
Merry Christmas!!

You know in between all of the chaos and the active trouble between my inmates and Eli.. I forgot about the most important time of the year.

yup you guessed it boxing day! yeah sure Christmas is good and all but the price drops on boxing day is unmatched, unmatched I tell you!

The amount of money I saved on boxing day as a college student is amazing ! sadly today isn't boxing day ...today is Christmas eve and I'm going to buy my friends the best gift ever!

online of course...I... I can't leave the house .. ...yeah but I have a plan.

i opened my laptop and started to go on "Amazing" yes it is pronounced ama - and zing not amazing.

"What are you doing?" I heard Gabriel came in through the door. I quickly closed my pc and turned to him.

"You know knocking is a gesture that most people appreciate."

Gabriel started to look at me in a way that said "are you doing something you're not supposed to-" or "are you planning a private Christmas gift for me?" I don't know, I'm paranoid.

We shared a moment of silence before he finally spoke.

"Miku sent me to ask what you want for christmas." He said realizing he made a mistake.

"I don't think you were supposed to-"

"Yeah I know." he interrupted me. He sighed.


I told Gabriel what I wanted for Christmas tomorrow and I got back to searching for my gifts..

I knew exactly what Gabriel wants and I know what Eli wants.. But what will I get for a girl who basically had everything?

I sat back to think about it for a while and I came to a few ideas but none of them seemed right for long and the ones that did seem right all the way through are waay out of my pay range…

I kept thinking and thinking until I decided you know what? I'll ask Eli if they share a room for a week and a half now they must have some convo about what the other wants for Christmas.

I knocked on the door but no one answered…

Strangely, I tried putting my head closer to the door to hear what was going on and it was a convo between Miku and someone but it wasn't Eli… He probably went out with the boy next door to buy gifts.

"That's the thing i don't know what he wants-" i heard her say

"I sent Gabriel to ask but he didn't return yet he probably kept the information to himself so he could give him that present…"

Interesting… I kept listening to the conversation.

"I hope he gets me a-"

And almost like it was from a cheesy novel on a christmas morning i heard someone call my name.

" Hey Haru…" i turned in a panic to see Eli with a few bags

"Oh hey eli-" great, just great at a time like this?? What the hell!

"Can I ..enter?" he said pointing at the door i was standing right in front of.

"Oh …yeah-" I moved out of the way and watched as Eli entered the room.

"Oh your back-" I instantly pressed my ear back against the door.

"What's in the bag ? something for me perhaps?" Miku teased

"Don't flatter yourself-"

I sighed and went back to my room. No way i'm gonna figure this out-

I layed on my bed thinking that the only obstacle i had was to find a gift for Miku but really its-

"Wait….the gifts were bought outside of this country…..which means they'll fly it in..which also means they wont deliver to my house.." I got up in a panic.

Now what will I do??

Mom leaves extra early on Christmas days and won't be back till who knows when.

I can't ask Eli then that will spoil his gift.

And I can't ask the other two no matter what!

Damn you tom!!

Ok ok ok … so i can wake up around 4 am/ 5am to ask mom to collect the items and send them by a taxi or something but…. I don't really trust myself to get up that early and I don't really trust the driver either…..

I kept pacing around my room trying to think of something! But once again my mind draws a blank.

Wait, I remembered Miku saying that Gabriel probably kept what i want for Christmas to himself ….so he probably didn't buy anything yet which means.. He's in the same boat as me! Which also means if he figured out what to do I can also use that to bring my gifts to me.


"Come in!" I shouted hoping that it was Gabriel and thank god it was!

"Hey Haru i came to ask how are you gonna bring your gifts here cuz i have no idea-"

Silence filled the room once more.

We stared at each other blankly for a good two minutes before I slammed my head on the desk… repeatedly.


Gabriel, seeing that this isn't a good time to ask more questions, slowly left, closing the door behind him.

Ok it's clear now that i'll have to go to someone that i really really don't want to go to for something like this…


"Please!" I begged Miku to tell one of her workers to pick the book up.

She just looked at me with a smug face.

"Well….i don't know-" she said in a weird tone.

"Come on! I'll do anything."


A weird chill went down my spine.

"Almost anything!"

Miku rolled her eyes as if she was disappointed.

"Fine, tell me what you want for Christmas…"

That's all?? I was confused. Is that all she wanted to know? Heck i'll do it for free but not in this situation i needed this.

"Fine…i want-"


Great, now I got the gifts and the transport…. I got the gifts…gifts.. SHIT! I forgot to ask what she wanted for Christmas!

And it's already late which means the shipping won't come at the same time as the others!

Time to bother someone else I guess.

I peaked down the stairs to see Eli sitting on the couch watching t.v.

"What do you want?" He asked me not to even turn around to notice me.

I swear he has 360 vision.

"Can i ask you to get something-"

He turned to me.

"Like right now?"

I nodded from up the stairs.

He sighs and gets up to go get his jacket. Overjoyed i quickly went to my room to get the money

All my problems are fixed and I think I have a decent understanding of what she wants for Christmas. It's a wild guess but it's gotta be what she wants..right?

I mean she did want it the minute she moved in so there won't be a better gift right?


Everyone was gathered downstairs, the fire bright and warm, the snow outside, the hot chocolate inside… It's perfect.

We all sat near the fire and sang songs and surprisingly mom came back home earlier than expected so it was really the whole family...

When it came to opening gifts everyone loved what they got from me, even mom.

Gabriel got a new dinosaur that's actually his, Eli got a switch and a copy of Pokemon violet, mom i got her a new phone one where she could put all of her new pictures on

And finally for MIku i got her a mirror one she could take with her anywhere.

Everyone loved the presents they gave each other and it's finally my turn.

And when i finally got to opening the present…. I saw… I saw..


Merry christmas one and all hope you got your gifts this year! this is my gift to you :)

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts
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