
Chapter 8: Dealing with the Overpowered Problem Child

Aizawa wasn't sure what god he offended in order to get stuck with the overpowered problem child as the single student in this year's class that had enough potential to be a hero. It just wasn't fair.

The boy was quirkless, not that Aizawa had anything against them, but they were the people in most danger in this world. If even half of what Madara said was true, then any person in the world could theoretically use chakra. If one looks at it logically it was only a matter of time before someone like Madara came along and cracked open the floodgates to a whole new realm of undiscovered abilities. Furthermore, the sheer versatility of Chakra places it in a league of its own and its users in the same bracket of power as top pro heroes, maybe even surpassing it. Physical augmentations to the point that the punching power and durability of the user was enough to rival All Might and the best hardening quirk out there, perception augmentation to the level that a normal person would have no chance against a chakra wielder, maybe even requiring the likes of Sir Nighteye to beat it, and that is only with just basic chakra. If Madara managed to make his Eight Gates Formation technique work for him without killing him or inflicting self-harm, then that physical power would shoot up beyond what any other person bar another chakra wielder and maybe All Might could manage. And that's not even taking in consideration the problem of ninjtsu.

Being able to bend the elements to your will, nigh unparalleled three-dimensional mobility, insane burst speeds that make you appear as if you're teleporting, extremely powerful localized attacks and those are just the basics. Even a fraction of these abilities would make a hero powerful enough to take a spot in the top ten, having all of them on top of a genius mind that could devise ways in order to use them most effectively was a nightmarish combination.

For the villains that is.

Not for the first time, Aizawa thanked whatever god was out there for making one of Madara's goals to protect his naïve and self-preservation lacking hero worshiping brother. Now, Aizawa didn't really know if that was truly the case but given the fact that he was chosen to be All Might's apprentice by the man himself came with an almost certain guarantee that Izuku Midorya will be another problem child. Probably overpowered as well.

But for now, it was his older twin that Aizawa had to deal with. Aizawa yet again thanked whatever god there was that Madara seemed to not care about villains very much or at least was partial to the hero side and not the villain one.

"So who here thinks that we just dodged a bullet on this kid?" asked Snipe

Aizawa raised his hand along with every other teacher in the room

"Yes, we dodged a most dangerous bullet. If Madara were to switch sides and become a villain, it could be the end of hero society as we know it" said Nezu

"We can't allow that to happen. If he can teach others to use chakra, we might be facing a crisis not seen since the first-time quirks appeared in the world" said Vlad

"Indeed. We can be thankful that Madara knows of this danger of doing so and has promised to not share chakra with anyone" said Nezu

"Anyone but his brother you mean" said Aizawa

The other teachers looked at him blankly

"Do you honestly think that he will let his brother loose in the hero industry without trying everything in his power to make him more powerful?" asked Aizawa

"You have a point, Eraser, but the kid told us himself that his brother was unable to use chakra" said Vlad

"He probably meant that he was unable to use chakra on his own, after all, even if chakra is a borderline supernatural ability, the presence of the Eight Gates suggests that it's rooted in biology. It may just be possible that Madara never thought or found a way to unlock the chakra of a person from the outside since he trained with his power in utmost secrecy before the entrance exam" said Nezu

"You're probably right but we should still call All Might and tell him about what the kid told us when concerning chakra. After all, the man is training his brother" said Midnight

"Agreed, I'll call All Might at once. I'll say this again, we must keep hidden what was discussed here today. It would be quite disastrous if the villains or the Hero Commission were to find out about our student" said Nezu

The teachers nodded. The political aspect of hero life coming to the forefront of their minds.

"More importantly, what are we going to do with the overpowered problem child?" asked Aizawa

"Even if you don't add chakra to the mix, I can almost bet that he will blast through everything we have him study. This is the kid that regularly attends the nation's top science conferences for god's sake. Heck he came to UA just so he can say that he 'graduated' the best hero course in the country and gain a license to use his so-called quirk

"You're most correct" said Nezu "Still, we can't overlook this opportunity to see how a genius will flourish under the direct tutoring of multiple pro heroes"

Aizawa groaned. It was just typical of the principal to turn a problematic situation into an experiment.

Anyways there was a lot to get done in preparation for tomorrow's meeting with the problem child.

In another part of town, I was walking down the street towards Takoba beach. Even now, barely a month and a half into his training my brother has made visible progress. Though this is mostly because I took a personal interest in his fitness since he was 13. After all, a great mind must have a body to match. I have another three months until my summer break. I believe that my brother can finish cleaning this entire beach by January at the latest. That will give him another month and a half, depending on when he finishes it, before the exam.

I finally reach the parking lot and see All Might's car there. I look down to see my brother in the middle of dragging a very heavy piece of furniture across the sand and to the pile that I will most likely have to burry into the ground with my earth style. Looking at it I should probably do that now, before it becomes too big.

"Young Madara, what are you doing here?" asked the emaciated All Might from down where he was observing Izuku

"Oh, nothing. I just came to see how your training was going" I said

All Might accepted the answer with a nod

"So, should I do something to deal with that pile of trash?" |ask pointing at the mountain of trash my brother was currently building

"Can you?" asked All Might surprised

"In a way, yeah. I can sink it like I did the 10 pointers and crush it, or I can move it in to a container" I said

"Hm, I think I have some people I can call to arrange transport for the trash" said All Might

We fell into silence, but I could feel something tense about it

"I spoke with the principal of UA today" said All Might, finally breaking the silence

"Oh?" I asked somewhat surprised

"I never imagined that your power was something other than a quirk, or that it can be so versatile and powerful" said All Might looking somewhat paiMed "In a way I can say that I'm jealous of you.

You see, too was quirkless before gained One for All"

I was so surprised, that I couldn't speak. All Might was quirkless? That sort of explains the attitude he had when he originally met Izuku and the sense of kindship I felt between the two.

"You managed to unlock the hidden potential of every human being, and at such a young age" said

All Might

"I don't think that's the case" I said

This gained All Might's attention

"The only quirkless person I could study was my brother and he never managed to unlock his chakra. I never told anyone this, but to my eyes his eight gates shine brighter than other people. In fact, the greater the power of one's quirk the dimmer the eight gates are" I said

"You think that it's connected with why we haven't discovered chakra?" asked All Might

"In a way. I think that the quirk factor actively blocks a body from merging their yin and yang energies to form chakra and uses that energy to power itself. I think I can brute force this block, but don't want to try anything that might hurt the chances my brother has for success in this world. I'm afraid that your quirk will have to be enough, at least until I learn more about chakra" I said

"From the lecture you gave the teachers on your power I think you now it pretty well" said All Might

"Not really. I don't know how I know of Izanami and Izanagi beyond the fact that I woke up one day and I just knew. In the same way I just know that there's more to chakra than what I have discovered" I said

Explanation was mostly bullshit wrapped with a layer of truth. After all I couldn't just say that I'm a reborn 20 something year old genius man from a world with no superpowers that gets to live with a power he's only read about in manga when he was young.

I saw All Might shiver. I can guess what he's thinking about

"You're worried l'Il turn in another All For One" I say

All Might snaps his head to me so fast that worry for his neck

"How do you know that name?" asked All Might in a whisper

I looked him in the eye

"I theorized the possible existence of his quirk when I was seven and discovers elemental ninjutsu. It's one of the reasons I'm so secretive about my abilities. If it turned out that my chakra was a quirk, then how much more powerful do you think All For One could have become?" I ask

"Too powerful" whispered All Might

"I know that there's some connection between All of One and One for All. I hope you know what you're doing because I don't want my brother to have to inherit your war" I said

"He won't. I made sure of that" replied All Might with fire in his eyes

"Somehow, I'm not so sure. At any rate, if it does come down to a war between heroes and villains just so you know, I won't abide by society's no kill rule" I said coldly

"What?!" asked All Might surprised

"I'm sorry, All Might, but in war there is no place for mercy. That doesn't mean that I will kill every low life I encounter, but just know that I won't hold back my power just for the sake of not killing anyone" I said

I'm not a monster, but if a few happen to get incinerated by my great fireball or drowned by my water techniques, I won't bat an eye.

"Oh, I see. You had me worried for a moment there, young Madara" said All Might, looking strangely relieved "Do you believe we're headed for a war?"

Seriously? I just told him that I'm willing to kill villains which, while technically not against the law for a pro hero, it's usually avoided for the sake of their image and because you have to have a very good reason as to why you killed that person.

"I honestly don't know, but it never hurts to be ready, especially with the Symbol of Peace on his last legs" I said

"There is talk of pushing for an early graduation with your class" said All Might trying to change the subject.

I snorted "You mean with me. Is this the principal's attempt to test if it's better to have mentored students rather than full classes?" I asked

"Uh, maybe" said All Might, failing miserably to hide his nervousness

"Whatever, keep training Izuku. He has to get a handle of One of All before we send him the entrance exam" I said

I left the beach. I too needed to train and create some juts for water release and by the end of the school year it was a must to master all five elements and begin my work on Jinton, Dust Release. Having a technique that can disintegrate matter would be useful.

It's unfortunate, but this entire situation utterly destroyed my original plans for the future.

My Sharingan flashed as I looked back at All Might.

The power within him was dimming and I doubt that it will last another 4 to 5 years for there to be a peaceful transition of power between him and Izuku.


The things I do for the sake of peace. I really hate that I'll have to play this role, but l'll play it none the less.

I'll become the Pillar of Strength that the world needs until you're ready to take that role from me, Izuku.

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