
Ambush (4)

" Mon... I don't have a good feeling about this. " Rena whispers to me. Her eyes were fully focused on the dark doorway leading to our room, all while listening for signs of the Shrieker moving closer to us.

" You have every right to be, as that's not what you think it is. " I gulped my words, nervous about what to do in this situation. Yeah, I did kill a Grand Inter, but that was an incredibly weakened one. It was like I was fighting a professional fighter who just got stabbed five times, and their legs don't work anymore.

In this scenario though, I didn't have the same benefits.

Rena looks at me nervously as I said so. It seems like she knew what the other option was besides an actual human asking for help.

" What do we do? " She asks me as she also tries to think up any scenario that could possibly help us escape this thing.


What do I do? I was stuck inside an incredibly old and broken-down skyscraper, while a beast the size of a tree climbs the building.

And the scariest thing about all of this is the fact that there is even a Shrieker here. Mr. Froil didn't mention anything about it, and it's an Elite+ ranked Inter, something that was two ranks above the Kroligator, and Mr. Froil already knows how difficult it is to somehow eliminate one.

Besides, if another challenge is added, shouldn't there be an announcement? And how did it suddenly has the voice of a human...

This is all so eerie... I'm not the type to be irrational all of a sudden, but this is something that doesn't deserve rationality.

I don't know what to do.


With its size, I'm certain, it would have trouble climbing inside, so It would have to go outside and climb from the outside. But even then it would still have to look for a decent opening so that it could go in.

I'm sure this thing is already hunting me, so there's no point in stalling and trying to see if it isn't interested in us.

"Alright, I have a plan but It's not going to work If you don't listen to me alright? " I whisper to Rena who looked insanely grim. She probably realized how weird everything actually is and is also suspicious about whether this is a scenario that Is purposely done by Mr. Froil or is something that only proves my suspicions.

Nonetheless, I know how dangerous Originals are as they were the central plot in Sol's life. Beings that the main characters find difficult to handle, so how should normal cadets like us handle them?

" Follow me... " I whisper. I don't know how to properly handle this situation but I would inevitably have to somehow think of a solution.

Fighting it is obviously out of the picture. The only problem here is how to escape this thing but it's one hard problem to solve.

The stairs were behind us so it was our best option. I slowly stood up and rushed towards the stairs as quickly yet quietly as possible.

" Help me... " The sound became eerily closer and closer every second passed as if it knows where we were already. No, I'm sure it does already.

" Climb quick, " I say trying to look for any signs of the Shrieker closing up on us.

Rena climbed the stairs and I soon followed after.

" What now? " She looks at me nervously, asking what should we do.

Going up was easy, but what happens after going up? Are we just walking to a dead end?

" We're going to use the size of that thing against itself. Though there are many gaps in the floor it could go through right now, it wouldn't be able to keep that up. " I point toward the holes getting progressively smaller and smaller as we go up.

" At that point, it would have to go outside and climb the building from there. Then at that moment, we will rush down with all our might and look for Mr. Froil. "

It was the best plan I could think of at the moment. I was gambling on whether there is even going to be a passage that would keep the Shrieker away from us but it's the best I could do.

With that, as the Shrieker's scream for help doesn't get any quieter, we kept on running up.

It took about two minutes of running up, for it to stop.

" Did we lose it? "Rena looks at me seriously.

My ears were fully focused, trying to see our mark if we could start running down or not.

" Help... me "


" Dodge! " Rena screams out loud causing me to flinch and turn my back to whatever she was looking at.

There I saw the Shrieker, a head tilted to the side keeping its long beak against the glass with its eyes fully focused on me.

Without wasting a second, I threw my body backward and ultimately dodged the Shrieker as it bursts through the window.

" Run! " I shout out loud without wasting a single second.

Shit, it's terrifying but it was also the best opening to run.

It's now behind us away from the stairs and it also couldn't fit inside the stairs. It would have to exit the building again and that would just mean that we run as our lives depend on it.

With my cue, Rena started running even setting the stairs behind us ablaze to make sure the Shrieker doesn't even think about jumping down.

It didn't jump but it punched the railings in frustration causing the stairs to shake.

Boom! As we were expecting already, the steps we were standing on suddenly crumbled on our feet, causing them to drop two entire floors below.

" Argh! "

" Help me..."

We got hurt by the sudden fall but it wasn't like we could just rest there and wait to recover. The shrieks that kept on entering our ears keep on reminding us that.

" The stairs are blocked! " Rena shouts relaying the bad news.

" Shit... Just use the holes! " I shout back.

With that, we kept on jumping down entire floors down. It wasn't a problem for us to die to our strengthened bodies, but it was a little tiring to keep doing so.

Now we just have to keep doing so until we reach the bottom.

Or at least I thought so.

Below our feet was indeed a hole, but the hole just lead to a jump of about twenty whole floors down.

The Shrieker was chasing us, causing us to be stuck in this awkward position.

" We might have to take another route down. "

" What? What route?! " Rena looks at me as if I wasn't making any sense.

" You see that overgrown vegetation there. " I pointed down the road where a huge amount of vegetation stood, probably due to the abandoned state of this place.

" You're kidding "

" Want to be Shrieker food? " I asked.


" Thought so, " I say, yet I was nervous about jumping. But we didn't have any choice. If I wanted to survive, I have to take risks.

" Help me... " And as if it gave us the proper cue. The Shrieker shrieks as it enters the same floor as us.

" Jump! " I shout out loud, causing Rena to jump and I soon follow after.

The Shrieker tried to grab one of us before we jumped, but it was a step too late, as we were already falling from the building as it do so.

" A- " I wanted to scream, but adrenaline was just pumping through my entire system I was focused on landing in the thick shrub down below.



I made it.

I didn't expect to come out of that jump unscathed but I somehow did. It seemed like the shrub was perfectly thick, and my body was decently strong...

" Mon! " A few seconds later, I heard Rena's calls.

Seems like she made it too... I saw her slow down her fall by blazing her hands with fire almost like a jetpack.

Fuck that's terrifying...

Hah... Should we just take the easy way out?

Well, no...

Trying to eliminate ourselves wouldn't help us in this scenario as my suspicions from earlier just got answered

Next to the entrance of the tower, we were just in, lies a dismembered body wearing our school uniform on the cold concrete floor.

The Shrieker's voice was indeed something it hunted. And the prey was a student of Class 1B

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