked, his voice tight with emotion. The man paused, his expression unreadable for a moment before he continued.


"We were made aware that someone by that name had been captured but had nothing to do with him." His answer did reassure Tony a little bit that everything he had gone through hadn't been a complete setup.


"Are you the ones behind all this then?" Tony asked while gripping the glass in his hand so hard his knuckles turned white.


"No, we had nothing to do with your capture; we simply learned about the plans the night before it happened. So, we had no time to stop it. The best we could do was ensure that someone would be there, someone who could help ensure your survival."


Tony took a moment to process this information, racing through its implications. He set down the glass, hardening his gaze as he contemplated the depths of manipulation and control at play.


"So you let Conner get captured just to keep tabs on me? He died, you know! Does his life mean nothing to you guys?" Tony's voice grew sharper, edged with anger and betrayal.


The man in the black suit remained unflappable, his demeanor cool. "Every operation has its risks, Mr. Stark. We make choices based on probabilities and potential outcomes. Unfortunately, not everyone can be saved."


"But we are saddened by his loss; we didn't want him to die. You can be sure of that. We simply didn't have much choice in all this." The man slowly explained.


"Why? Why do all this? Why did you send Conner in there? Why go through all that for me? What do you want in return?" Tony knew that nothing in this world was free. Even if it looked free, there was always some hidden cost.


This question caused the man to pause for a moment. "Our organization cares only about the safeguarding of mankind and of earth. The lives and death of people, no matter how rich or powerful, matters not to us. Even the death of nations isn't enough to move us."


He carefully explained, "But you, Mr. Stark, you happened to be someone we made an exception for. You are someone who can do so much for mankind. Your mind is a treasure we couldn't allow to be lost in some dark cave."


On one side, Tony did enjoy hearing that these people considered his brain more important than entire nations. However, he still wasn't too happy with all the deceptions and moving around in the shadows he was hearing about.


"You said you learned about the attack the night before? Why didn't you want me? Or try to stop it? Why just send in Conner?"


To this question the man just shrugged his shoulders. "Would you have believed us? I can at least assure you that the US military wouldn't have."


Tony had to agree that the guy was properly right, even he wouldn't have believed some vague warning, much less the military. "But you must know who is behind all this, right?"


To this question, the guy nodded. "We are aware of who wanted you dead. Well, to be fair, a lot of people want you dead. I won't tell you who is behind this. You can figure that out yourself. I will, however, tell you that this group in no way was acting under the orders of the Mandarin."


Tony found it rather suspicious that this guy had to clarify that. "Why do you say that? Those guys belonged to the 10 Rings, didn't they? So how is this not the Mandarin?"


"We have a working relationship with the Mandarin. We reached out to him to request your release, only to learn that this chapter of his organization isn't truly part of his group. They seemed to just be some fools who dreamed of conquest and domination using your weapons."


Tony couldn't help but remember the terrorist leader's monologue from yesterday. He had mentioned that it would be his time to rule, making it seem like it wasn't working for someone else. "But why point that out?"


"Because we want you to live, and if you go after the Mandarin for no reason, you might really die. That man has many recourses available to him."


"So, you're telling me I was kidnapped by a splinter group that misused the name of one of the most dangerous men on the planet?" Tony rubbed his chin, his brain ticking over this new information. "And you guys, this shadow group... you have the reach to negotiate with the Mandarin himself?"


The man in the black suit gave a single, slow nod. "Exactly, Mr. Stark. We have connections and influences in places you wouldn't expect. Our primary aim is to maintain a balance, to prevent any one power from overwhelming the others. Sometimes, that means making uncomfortable alliances."


"So, you help me out, sending Conner and tons of equipment in to try and keep me alive. All because you think I will do something good in the future?" Tony didn't know what to think about these people. They really did sound crazy.


"That's correct, yeah."


The man's affirmation hung in the air, mingling with the faint hum of the desert wind. Tony shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the surreal comfort of the lounge chair feeling more like a gilded cage given the circumstances.


"And what happens now?" Tony asked, his gaze fixing on the man. "You've saved me, so to speak. I'm out of the cave, away from immediate danger. What do you expect from me? Am I to become some puppet who dances on the strings you pull?"


The man chuckled softly, the sound almost lost to the breeze. "No, Mr Stark. We work in the shadows. We don't wish to be known. If you work for us, well, then you would know too much about us rather soon."


Tony paused, absorbing the implications. "So, you're not recruiting me to join you? You're just setting me free?" His voice carried a mix of skepticism and relief.


The man in the black suit nodded, "Exactly, Mr. Stark." He paused to look at his clock. "The US Military will be here in about 40 minutes to investigate that rather large explosion you set off. By then, we will be long gone."


"Forty minutes, huh?" Tony mused aloud, feeling the weight of reality settling back upon him. "And you expect me to just walk back into my life, pretend like none of this ever happened?"


The man in the black suit smiled slightly, almost imperceptibly. "Mr. Stark, you've never been one to just walk anywhere. You stride. You innovate. You disrupt. We expect you to do nothing less now. You're free to use this experience as you see fit. Perhaps, as inspiration for better safeguards, more humane applications of technology, or even new endeavors altogether."


Tony stood up, feeling the stiffness in his muscles but also a renewed vigor. This ordeal had changed him and sharpened his perspectives on what his technology could do—for better or for worse.


"And if I decide to find out more about you, your organization? If I decide that I don't, won't you creep around in the shadows? Tony's tone was challenging, almost defiant.


To this, the man just chuckled. "We will welcome the challenge, Mr Stark; our men could use the experience in fighting off cyber-attacks."


Hearing this, Tony just sighed and sat back down on the sun lounger. "I'm too tired to argue with you." He mumbled and refilled his glass with ice and liquor.


The man in the black suit gave a knowing nod, his smile unwavering as he watched Tony recline. "Rest, Mr. Stark. You've earned it today. We will leave all of this for you to wait in comfort."


Tony just waved him off. Not wanting to deal with more of this crap. First, he had been kidnapped and almost died, and now he had to deal with some shady boyband.


The man in the black suit turned to leave, his steps silent against the soft desert sand. "Goodbye, Mr. Stark. I believe the next time we meet, it will be under different circumstances," he called over his shoulder without looking back.



Tony cursed loudly as the helicopters took off. Though the sound of his curses was drowned out by the wind, they kicked up. Not to mention the damn sand that was flying everywhere.


His hair, which he had only just rinsed, was now full of sand once again. His clothes were the same. Even his drink was ruined. "Fucking hell, couldn't they have parked further away?" He mumbled angrily as he replaced his drink with a new, sand-free one.


Left alone once more he was able to calm and deal with his thoughts. So much had happened today. He remembered both Conner's and Yinsen's last words.


They had both told him not to waste this chance. He didn't want to consider that Conner's words had been false. He liked to think that he had learned enough about the man to know that he was truthful and that he really did want him to live his best life.


Yinsen had been the same. The man had disliked him at first, but in the end. He had still died for his sake. They both saw something in Tony, something they believed in. Even this shady group saw and believed the same.


"I won't let you down; thank you, Conner, thank you, Yinsen." He whispered as he raised his glass high and downed his drink.



Just as the man had said, after only a few drinks and the last few bags of chips did the sound of helicopters filled the air once again. Tony saw them as they got closer and closer until they landed not far from him.


Out rushed a group of armed US soldiers who were all very confused about what they saw.


Out here, in the middle of the desert, was a man lounging about under a parasol while drinking like he was in his own backyard.


"Tony!" One of the men said.


Tony slightly lifted the sunglasses and called out. "Rhody!


"What is all this?" Rhody couldn't help but ask as he pointed to all the things around Tony. A massive cooler filled with ice, a god damned portable pool? He was so confused he forgot to be happy to see his friend alive.


"A gift from some admires who didn't want me to wait on your slow ass without at least a drink."


Rhody shook his head, half-amused and half in disbelief. "Only you, Tony, could turn a rescue operation into a beach party." He gestured to the other soldiers, who began to secure the area more casually, their initial tension easing at the sight of Tony's nonchalance.


Tony stood, brushing sand off himself, and stretched his limbs with a groan. "You know me, I like to keep things interesting." His tone was light, but his eyes betrayed the weight of recent events.


 Rhody approached, clapping a hand on Tony's shoulder, his expression turning serious. "We were worried, man. The whole thing blew up—news, social media, everywhere. What happened out there?" Tony glanced at the setting sun, considering how much to share.


 "Let's just say I've had some eye-opening experiences and made a few new friends, if you can call them that."


"Friends who leave you in the desert with a minibar?" Rhody quirked an eyebrow, his tone skeptical.


"New friends, not the best of friends just yet, anyway, you giving me a ride? Or do I have to hope my new friends will come back for me?"


"I'm half-a-mind to wait around and find out who found you before we did, and I came this prepared. But, no, come on, Tony. This time, you ride with me."





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