

Selena's POV

"For heaven's sake, Selena, stop running!" Stan was yelling and I could feel the loud beating of my heart. I was panting, and tired from running; I don't want to stop, but my feet got tangled with something that made me stumble into the hard ground groaning.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" Stanley asked and was beside me in an instant, and I hate that he was able to catch up with me.

"Go away, Stanley, I hate you!" I shouted and he pulled me up from the ground and hugged me tightly while I was trying my best to keep my tears from falling.

I don't want to look weak in his eyes, and I want to believe I am strong and I will survive.

"I know, I was such a fool, I am sorry, Selena," he responded and he slowly release me from his hold.

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