
They say you should just let sleeping Malfoys lie. But what if they're under oath? Pt.5

8th June 1993. Malfoy Manor.

Lucius was delighted; he had seen Narcissa's reaction when she saw Ares and couldn't wait for what he hoped was to come.

"Lord Peverell, the pleasure is ours; allow me to introduce my son Draco properly," Narcissa said politely, pushing Draco forward after a curtsy.

"Lord Peverell, it is an honour to meet you," Draco said with a bow.

Ares would have been lying if he said he didn't enjoy watching Narcissa and Draco bow and curtsy to him.

Deciding to try out the necklace, he whispered 'Legilimency' and went into Narcissa's mind.

'Who is this man?' 'Why does he make me afraid?' 'Why has he turned up now?' 'What did Lucius promise him in return for helping him?'

Several excellent questions, although Ares only planned on answering some of them.

"Draco, I hope you don't mind me calling you that. I think you and my son will get on rather well. He is your age and will be entering Hogwarts next year; up until now, he has been attending Durmstrang." So Ares told the Malfoy scion.

"Of course, my lord! It would be a pleasure to have another pure blood at Hogwarts. Especially one of such distinction, sadly the school is now full of mudbloods!" Draco said excitedly.

"Draco!" Narcissa said sternly; they didn't know Lord Peverell's views on blood, and it was best not to agitate him.

"It is fine, Lady Malfoy; I like it when people are not afraid to speak their minds. Once again, I am sure you and my son will get along swimmingly." So Ares said before once more invading Narcissa's mind.


The same questions occupied her, but this time she was now considering the possibilities of an alliance between the two houses and possibly gaining his protection.

Draco was pleased, a new friend with the same pedigree as him! And they shared the same views.

"Draco, why don't you find something to do while we talk in your father's study?" Narcissa suggested (ordered).

Draco nodded and left the room with a final bow towards Ares.

"Follow me, my Lord," Lucius said, leading the way with Narcissa and Ares trailing behind. As they arrived, Lucius held the door open as they walked through.

Once they had sat down, Narcissa spoke,

"My lord, may I ask what my husband promised you for your help?"

Ares mulled this over; he could effectively answer however he wanted, but the Dark Lord thought he would have a little fun.

"Why, of course, my dear lady Malfoy, if we are so forward, he promised me one thing. You." Ares replied with a smile.


Was the only thought on her mind as she realised the implications of this. Lucius, however, had a smile so large his face looked like it was about to split in half after seeing the expression on her face.

"So I am to become your wife and bear your children. Very well."

Narcissa said, regaining her composure; this would be better than living with Lucius as Lord Peverell was handsome.

"Oh no, I have no time for a woman like you. Perhaps you will make an interesting maid if I have the house elves train you well enough." Ares said with an evil smirk.

Narcissa nearly fainted. There was something deeply surreal about this whole experience that was making her faint-headed. In her desperation, she searched around for words that could save her.

"No!" She cried.

Lucius couldn't help himself and started laughing.

"Master, I truly thank you for this experience," Lucius said with tears of laughter and happiness in his eyes.

"Master!?" Narcissa said, amazed.

"Oh yes, Lucius was quite desperate to get out from under the thumb of the House of Black. I don't care what Lucius does so long as he is loyal." Ares said, explaining the situation briefly to Narcissa. The less-than-honest way he had hoodwinked Lucius was unimportant.

Narcissa now understood why Ares had been using her husband's first name, and all he had done was respond with 'my Lord'.

While Narcissa pondered this, Ares summoned Dobby and asked for his ceremonial dagger.

When Narcissa turned around, she saw something that nearly stopped her heart there and then. Lucius was smugly staring at her while Ares had a dagger in one hand and motioned for her to come closer.

"Narcissa, I'm sure you are aware there is no escape. So don't bother trying to run. I have control of the manor wards, just come over here and accept your fate." Ares told her sternly.

Narcissa was still considering running when suddenly, her body started moving.

Ares was controlling her mind now; all subtlety went as he made her walk over and kneel before him.

"Now, to ensure no further interruptions, we will be performing the ritual of the second bond of servitude; I don't want you to lose your mind too quickly," Ares said.

Narcissa tried to speak but couldn't, as if she had a silencing charm.

"I, Ares, Lord Of Houses Peverell and Slytherin, do now claim Narcissa Malfoy as my property and my slave per the second bond of servitude, So mote it be." Ares chanted, cutting his hand and forcing Narcissa to drink.

In her last moments of independence, all Narcissa could think about was how Ares could be lord of Slytherin.

With a flash of magic, Narcissa's eyes seemed to glaze over. There was an admirable internal struggle against the sheer force of magic before Narcissa, in a stroke of absolute clarity, whispered something.

"Please, I apologise for my past actions. But, I'm begging you, let me be your lover, not your house elf. I will dedicate myself in a way no slave bond could ever make me. I am ready to serve you." Narcissa gasped, struggling with every word as they grew breathier with every second.

It was an odd feeling, but Ares couldn't help but respect her a little after seeing the sheer strength of will her pride gave her. The idea of being a house elf was that unappealing. He couldn't help but nod, thinking enemies to lovers was an amusing stereotype to find himself embracing.

Relief washed over Narcissa's body as she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. His simple agreement had been all the reassurance she could ensure before the magic backlash sent her into a short coma.

His new property sprawled across the floor; Ares took a seat behind his servant's desk and motioned for Lucius to sit opposite him.

Realising now was his chance to ask questions, they all came out in a tide of words, "My Lord, how are you the Patriarch of Slytherin?" He wondered now, very curious.

"Well, my dear servant, I was formerly a blood heir of the Black family before I gave up that right for the Slytherin Lordship as I fitted all the requirements. The Blacks are descended from Salazar through an auxiliary line." Ares explained.

Lucius was amazed and also confused about how this man could be the blood heir to the Blacks. It was a well-known fact that Sirius Black was the sole heir to the House of Black, other than Draco.

"Don't trouble yourself, Lucius; be happy for your master. Your former master he-who-suffers-from-eighth-grader-syndrome had less chance of inheriting Slytherin's legacy than Draco does of the Black Family." Ares reassured Lucius.

Less than half an hour later, the former Lady Malfoy regained consciousness on her ex-husband's study floor.

There was something unique about her transformation that Lucius had lacked.

Her thoughts were coherent, almost as if they were entirely her own.

In a feat that would have shocked Soul Mages throughout the centuries, Narcissa Black forced her state of mind to change to cooperate with the oath she had sworn.

By choosing exactly how she embraced what her duty entailed, she prevented much of the invasiveness that had made Lucius such a loyal dog.

Instead, she had placed Ares on a pedestal within her mind. An obsessive infatuation that left her mind intact except for a newfound devotion towards the man who rapidly turned her life on its head.

In her mind, Narcissa saw herself as "Lord Peverell-Slytherin's lover" first and foremost and "Narcissa" second.

Lucius was so corrupted by now that he could only see himself as a "servant".


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