
Spreading Further

Across the world from Montreal, in a peaceful village of Argentina called San Antonio de Areco, a truck pulled up on the main road of the village, Alvear. The truck driver, a Latino youth, no older than sixteen years old, was looking for a store in specific, to which he had to deliver.

There was little traffic in this small town, and he was able to locate his destination quickly enough. The store was a gaming store, with many big, flashy banners on the sidewalk in front of it.

The banners, all written in Spanish, announced the coming soon of a batch of new-tech VR helmets, to play the new game that was in vogue across the globe; New Eden. There was a file of people waiting on the sidewalk, extending many blocks, of excited kids with their parents, waiting to go into the store.

The store still had its doors closed, regardless of the time of day, and was waiting on their delivery before opening, modifying its closing hours that day specifically for this.

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