
End Of The First Rounds

***Bellemare family residence, Westmount, Montreal***

"Honey, I've already told you this a million times! I don't have time to spend with her!"

"How can you even consider yourself her father?! You haven't spent a second with her since Tommy died!"

"Again, I don't have time! I fell behind so much on work, because of Tommy's funeral, the shareholders are hounding me! If I don't catch up, I'll lose the company!"

"Who cares about your stupid company?! Our daughter should be your priority!"

"She's young! She'll get over it with time! Time that I don't have! I have to go now!"


*soft sobbing*

"Mother?" A soft girl's voice called out.


"Oh, sweetheart… You heard us, didn't you?" Mrs. Bellemare asked her daughter, her eyes all puffy from crying.

"Yes, mother. Why is dad never home? Does he hate me?" Violette Bellemare asked.

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