
Chapter 7

B: She caught the bottle and quickly drank it down. She panted softly as he talked. As he spoke, she could see the pain in his eyes. All she wanted to do was comfort him and take the pain away. She reached out and touched his hand gently when he said that his mother had left him and his brother alone. She held on as he continued to talk. When he talked about the vampire and his grandfather, she squeezed his hand in fear and comforting manner. She let go of his hand when his story had fully finished and she looked at him face with understanding.

When he talked about rewatching the death of his grandfather, glimpses of her own twisted dream came back to her. When he said he had not failed a mission until now she looked away, knowing she was his mission. He was supposed to take her back to be punished, but instead he was helping her. When he took her hand in his she blushed and when he mentioned her being a fighter it clicked. "You….you did…that…to me?" She asked scared he would say yes, but fully knowing he had.

When he made her rise she blushed as he looked at her. She found herself lost in his eyes. It was as if for the first time in her life she did not need the Mundane world for the true things she wanted. She could have them in the Shadowhunters world. It would just be difficult. She could have love…and a family. As he talked, she just nodded slowly not really hearing his words. When his lips touched hers, she froze for a second but then recovered and kissed him back deeply. When they pulled away Jess was out of breath and her heart was pounding in her body. Her blood race hot and cold at the same time. She blushed brightly and looked into his eyes with her now bright green eyes. For once she was truly happy to be a shadowhunter. "I…umm...I should….uhhh….get dressed. Yes, I should get dressed so we can train." She stuttered.

I: Isaac didn't want to seem weak, so apologizing to his student was the last resort he would take, especially since he was dead wrong about her from the very beginning. Isaac brought her a little closer as the kind gesture of a kiss startled her. He didn't mean to catch her off guard...Or...maybe he did. He knew she would not have kissed him if he simply asked her to.

Isaac watched as the shock washed over her, and he giggled against her lips. Then like a wildfire, the girl deepened their kiss, and took it far beyond what he intended it to be. And...he loved it. His arms held her firmly around her waist, and for the brief tenderness of a second, he closed his eyes in bliss. She smelled wonderful, like a mix of him and herself. How quickly he fell for this broad it was amazing. One minute he was abusing her trust, and the next he was softly kissing her rosy pink lips that had worked their way into his dreams last night as he slept. Before he could stop himself, his hands went lower and felt the sides of her body, softly grazing their warm palms over to the hump below her midsection. His throat closed as he realized he was feeling her up like some sort of pervert. He growled somewhat to release her from the kiss, angry with himself for not letting go sooner. The kiss was fiery hot and passionate, and Isaac knew he had made a huge mistake when she reminded him about training.

"See you downstairs. Don't forget your...weapons." He didn't know what to say. He was caught like a mouse in a trap. Isaac was not only lonely, he was desperate. Isaac had been searching for a partner to hunt with for years, but no one could put up with his attitude or his beliefs and point of view on the world. Now he had a student who needed his help and had no choice but to remain with him. he had to play this right.

Isaac dressed quickly and went outside to his training area. He began to lunge and slash the dummies he had there, and as she joined him, he ushered her over. "Let's see your moves kid." he winked at her and began to fight the dummy, sliding and slashing at it moving faster with each step.

B: As Jess got dressed all she could think about was her kiss with Isaac. Her heart raced as she got dressed. She put on a black top with the shoulders cut out and some short shorts that were black but faded to be lighter. She had on her chucks and her hair up in a high ponytail. She grabbed a dagger and a sword, and she placed the sword in the back holster and the dagger on her hip. She walked down the stairs into the training room, and she looks around and finds Isaac.

She walked over to the him smiles. "Let's see your moves, kid." Isaac winked at her. She smiled and started to fight the dummy. She jabbed and kicked at the dummy. She took at the sword and chopped the head off the dummy. She then took out her dagger and sliced up the dummies front and then she turned to Isaac. "How was that, teacher." She giggled and winked at him. She then put her weapons away and looked back at him. "I want to use my runes again." She said softly and moved closer to him.

I: Isaac had to clap his hands. "Pretty good soldier. Pretty damn good." Isaac stepped closer to her as she advanced to him and he nodded in a small bow. "If you want to use your runes, then you need to be sure that you are ready not to go back to the Mundane world. Remember our deal Jess, if you are in this, you are in it for good."

He looked into her eyes and softly touched her arm. The moment he had kissed her flashed into his mind and a part of him wanted to embrace her, even if briefly, to feel her close to him again. He maintained control and smiled at her instead. "Alright, let's see those runes of yours. Hit me with your best shot, kid." He winked at her and stood back, and Isaac planted his feet.

"Do something to..."wow" me!" He said excitedly. Maybe she would use a rune he had not seen in action before. He had heard of a girl in the Shadow Hunting era they were in, who could literally pull runes that weren't written. If that were true, then there were runes that even in all his years Isaac had never witnessed.

B: She nodded. Her heart pounded as she looked at him and then took out her stele. It had been ages since she had used anything other than her defense. She draws a weird symbol on her hand and stuck it out. the area around her did not change but everything seemed to shimmer. She turned and looked at Isaac and smiled softly as the air grew wetter and things seemed to grow around them. "This wow enough?" She asked softly stepping closer.

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