
Chapter 6: Blood Freely Given


Alec finds me later that day, rapping on my window as I crunch some numbers for the florist shop, having ultimately made my decision despite Bri’s earlier attempt to bully me into going. I walk over to the window and pull it open, the screen long gone from intense seasonal storms.

“How did you find me?” I ask, wheeling my computer chair over and sitting.

Alec simply taps his nose, and I lift an unimpressed eyebrow.

“In most states, that’s considered stalking.”

“Call the cops then,” He says offhand like he’s above human law and customs, it only frustrates me more. I shake my head, resigned, and move to close the window, but his hand is holding it open, a sheepish expression on his face.

“That’s not how this was supposed to go. Can I try again?” His grin is charming, and I get a flash of the night we spent together; how he made me feel, how good it was, how right it felt in that moment. I suppose he deserves a chance to talk, especially now that Bri isn’t there to steal the spotlight.

“Fine, but you stay out there. I’m not changing the wards on the window to let you in.”

“Fair enough,” he quips, leaning against the window, setting the barrier off into an oily, rainbow shimmer until it finally settles, “I came to offer something in return for traveling with me. Something to sweeten the deal.”

“Alec, I know my sister made it sound like I’m going, but I’m needed here, there’s no way I can drop everything for six months. I have wards to maintain, hives to look after; my sister and I are the only ones who maintain the magic in this town, without me here it falls on her, and I can’t do that. We’re protectors. Does that make sense?”

I feel like any adult with a sense of responsibility would look at this situation and side with me. But Alec isn’t responsible, and the grin he gives me reminds me of that.

“That’s why I came to offer something in exchange. Think of it as a business transaction if it makes you feel less guilty about leaving.” Alec seems to think that what he has to offer will sway my decision, but I’m still unsure. He’s a nomad, no land, money, or power. What could he possibly have to offer?

“Alright, Alec. Surprise me. What kind of business transaction are we talking about here? Because the way I see it, I’m holding all of the chips in this gambling match.”

“Blood freely given.”

“Excuse me?” I stumble, turning to face him fully where before I was only giving him a sidelong glance from my chair.

“Exactly as I said, Leena. My blood, freely given. I know what it’s worth. Being a shifter, and an Alpha on top of it, it’s almost priceless.”

And damn him, he’s right. Blood magic is the most dangerous, powerful magic in existence aside from dark magic. It can be used for anything; protection, hexes, even manipulative magic. In the wrong hands, it can ruin someone’s life, and Alec seems to know this. Trusts me enough after having just met me that he’d hand over his blood willingly. How can he be that trusting? Or is he just that careless?

“Let me make sure I understand this,” I say, trying to process, “I go with you on this trip for six months, and when we return, blood is my payment?”

Alec shakes his head, “No, Leena, the payment is upfront. Think of it as insurance. You can use it to make sure everything is secure here before we leave. You get some now, and some when we return.”

I think of everything I can do with just one vial of shifter blood. All the wards I wouldn’t need to touch for years, all of the protection spells that would maintain themselves, all of the magic I’ve wanted to try for years but haven’t had the means to. It’s worth two years of travel, not six months. It’s a more than generous offer, and I think that was Alec’s intention. Smart wolf.

“Alright, Alec. You have yourself a deal.”

Alec’s face splits with a huge smile, all white teeth and crow's feet, before he’s taking a leap into the air, so youthful that I almost forget that he’s probably many, many years older than me.

“Yes! Leena, you’ve made me the happiest man alive!” He settles for a moment, hands on his knees as he leans over and takes a steadying breath before righting himself, running a hand over his hair, mellowing out, “So when do you wanna do the whole…” He makes a poking motion in the direction of his arm.

“Don’t be barbaric, I’m a witch, Alec. Stay here.”

I get up and walk over to my Tudor desk, waving my hand over the sigil and the mechanisms unlock, allowing me to grab two vials from inside. I’m out the door and standing in front of Alec in a heartbeat, my hands shaking with excitement.

“You shouldn’t feel a thing, just stay still.”

My eyes glow a honeyed gold as my magic activates, Alec’s eyes widening for a moment with surprise before settling. I hold up the vials, snap my fingers, and they’re suddenly filled, warm to the touch and deep red.

“Blood freely given?” Alec asks, a smirk playing on his lips, I nod, “Blood freely given.”


Blood freely given.

I think of Alec's earlier words, throwing socks and shirts in my only bag haphazardly, trying to get my last-minute things together for the six-month trip. What do you even bring camping, and for such a long time?

“Careful, Leena, you might accidentally cast a hex with that amount of concentration.”

Bri rounds the corner into my room, her grin knowing and far too smug for my liking.

“Hopefully, I do,” I gripe, “On you. Since you’re the one who got me into this mess.”

“Oh, don’t give me that shit, Leena. I can feel the magic radiating from your pocket. He made a deal with you, didn’t he?”

I tug the two vials of blood out of my sundress, holding them out so Bri can see them.

“Holy fuck, Leena. Are you serious?”

Pocketing one, I turn to Bri, the other outstretched to her. “Blood freely given.”

Bri sighs an amused sound, pulling the vial from my hand and holding it up to the light, her eyes narrowing with thought. “He’s either desperate or stupid to give a witch shifter blood.”

I turn on her, a few items falling off the bed as I do, feeling protective of Alec in a way I can’t explain. Bri just looks at me like she won a bet, a grin that rivals Alec’s creeping onto her soft features.

Bri lifts her brows, challenging me to say something, to jump to Alec’s defense and prove her right. But I won’t give her that satisfaction, sitting down on the bed and dropping my head into my hands, conflicted.

“I knew that I could use the blood to maintain the wards and protection sigils for years, if not indefinitely. It would take so much stress off us both, give us so much more time…I couldn’t pass it up.”

Bri nods, understanding, and sits down next to me, a hand around my waist pulling me in close.

“It was a smart idea, Leena. You’re known for good ideas, rational and practical. If not a little set in your ways…” Bri barbs, squeezing me, but I don’t react, lost in thought.

“How are you ok with this, Bri?” My voice is quiet, weak where it’s normally firm and decisive, “This is essentially a stranger that you’re having me backpack across the coast with on only his word that I’m his mate and a blood exchange. Is that not even a little suspicious to you?”

Bri sighs, running her hand through my hair where she can reach it, tugging at knots until they untangle.

“Honestly, Leena? I’m a little nervous. I mean, who wouldn’t be? You’re all I have left to call family. But at the same time, that’s the reason I really want you to go. I want you to be happy, and I think getting out of your comfort zone will make you happier in the long run, even if you don’t stay with Alec after everything.”

I sigh, a mimic of Bri’s a moment ago, “I guess. I just wish that there was a way to be here and there at the same time. But even magic can’t accomplish that, unfortunately.”

Bri’s hand pulls away from my hair and falls to my shoulder, my eyes open and flick to her.

“It’ll work out. And if you really hate traveling and hate Alec, you can always come home. It’s not like you’ll be so far that I can’t drive and come get you in an emergency,” Bri pauses, tugging at my shoulder until I sit up, pulling me into a hug, “But as your older sister and as a fellow magic user, I really do think there is something there, mate bond or not. Give him a chance…but no more than three chances. Baseball rules.”

I snort a laugh, giving her a shove and we end up tussling until we’re on the floor, devolving into giggles until we’re silent.

“I—” It feels hard to admit, “I do like him, Bri. We have some real physical chemistry. But after all this, I don’t know if I can let him close like he wants to be. And I feel like giving him only some of me is cheating him out of something.”

“He’d be lucky to have any of you, Leena. Anyone would be.”

My heart twists in my chest, our familial magic tying us together in a familiar way that’s comforting, a way that feels protective. And everything feels a little better, knowing that Bri will be here waiting when I return, Alec or no Alec, at the end of the journey.

“Alright, you’ve convinced me. I’m going to travel the coast with a strange wolf and hopefully won't come back knocked up.”

Bri splutters, lashing a leg out to kick me as I laugh and jump up from the floor.

“Don’t you even fucking think about it, Leena! I’m too young to be an auntie!”

Bri chases me out to the hives, only letting me return to continue packing after she’s slipped loose condoms in every jacket, pair of pants, and bag that I’m bringing with me.



Leena looks the opposite of happy to see me as she makes her way up the boardwalk, which isn’t surprising, but still a little disappointing after everything I’ve offered.

“Leena,” I greet, putting on some charm to try and diffuse the tension, “Ravishing, as usual.”

I put a hand out, hoping she’ll take it, but it’s snubbed as she comes to my side and looks at me with determined eyes.

“Let me make this as clear as I can,” she says, and I already hate where this is going, “I’m here because my sister won’t let me back in the house, and because we made a deal. Nothing more, nothing less.” I can hear the lie in her heartbeat.

“That can’t be all, Leena.” I come to her side, giving her a small nudge with my hip, and a hint of a smile creeps on her lips, breaking the facade. “You must be a little excited to get out of town, see new things?”

“Alright, fine. I might be just a little excited, now that I know the town will survive without me.”

With that, she takes a few steps onto the beach and to the water, staying on packed, damp sand to make walking easier.

“Where are we heading?”

Right, to business then.

I blow out a breath, wanting to say so much, but biting my tongue, “We’re going to stick to the beach for a while, until we hit the end of it and need to travel inland.”

Leena lifts her brows, expression flat and expectant like she’s waiting for more. When I don’t give her anything but a smirk she rolls her eyes, “And? What’s our destination?”

“What destination?” I grin, flashing her a smile that’s probably a little too feral, and start walking.

“What do you mean ‘what destination’, Alec?” Her words are sarcastic and biting, and my wolf snaps at me, wanting to bring her in close and feel the energy and magic coming from her. The wolf wants to sink its teeth into her in a claiming bite. It’s a lot to process, so I keep walking. She eventually saddles up next to me with a frown on her beautiful face.

“Alec, what do you mean? We have to have a destination, otherwise, we’re just wandering around. It’s asking for trouble.”

“Relax,” I try, looking at her through the corner of my eye, “It’s a trip, Leena. We’re on an adventure. Just let it happen.”

She rounds on me, hands on my chest and eyes determined, “Let’s get one thing straight, Alec. If not for our deal I wouldn’t be going at all. And if you think a one-night stand makes us best friends, you’re wrong. This is a second chance,” She shoves a finger into my chest before turning to continue walking, “Don’t blow it.”

There are so many things I want to say, so many things I’m feeling. But even as my wolf whines at the feeling of rejection, I know she’s right. One night together doesn’t make us anything other than physically compatible, maybe a new start is exactly what we need.

“I’ll try my best not to.”

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