
Why Did Aiden Hate Alain So Much?

Before Christopher said a word in reply, a hand pressed into his shoulder. Ryan's eyes shifted to the owner of the hand and stared into the smiling face of Charles Clement.

"Ryan, long time no see," the elder vampire greeted the Prince. "Have you been well?"

Ryan would love to reply with a sarcastic "Would if your grandson kept his hands to himself", but Charles Clement was after all a good friend of his grandfather. Lord Marcus Caldwell did not look favorably upon the mannerless younger generations.

He was only able to reply with a fierce "Yes, thank you," through gritted teeth.

Ryan pulled at Aiden's waist and dragged him away from the Clements. Aiden turned his head and shot them all an apologetic look before he obediently went with Ryan.

Charles clicked with his tongue and watched the two retreating figures in amusement.

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