
The Truth

He kissed me! I can't believe he actually kissed me. Not only that, but he did it in front of everyone! I have no idea what it is like outside of the kingdom, but in Criba, such an act is taboo. In fact the last part of our dance was a bit illicit. Oh, but I never felt so much passion. In all the books I've read, all of the things I've learned about, or hobbies I did, nothing has made me feel what I just felt dancing and being kissed by Stetson. And I literally just found out this morning I was a witch. But both of those feelings were separate. Finding out I was a witch was and still is exciting and electrifying, but it's also terrifying. Being with Stetson is warm and adventurous.

Stetson stood me back up from the dip, and the crowd was silent. Unsure of what they just witnessed. Unsure whether they should clap and cheer or not. As they were still trying to figure out what to do, Stetson escorted me to my throne next to my father. We bowed to him, and I sat.

"That was quite the show you two just put on. Where did you learn that dance, Mr. Scott?" my father asked him.

"I learned it while traveling for business in Vules, your Majesty. I was told it was an ancient courting dance. I figured it would be appropriate given the circumstances of our engagement," I said while eying my beloved. I hope he believed my lie. Things were going so well, and if I were to be discovered now, I would be killed on the spot.

"Yes, it's the courting dance of the vampires," he added. He was testing me, and I had to think fast.

"You are correct, your majesty. Do you know it?" I questioned, trying to deflect the conversion from myself and onto him.

"Yes, I witnessed it many times here in this very ballroom when my queen was still alive."

"May she rest in peace," the princess and I said in unison.

"Was it ever successful, father?" Estelle joined the conversation.

"Less often than you would think. Vampires would still marry the woman they courted whether they were their true beloved or not, which led to the chances of others finding their true beloved to be slim," he answered her. "And what was the result of your dance?" he eyed me suspiciously. "Did you share the sparks of true beloveds?"

"Respectfully, how should I know your Majesty? I am a human. The sparks are only shared if at least one of them is a supernatural being, correct?" I lied. Estelle's eyes were full of confusion, but she caught on, and suddenly made a face of disappointment.

"Well that's not fair, how should humans know if they found their soulmate, father? I didn't feel any sparks, but I wish I could. It sounds so dreamy," she complained while pouting at her father. Her acting was superb.

"It's ok, my darling. It's very rare to find your true beloved anymore. I'm sure Mr. Stetson here will treat you as if you were his," he said sternly while glaring at me.

"I will, your highness, I promise," I said indifferently to her father, gazing into her eyes. They were a sea of gold. A room full of treasure could never compare to the beauty her eyes held. "You will be my one and only beloved, for the rest of eternity."

"Don't forget your promise to me too, Mr. Scott."

"Don't worry, your Majesty. I won't," I responded, never breaking eye contact with Estelle."Would you like something to drink, my darling?"

"Yes, please. I am very parched from our dance. Just some water will be fine."

"Water? That's all? It's your birthday, don't you wish for something a little more…celebratory?"

She giggled, "No, water is okay. I can drink any of that whenever. Besides, that stuff would mess with my senses too much, and I don't want to make a fool of myself."

"As you wish, my dear amethyst." I turned to leave and find a servant to ask for a cup of water.

It didn't take long, and I was back with my beloved in no time. I noticed James standing off to the side. I nodded, and he respectfully nodded back. He was already taking his position very seriously. I begin to wonder if he will insist on traveling with us, when I take the princess out of the kingdom. Who am I kidding, of course he will. He will be a challenge. Unless…

I step aside next to the man himself. "Excuse me, James, or should I call you Sir Canter?" I said with a smile. He only nodded. "Anyways, when you swore your allegiance to the future queen, did that include her secrets as well? Even if they may go against laws or societal norms?"

"Yes, Mr. Scott. It did. If the princess is imprisoned, then either so am I or I am finding a way to free her. Her life and well being are my number one priority."

"Good. That is what I wanted to hear, Sir Canter. I am glad my future bride will always have you keep her safe if I am unable to do so," I said to cover my true intentions with this conversation. I'm sure it won't be long before he finds out both of our true natures.

After a few more tame dances with Estelle, I bid her goodnight. It was time for everyone to make their way to their rooms. I was given a smaller room since the others were already taken by guests that stayed here this past week, and I only arrived a few hours ago. It was fine. I wasn't expecting anything lavish, anyways. I laid down and rested until the morning.

I couldn't wait to see her again. All I could imagine was her sweet innocent face. I could feel the raw magical power she held every time I touched her bare skin. I thought about what I would tell her tomorrow. About who I really am. Will she still want me? Even when I take this disguise off? I hope so. I can only pray to the gods that she will.


-Estelle POV-

The night had flown by. I couldn't believe how much fun I had. I couldn't wait to see Sabina and Dee tomorrow and see how theirs went. Last I saw, Sabina was dancing with Mr. Arbour, and Dee had been off eating some tarts avoiding being asked to dance.

I couldn't wait to tell them all about Stetson. Just thinking about him made my heart begin to race and my stomach perform somersaults. I couldn't wait to see him in the morning.

Just then, I realized he had yet to tell me what he was hiding. I hope it isn't anything too bad. I'm sure whatever it is, it can't be worse than me being a witch and the future queen of a kingdom that bans magic and supernatural beings. In fact, I bet he is a supernatural being. But what kind though? He couldn't be a werewolf, he's too thin. He's too tall to be a fae or dwarf. That would leave an orc, vampire, or elf, and he's obviously not an orc. So he's either a vampire or an elf. Either can disguise themselves. But can elves hide their ears? Stetson's ears looked normal. And then there was the courting dance. What kind of supernatural beings did it belong to? Ugh, I wish I had paid more attention, but noooo, I just had to ogle at him. Either way, he has to be one of them. Why else would he lie to my father about not feeling the sparks? There's no way he knows that I'm a witch. No one has seen my hands, and no one else but Bina and Dee saw my glowing hands. Except…no, he can't be that mysterious figure in the window. There's no way a man like him could climb like that. Unless he's a vampire…

The next morning I awoke and began to pace my room. He promised he would be here around this time. Where is he? What is taking him so long? I could barely sleep last night. I just know his secret is that he's a vampire. He has to be. It would explain everything. His eyes, the courting dance, how fast he retrieved his horse. And if he was a vampire, he had to be the figure I saw in through the library windows. If not, I have to tell him about it. Him and James. So they can keep an eye out, and watch my back when I cannot.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, startling me.

"Come in!" I shouted as I turned towards the door. As it opened I could see it was him. My beloved. I ran towards him as he closed the door and turned to face me. He caught me in his arms and wrapped me in a tight hug.

"I see that someone missed me," he said with a cheeky grin.

"That, I did," I claimed with a smile to rival his.

"And I also believe I promised you some answers."

"Yes, and I think I have already answered them myself," I claimed matter-of-factly.

"Oh, is that so? Then do tell me princess. What am I hiding?" he asked with a huge grin as if I couldn't possibly know.

"You're a vampire."

Hello all!

The truth is out! What do you think?

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