

Amid the bandits at the back of their ranks, a man with his face masked behind a scarf furrowed his brows in bafflement as he said to the man beside him, "They have awakened ones and so many at that. Something isn't right."

"Boss, it's possible that these mercenaries have the awakened ones. We did expect some awakened ones in their midst." 

The so-called boss narrowed his eyes and said, "Send our awakened ones as well. Fire more arrows and break their defense. Do it quickly!" 

The man nodded and began shouting out orders all over the place and the bandits obeyed, hundreds and hundreds of them galloping their horses with weapons in hand raging and screaming as they launched an all-out frontal assault. 

On the battlefield, both sides were engaged in a chaotic battle from horseback. Swinging their swords and rapiers as well as jabbing and thrusting their spears at the enemies. 

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