

Somebody was touching her and at first, the body that was unable to move and a half-unconscious state made terror and helplessness strike yet did monsters feel so warm as if it was only a fleeting moment of the graze and caress that she never wanted to end. Alaina moaned once again and the soft feeling of the fingers massaging in her hair paused.

"With me here, who dares even look at you.....go to sleep little princess, you are safe in my abode."

Was that meant to be reassuring...a male voice so rich and deep like a silver dagger dipped in fruity honey, how dare she sleep in presence of an unknown entity who could have harmed her and took advantage of her perilous state....or was he god?

The way he rubbed her cold fingers with his palms transferring his warmth and for once kissing them as he muttered something along the lines..."so tiny like a doll" before there was a long silence like the person realizing that he wasn't meant to have such feelings for herself.

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