
Chapter 155; I will sacrifice myself for my baby...

She closed her eyes, she didn't want to see his angry face, but now since she is pregnant, she was happy and eager to take care of herself. She always wanted to be a mother and now, she could achieve it.

This is one thing she never got to achieve in her previous life. Yes, she desired to be a mother.

The doctor walked in with the results, using his stethoscope he placed it on her tummy as he listened to hear the fetus's heartbeat but there was none. He couldn't hear a single beat but he saw the sonogram there was a fetus but it wasn't moving even though it was big enough.

"I think you should do an abortion, the fetus doesn't seem to be alive and it also could have deformations and it can cause your death anytime if delayed.." The doctor spoke out worriedly. It wasn't normal.

The best option was to perform an abortion since the fetus was normal per medical research, whatever was inside her was dead, and not alive.

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