
Preparing to Travel

Dee and I were paying attention to Sabina explaining what she pulled out and why. She had a total of five books ranging in sizes. Add my mothers journal, and two others from her sanctuary, and we had eight books, a compact, and a few other little trinkets from the secret room. Just as we were finishing up, James walked in with a small chest. We turned our attention to him, and he stopped in the doorway.

He was a bit hesitant at first, but he started to ramble, "Hey, so I got this box and I was carrying it back, but then there were servants near the entrance you showed me, so I walked by them and went around the corner to wait, and then some others saw me so I had to move yet again. How is it so easy for you guys to get in here? Anyways, I decided I would just do a lap holding this chest, but then I ran into someone-"

"Oh my, would you just spit it out James? What's wrong? Why are you just standing there?" Sabina cut him off.

"Oh, yeah, that's because the person I ran into insisted on walking with me when I told him this box was for you, your Highness," he said, and our eyes grew wide.

"And who might that be, James?" I asked him nicely without showing the fear I was desperately holding back.

"That who would be your husband-to-be, my little amethyst," Stetson answered as he stepped around James. "Don't blame the poor man, I already figured you all were here, I just needed him to show me the entrance. I was actually quite close, wasn't I James?"

James nodded curtly in response. The pair of men walked on over, and Stetson took a look at each of the books we had pulled aside for our trip to Vules.

"Ah yes, these will do. You can study them in the carriage." He put them in the box, and then started to look over some of the trinkets. "Oh, what's this?"

"It's a calling compact! Apparently the user can call someone by showing themselves on the nearest mirrored surface of the person they are calling. It also holds the lady's make-up," Dee answered excitedly.

"Interesting, and this," he moved on to the small picture frame, "is a picture of our dear princess with her father. How adorable." He smiled at me, and when our eyes met, I could see the flecks of crimson trying to escape his disguise.

After a brief moment someone forced a cough, and he broke our gaze.

"I'm not sure what the other items are, but I will have my head meister take a look at them to try and help you see what they are capable of. This one though-," he started, "this one I think is used to help turn humans into witches. But I'm not sure. I've never seen one in person, only read about its likeness in a book. It's said that the violet witch must cut her mark, with this sharp knife-like end, and then drip some blood from her hand into this small, curved bowl-like part on the other end here," he said, pointing to the opposite end. "See, on the bottom part of the bowl there's a sigil. I believe it's for the transfer of magic from the violet witch to the potential witch. The sigil absorbs the power from the violet witch's blood making the sigil glow. Then you take the knife part again and slice the potential witch's palm and you place the glowing sigil on the open wound. Then the violet witch must put five drops of blood on the potential witch's tongue. No more, no less. It represents the four elements plus the spirit."

"Woah," said Dee in wonder. "That sounds really intense."

Yeah, and that explains the term blood absorption," added Sabina.

"Yes, and it's the only way the violet witch can create more witches other than having daughters." He turned to me with a very serious expression. "Wrap this up so it will not cut you. Then hide it well, you cannot lose this. If you want to create more of your kind, you must keep it safe princess. Do not keep it on your person, but keep it close by. Gods forbid, if the elves and fae were to discover you and successfully capture you, then they would have this too. Or even anyone else looking for power."

"Wow, so no pressure, huh?" I said trying to make light of the information. I turned to James, "Since you will already be protecting me and my belongings, would you mind keeping this on your person? Somewhere out of sight. Like inside your boot, or strapped to your chest under your shirt and armor."

"Yes, your Highness. It is my honor," James replied.

Thank you, just make sure it's somewhere it can't stab or slice you," I reminded him, while Stetson handed it to him. He pulled a cloth out of the chest and snugly wrapped it. "Hey, good thinking on the fabric to wrap the trinkets," I praised him, and he smiled at me.

We finished packing everything up, and headed out of the library. After fully exiting the tunnel, some servants came around the corner. They smiled and bowed to us, and one of them greeted me.

"Your Highness, I do believe your father is looking for you."

"Thank you, I will go to him now," I replied, and the servants left. I turned to the group. "Stetson, would you mind looking after the chest? James, I would like you to come with me. And Dee, you better go pack your things if you want to come with us to Vules. Bina, I'm not sure if I will see you anymore today. Will you see us off in the morning?" I asked.

They all nodded and Sabina answered, "Yes, of course, and I am going to go help Dee to spend just a little more time with her."

"Ok, see you all tomorrow morning then. Come on, James"

I had a feeling my father wanted to talk to me about the trip. About how unsafe it was and to possibly try to talk me out of it over some dinner.

I entered his study, and he looked up at me from his desk. His eyes darted to James, and then back to me.

"Did you really feel as if you needed your guard to come and see your old man, by little gem?" he asked.

"Of course not father, I'm just getting used to him accompanying me everywhere I go since that will be the case when I leave the kingdom in the morning," I responded innocently.

"Very well then." he said, "JACK!"

"Yes, your Majesty?" my father's right hand said upon entering from the other room.

"Tell the servants to add a plate to the dinner table, it seems we will be having an extra guest this evening. No sense in him standing and starving while the rest of us eat."

"Right away, sire."

"Oh, and Mr. Carter," I said stopping him, and he turned to me. "Has Dee mentioned anything to you about traveling with me to Vules? She will be well protected, and I could really use a feminine friend while traveling."

"She has not, and though I am not keen on the idea, I cannot refuse your wishes, Princess. It does bring some comfort, however, knowing she will be protected."

"I do not wish for you to agree simply because I am the princess, Mr. Carter. I want you to thoroughly think about it. Her and Sabina are packing their things now just in case. Please, let me know by the end of dinner."

"Yes, your Highness, I understand and I will," he said, and left to do as my father asked.

"Now then," my father began, "shall we make our way to the dining hall? Your fiance told me he couldn't join us, because he has to delegate the meeting at the border, so he must prepare now."

"Ah yes, he did tell me he had to miss dinner," I lied knowing he could've made it to dinner and still had time to prepare. He just didn't want to risk being interrogated by my father again. He probably also didn't want to get caught not eating anything other than the bloody meat and drinking only from his flask. As much as I would have loved to have him by my side, I can't blame him for trying to keep his secret. If I were him, I would be doing the same. Plus, I will get to see him plenty starting tomorrow. And not his disguise either, his true self. There's just something about him that makes me want to go find him and never leave his side. Maybe it's the bond we share.

"Estelle? Hello?" I heard my father's raised voice.

"Huh? Yes, father? Sorry, I was just thinking about if I had everything I needed for the trip." I fibbed.

"Uh huh, sure. Something tells me you were actually thinking about your newly betrothed. But anyways, I asked if we should make our way to the dining hall."

"Yes, of course father," I answered, and we made our way down. The rest of the evening went without any commotion, and Mr. Carter agreed to let Dee be my travel companion. I made my way to my room and laid in bed. A dreamless sleep soon overcame me.

Hello all!

Sorry for the delayed update! Our beloved family cat crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday, so I did not have any time to write. I hope you liked the chapter!

Enjoy reading!

RoxxyPrincecreators' thoughts
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