
Chapter 6: Aftermath

This is... exciting...

" HAHAHA, you still have the nerve to laugh after such an encounter? You're quite the catch little one " He starts laughing loudly as time goes on.

Was I actually in the world I've used to escape reality? Is it my reality now? I was still filled with exhaustion and shock, but the sudden thought of being in Terran had all those exhaustions flushed away from my system.

I wanted to make sure that what I had thought was a hundred percent sure. But it seems like the answer to that wasn't far away.

" Jamie Red " A name written on a tag on the leader's coat filled my entire vision.

Jamie Red… The mercenary leader. The one that found Sol Freed, the main character of Earthly Guardian, at the start of the story.

" How did you know my name? " Jamie asked me looking quite confused. Wanderers are people who have no memories of where or who they are, so it seems like I caught him off guard with that one.

" In your coat sir... " I reply meekly as I still find it difficult to speak normally.

" I see… With your looks, I thought you were one of my sons from my past lovers. " He laughs out loud as he looks at me.

His teammates seems like they were used to him already as they looked like they didn't even hear him at all. Though the old man did look like he was annoyed by his joke.

" Well anyways, I'm not going to take any more of your precious time so go ahead and rest. Kid "

That was the last thing he said before I was brought to a massive tent where I was asked to rest as they'll be interviewing me later on.

Well, as much as I wanted to rest immediately, my mind was filled with the idea of being in my favorite work. And as much as I'm interested in living here, this is a world filled with blood and wars. Something I can't really say I'd be good with even if I want to pretend.

I was not sure what to even do. This was an escape from my monotonous life, but it was also quite extreme compared to what I'm used to. I want to enjoy this world… no I'll make sure I enjoy this world no matter what happens.

But that would need some preparation. I might be a useless wanderer, but I have incredible knowledge about this world…

No... knowledge is even an understatement itself. It needs more evidence but It seems like I was in the exact timeline when the original story started too. This isn't just some knowledge you can get here and there. It's foresight.

I'll make sure I used it properly.

But for now, I need a rest…

I'll leave the planning for later…

I relaxed on my bed as I embraced sleep instantly. That's just another proof that I was incredibly tired I guess…

Wake up young blood.

…The hell?

" Didn't I just sleep " I muttered still trying to catch my consciousness.

" Oh, it's been an entire day already kid. " Jaime woke me up as he sits on the opposite side of what seemed to be the inside of a jeep. I was laying down on the left seat with no one next to me.

What? How did I get here without waking up?

" HAHAHA… you slept like a log. We were able to carry you here without you making a fuss. " He says out loud.

I didn't even say anything but I guess all of my thoughts were reflected in my expression.

" We even dropped you by accident and you still didn't budge. " A man next to Jaime laughs as they remember what seems to be quite an amusing experience.

At least for them…

" Oh don't worry, our lady Fiona here is a great healer. We handled that fall relatively safely I guess. "

"Anyways, this right here is Miss Ging. She works for the GRC. Or Guardian Ruling Corporation. I won't explain much about them since you are bound to learn about their presence as long as you live in this world. But yeah, Miss Ging arrived yesterday, and she will be responsible for the interview. " Jaime points at a tall woman wearing black blazers and overall office wear sitting on her left. She looked young but she seemed fierce and experienced in this field

Oh, I definitely know about them. They are a massive corporation responsible for handling all of the Guardians and their extreme variable which is their abilities. Power is one powerful drug, and it is also one of the main reasons why Terran was so chaotic.

I know they were also the ones responsible for Wanderers as Sol who came from a different world was also interviewed by GRC when Jamie found him.

" Hello there young man, I'm Ging " She held out her hand with a bright smile on her face, giving quite a friendly aura.

I guess she learned her body language. Her serious face seemed quite intimidating compared to his expression now.

" Nice to meet you, Miss Ging. I'm Mon. Mon Weise to be exact. I held out my hand introducing myself as I knew most Wanderer remembers their name and age, but that was about it.

" You're quite cooperative " She smiles as I shook her hand.

" I have as many questions as you guys have for me so I do need to be cooperative in this scenario " I say with a friendly expression.

" You're quite smart Mr. Mon. Well anyways, to start things off, where did you first realize you were lost? " She says with a calm expression.

Wanderers' first memory of their appearance on Terran is typically a sense of being lost, for obvious reasons of course. But It was quite an obscure expression for me as I still retained my memories.

" I was in front of an abandoned convenience store when I realized I was lost. " I say without giving off too much to Miss Ging.

I can't just say I know more than you think and I remember everything before going here and I know the future of this world. That would lead to a life I wouldn't enjoy that's for sure.

" Alright… When did you encounter that Lizardman Mr. Mon " She asked

" It was when I went inside the convenience store to look for something when It burst out of the backdoor. "

" Something? "

" To try and figure out where I was at. " I reply bluntly.

" And how were you able to kill it? "

" I saw the construction site and the crane while I was on the road so I was able to devise a plan to bury it using those. "

" And you knew how to operate a crane? " She says staring right into my eyes.


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