
Ch 120 The End Of The Statue

I got out of the car and decided to just get through the events of the day, even though I didn't feel like it anymore. However, I knew that Wednesday was not quite alright, so I walked into Pilgrim town.

I looked around and saw that Eugene was getting bullied by three kids, and he had just thrown up all the chocolate fudge he had eaten.

On the other hand, Wednesday was nowhere to be found.

With a sigh escaping my lips, I walked over to Eugene.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I said as I got closer and saw one of the boys putting Eugene in a head and hand lock machine.

That caught their attention. The boy who was about to smack the wood shut looked at me for a second before a smirk appeared on his lips.

He used all his strength to push down the plank. Seeing this, I reacted quickly, arriving and stopping the wood plank from shutting.

A little bit of frustration appeared on his face from the little smirk he had. He pressed harder, and I felt his strength clash against mine. However, I pushed back, overpowering him and pushing the wood plank back. He stumbled backward.

He pointed towards me and angrily shouted, "What the hell is your problem, dude!"

Not really wanting to entertain him, I just quietly stared at his other two friends, wondering if they were going to do anything for a few seconds before they both raised their hands up slightly in surrender.

"Listen, we don't want any problems," one of the boys said. He was also the son of the city mayor. He looked towards the boy who had stumbled back with an apologetic face. "Sorry, man, I can't get into any more trouble with these freaks, or my dad will kill me."

The son of the city mayor said. Now, it would only be fair for me to get angry at what he called me, but right now, I couldn't care less.

I had bigger problems to think about.

The three boys who had gone quiet for a second decided to just walk away, and I let them go as I looked down at Eugene, whose face was covered in brown fudge with Luke stains on the white part of the Pilgrim dress.

I picked him up and got him standing. He looked up at me and said, "Thank you for helping me." I was actually kind of grossed out by how he was right now, so I didn't say much.

"It's fine, Eugene. I guess be more careful next time," I said as I started walking away.

"Wait, I really want to thank you," he said once again, so I looked back at him with a smile. "That's fine. You're welcome," I said as I started walking away again.

"Wait! Wait!" He said once again, causing me to get slightly annoyed as I turned back. "What is it?" I asked.

He seemed to have gotten startled by that and started stuttering slightly before he spoke again. "That was the first time anyone has helped me."

"Okay," I said, feeling as what he said was done, but he continued.

"You also know my name which no one usually cares about. So, I just want to really thank you," he said as I let out a slight sigh as I turned with a smile.

"Don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself," I said as I handed him a spare napkin I had in my pocket. "And clean yourself up," I said as I handed him my spare napkin.

He simply nodded with a happy smile and walked away. With a nod towards him, I also proceeded to walk away to the main museum of Crackstone.

I arrived smoothly and noticed that the lock had not been broken, so I knew Wednesday had definitely not been here.

I started walking around, wondering where she was when I eventually stumbled upon the fudge store. There, I saw Bianca giving me the stink eye, trying to ignore me.

I looked around and found Wednesday inside the store. She was holding a tray of fudge, speaking to a group of tourists who all had confused looks on their faces.

I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I already knew she wasn't speaking English. She seemed to be doing fine, entertaining herself.

With a smile, I quietly walked away and reached the entrance. I proceeded to exit the Pilgrim town and entered my car.

I started it up and drove away from Pilgrim Town, passing through the streets of Jericho town. I burnt past the restaurant where I caught a glimpse of Mrs. Thornhill talking to the City Mayor and Principal Weems.

I also saw the Crackstone statue and wondered what I should do with it. In the end, I decided to simply place an F-bomb beside it.

I drove a bit away from the restaurant until I was out of sight in a remote place. I quietly snuck up on the statue of Crackstone and attached the F-bomb to it. I ordered Jarvis to ward off Wednesday if she came to set fire to the statue and blow it up when the music is playing during the speech.

Meanwhile, at the dinner, Principal Weems and everyone else noticed a black car zipping past them.

The City Mayor and Mrs. Thornhill promptly got out of the car, but Principal Weems had her head in her hands with a tired look.

"Principal Weems, is anything the matter?" the Mayor asked, wondering if he had said something by accident.

But Principal Weems quickly recovered as she smiled. "There is nothing to worry about. I was just thinking about something," she said, and the Mayor visibly relaxed as he chuckled.

"If that's the case, then do tell me what's bothering you. I would be more than happy to help you sort it out."

"I appreciate the offer, but I am sure I can handle this," Principal Weems said.

James, on the other hand, had just finished planting the F-bomb and started driving away from Jericho Town.

Hey guys, So lots of good suggestions on the last notice, Appreciate it all, I will first finish this Fanfic before dipping my hands into other projects so dont worry :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts
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