
Chapter F.I.V.E

[Where is Nico?] Usually Nico would be right by my locker but he was nowhere to be found, but then again I was later than usual.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"7:15!" I said out loud as I checked the time, the warning bell was always on time. Saying I turned around and hurried down the hall to class. When I got to class, I saw that Nico wasn't there. Then I noticed that Sean and Jeff were in their chairs either. Sean and Jeff bullied me and Nico for years, until I became strong enough to teach them a lesson. I was not very well trained but after a few punches, one finally hit Sean in the bridge of the nose and that apparently scared them, because they stopped picking on us. Maybe they were at it again though. For their sakes I hoped they aren't.

Right as I got it from my chair Nico came in and I sat down. Then Sean and Jeff came in along with new guy. Has Nico came closer I noticed that he looked panicked and pale. It looks like he had a fake handprint on his arm, as well as a red mark on his cheek I immediately stood up and stormed over to Nico.

"Name." I demanded.

"It's fine bailey. Leave it alone." Nico said almost pleadingly.

"If you don't tell me who, I'll have to kill eve-"

"Nice playing with you Nico!" Sean said in a sing song voice. I stormed forward but Nico grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Huffing, I turned around and returned to my seat.

"Good morning class, I'll be your new teacher, Mrs Decker unfortunately quit last night. So I will be your teacher for the next little bit." The sound of a dry erase marker popped open and started riding I looked up for the first time and saw that it was Braxton, The bouncer from last night! He was at my school! I swore under my breath. [Hope my disguise was good. This can't be happening!]

As quietly as I could I slipped Nico a note of what was going on. He knew about what I did. He was at my house when I walked in covered with blood and cuts, my dad wanted to lie to him but I couldn't come and not to Nico.

"It looks like we have a transfer, why don't you come up and tell us a little bit about yourself." Nobody stood up.

"Oh come on don't be shy. I don't know who any of you are, so you're gonna have to stand up for me." Braxton said when no one stood up. Smirking I turned around and pointed to the new guy.

"Yeah, come on, don't be shy!" I said knowing that it would agitate him. Nico smacked his head at my sarcasm while holding back a laugh. Glaring, the new guy walked up to the front. He still kept staring and glaring at me, I held his gaze the whole time, which only made him glare harder.

"Now what's your name and what's three things you want us to know about you?" Braxton asked.

"Name's Damon. Before you ask I hate the vampire diaries, and I hate people so leave me alone, and I hate school. You happy?" Before Braxton could answer, I shot my hand up in the air.

"Yeah-" he looked down at his cheat sheet,

"Yes Bailey." He said once he finally found it.

"Do you workout?" I asked while looking at Damon.

"Umm yeah," he said while smirking and flexing his arms.

"Okay gotcha. Just didn't think you did by looking at you, but figured I'd ask, since a lot of people do these days." I told him ever so innocently. His face turned red with anger, while everyone else in the classroom burst out laughing.

"Okay that's enough! Go sit down Damon thanks for sharing." Damon scoffed, then sat down.

"Okay, now let's get started. My name is Mr miles, now I'm not sure where you are in your geometry books but....

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Class dismissed! See you guys tomorrow!" Braxton said is everyone got up and headed to their next class. Thankfully we only had Jeff in our next class. Jeff was the nice one of them, he has had a crush on me since forever which probably contributed to why he was nice to us. He just followed Sean around because he used to be a jerk so nobody would hang out with him, so he stuck himself with Sean.


When class was done and we were heading to lunch I saw Jeff running up to us.

"Hey! Wait up," he shouted but I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"What do you want?" I spat as Jeff approached.

"Look, sorry about earlier nico. They're just-."

"Yeah, go ahead and make some excuse for them." [Some people never change!]

"I-I. There isn't one. Just sorry Nico." Jeff said quietly as he walked away.

"Hey!" I hollered after him, he turned around and came back.


"You should get some new friends." I said.

"Yeah! How about you come sit with us at lunch?" Nico asked, I wanted to hit him upside the head, but I refrain myself.

"Yeah, I think I will. Only if Bailey is okay with it though" Jeff said while looking back and forth at me and Nico.

"She doesn't mind. Right Bailey?" Nico said as he elbowed me in the ribs. I just gave a thumbs up, then turned on my heel, and made my way to the cafeteria.

"Bailey! Wait up. Hey! We are bound to get a visit from them, I want you to promise me that you won't beat any of them. Please, for me." Nico pleaded once he caught up to me.

"What happened?" I asked but it came out more of a demand.

"I went to the bathroom, accidentally bumped into damon. Then he shoved me down, Sean and Jeff happened to walk in and they joined in. It's okay though bailey. I'm fine see." Reaching up, I touched his cheek, he winced to as I touched it. [I'm going to kill them.]

"Jeff too?" I asked but Nico shook his head no.

"Bailey promise me you won't touch them."

"I won't, unless they touch you again." Nico just sighed, he knew that was as good as he was going to get from me.

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