
Ch 119 Sector 7.

I looked towards Wednesday, who had now stopped crying and cleaned away her tears as I spoke again. I had been sitting quietly comforting her for a while now, and she seemed to have gotten better.

"Wednesday, now that I know of this, I'm sure such a thing won't come into fruition," I said. Truth be told, right now, I could not even believe the words coming out of my mouth. After all, I know that Wednesday's visions don't lie.

"Update Complete," a voice came from the speakers, causing Wednesday and me to look at each other and then at the car screen. Wednesday was confused as the voice didn't sound like Jarvis; rather, it sounded robotic, and a loading screen appeared on the screen.

It showed a little bar loading up. Within a few seconds, the bar was full, and a ding was heard.

"Initializing, Omega Personality, Jarvis," the voice said as another bar appeared. This was a little extra I had added to the code when I was making the supercomputer, something that had been on my mind.

I had thought of the possibility of having the actual AI with all of its data and abilities, but what if it had multiple personalities? There was already Elo, but Elo was kind of like a woodwork AI. Now, Elo would also be similar to Jarvis in its speech and thinking capabilities.

The important thing here was that I could now systematically add more personalities, and if any personality below Omega tries to go rogue, they will swiftly be taken care of, so I can possibly even make Ultron.

On the screen, the loading bar that had fully loaded up compressed and split itself into two white balls that got pushed away and shot back towards the center. It hit itself and exploded as Jarvis's familiar butler voice rang out.

"Good afternoon, sir and Ms. Wednesday. I hope I am not disturbing anything," Jarvis said as it analyzed the fact that we both, who were young teenagers, were shut inside a car whose windows were too chromed out, making it impossible for anyone on the outside to look inside.

I looked at Wednesday and saw a slight blush appear on her face as she spoke. "Jarvis, don't speak such nonsense. We were simply talking," she said as she unlocked the door and left.

I lay back on the seat feeling exhausted. I felt that today would be a day I could just relax and enjoy, but it's funny how wrong I was.

"Sir, since my processing power has increased, I have now discovered a secret government organization. It goes by the name of Sector 7," Jarvis said as I listened quietly. That name seemed to ring a bell in my head, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Jarvis, break into the database of this organization and discover what they are and their secrets. Do not interfere with their activities," I said. I didn't want to raise any alarms with Sector 7 as it was clearly a much more powerful organization under the government to be able to hide from Jarvis before. Well, it couldn't hide anymore.

I kept feeling like I knew what or who Sector 7 was, but again, I failed to put a finger on it.

"Sir, the defenses of Sector 7 are tough. It may take me a while to break into it, so I recommend you go and enjoy the event held by Nevermore today, sir."

"Enjoy?" I said as I laughed a little and shut my eyes. "Right now, I just want some rest," I said as I leaned and decided to take a quick nap. "Jarvis, wake me up when you crack in," I said before I took a short nap.

It was a peaceful nap, and I was enjoying the serenity in my mind when I heard muffled beeps that grew louder and louder. My eyes flew open, and I felt slightly annoyed, but I soon brushed it off by rubbing my eyes.

"Hello, sir. It's been half an hour since you took your nap, and I'd like to inform you that I have successfully hacked into the Sector 7 database."

Sector 7 is an agency responsible for investigating extraterrestrial activity on Earth, and it has a long history of dealing with Non-Biological Extraterrestrials or "N.B.E.s," which are Alien Robot-like beings.

"There are two current records: 'Megas' and 'Classified.' They are giant robotic beings, and one of them is currently being held, dubbed as N.B.E. 01. It's a mega, according to them, and has been frozen on Earth for hundreds of years," Jarvis said, finally stopping. I was left sitting as the pieces fell into place in my mind. The giant robots that I battled might have been the Transformers, I realized.

As I came to this understanding, I also realized that the purple glowing eyes that Wednesday mentioned couldn't be Transformer eyes, as there was never a purple-eyed Transformer in the first movie. I assumed that the first movie was the one they were referring to since people other than Sector 7 didn't know about the Transformers and the ensuing battle in none other than the financial district of LA, California. Luckily, that was far from the suburbs where my family lived, so they were safe.

"Jarvis, search for a person named Sam Witwicky and also keep an eye out for a user going by 'ladiesman217' on eBay. Let me know immediately when the user posts anything related to old glasses."

I didn't really have a plan in mind at that moment, so I was just making it up as I went. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to intervene anymore, now that I knew what Wednesday had seen. What I did know was that I needed stronger suit armor. I opened up the system, and my eyes landed on the embarrassing number of Spoints I had.

At that moment, I remembered that I had spent the Spoints to get some clues about the Fourth Totenkbrau.

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