
CH-6 Monke waiting for the 'timeskip'

8 years later -

In a circular space between a small town surrounded by a forest, 2 people were sparring. One was a black-haired woman with spikes on the gauntlets she was wearing on both her hands and a boy who looked around 13-14 years old with black hair and blue eyes with star-shaped pupils.

While Yuri Alpha didn't like the thought of raising her weapons at her master, he insisted on sparring with every single one of the Pleiades. This only started recently when Aemos became 10 years old and thought he should get some combat experience rather than simply training.

Usually, Aemos followed a routine for his training, taking a break once a month where he gathered everyone and celebrated a small festival of sorts. His routine was waking up every day at 5 am, and do yoga until the sun rose to maintain and level up the flexibility and agility he had. After this, he followed with a 10-minute break, eating 2 bananas. Then he trained in hand-to-hand martial arts, followed by training with staff. Aemos got Mori Jin's memory as a reward, even though it was just a part of it (till when Mori beat Satan) it was perfect for him. Though he could've assimilated them in his memory like they were his, but he didn't want to. No matter how strong your will is, once you assimilate someone's memories, at the subconscious level, it's bound to affect you. So with the help of the system, he got a projection of Mori Jin practicing his martial arts and followed suit. It was similar to what the nanomachine did for Cheon Yeo Woon.

His comprehension and talent were enough for him to grasp the techniques. While assimilating them was a better choice in the short run, he wanted his own touch to be in the Martial arts he practiced much like what the original Mori did to his grandfather's techniques.

Aemos didn't want to go out into the world right now, no matter the potential or intelligence he had, he didn't have enough strength. So in one of the occasional visits of Gaia, he asked for her to erect a boundary around the whole forest. He didn't want any unknown visitors for now. He and company were in a South American forest spanning thousands of square kilometers. Though they had cleared a huge part to build a working town, it still had enough resources.

Staying on the topic of Gaia, the previous emotionless conceptual entity now turned mommy was what you call a son-con, not in the hentai way, just in the normal anime-doting mother's way. She used to watch him almost all the time. Both Gaia and Alaya could look into different timelines as they wished as only one version of themselves existed on a universal scale, and as she had thought, Gaia couldn't find Aemos in any other timeline. As she continued to watch him, her feelings got stronger and she started doting on him more than ever. They met almost every day and Aemos slowly assimilated into his new life. He started growing attached to Gaia.

5 years ago, when Aemos and Gaia were talking as he laid his head on her lap, he told her about his death and previous life. All the problems he faced, the time he spent with his family, his college years, everything. (Didn't tell them FATE and nasuverse so chill out.) and unconsciously tears started forming in his eyes. He never really spoke to anyone, worrying about showing his vulnerability to someone, so when he let his feeling out and some freely, he felt like the boulder he had been carrying on his shoulders just disappeared. He stood up and hugged Gaia, bawling his eyes out, while she just stroked his back.

After a few moments, when he stopped crying and wiped his eyes, he looked into Gaia's eyes, and spoke with a bright smile, "Thank you for everything, Mother!"


And then Gaia started crying while her son consoled her.

Like her, Aemos also grew attached to The Pleiades and the primates under him, though he didn't cry his heart out in front of them, he helped them out and gave them respect. The monkeys respected him even more now. They used to revere him like a god, as that was their innate feeling they felt when they first saw him, but after listening to him multiple times and seeing him help them on countless occasions, a few of them came to worship him as a fanatic and that also included the other animals which were named by him when they took over the forest. And that was the start of the Wukong religion.

Present day -

Aemos jumped behind, and spun his leg, trying to hit Yuri's knee, but she just moved sideways, avoiding it, and punched her left hand forward in the direction of his face. Aemos put his staff forward, blocking her hit. The staff broke into two pieces and he was pushed back. "Trying to hit your master in the face, do you not want me to get married?" Aemos just smiled and threw the stone staff away. "I am sorry Wukong sama!" Yuri bowed ninety degrees. "Hey chill out! I was joking, I thought you'd know that by now. I'm not some dictator or anything. Let's go now, we're done for today." He drank some water and started moving toward his house while she just followed behind him.

With a small on his face, he took out a plum from his inventory and took a bite. 'Just five more years and then we don't need to stay behind a barrier.'


(A/N) - Helloo people! We're changing his name as Aemos feels like a sword and magic world name. I thought it'd be fine but yeah no. Wukong will be the surname, and right now, I only have Jin as the first name, so go ahead with your suggestions. Also for people, who think MC gonna be soft-hearted, *cough* nope. And let's try and reach somewhere above in the rankings.

Thank you for reading and supporting this fanfic

Peace out and Sayonara <3

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