
To be tested

After they entered the staff room, the teachers there left staring at Akaz then they wished him a good morning and he did the same to them before sitting down on a couch and Raena glanced at him as her class teacher entered and was surprised to see Akaz.

"Sir good morning," He said as he sat down before Akaz then he looked at Raena and she smiled at him.

"Good morning," Akaz replied.

"Is there something I can help you with?" He asked and Akaz sighed before placing his hand on Raena's shoulder.

"You wanted her to bring someone today, so here I am," He responded.

"This is my father, sir," Raena said and his eyes widened as the teachers exchanged glances.

"This is your daughter?" He asked.

"Yes, she is my daughter; ask whatever you want and I will answer your questions; I also have a few things to tell you about upcoming events," Akaz responded and their teacher sighed.

"All right, let's get started; was she homeschooled the whole time because there are no records of her?" He inquired.

"Yes, she was until now; I decided to send her here so she could learn more and reach her full potential; I kept her at home half of the time and away from people; she is stronger than most, I assure you; I have many reasons why I did that; doesn't that answer most of your questions about most things concerning her?" He asked as the teacher's eyes narrowed then he turned to look at Raena and she smiled at him.

"It answers most of my questions because I see her going through books that most of the students already understand, and she seems to be a fast learner because you don't have to explain things back to her, but we'll see how things go in classes for her, I have a few more questions for you about more than one thing, principle," He responded, and Raena looked at him before he smiled and patted her on the head.

"We need to talk, you kids go to your classroom, he'll be there in a minute," Akaz said, and Raena smiled before getting up and leaving with Astrun and Kyla, heading to their classroom.

Raena came to a halt on her way to class when she felt Astrun's gaze on her and she sighed before turning to look at him and he glanced at her.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I had no idea you were one of the most powerful demon's daughter, at first you didn't seem like someone powerful, but now I guess I understand why your fire ability is so strong, come on, we're already a little late, I bet every student within this academy now knows who your father is, this is going to get interesting," He responded with a smile.

He then patted her on the shoulder as they entered the classroom, and Raena sighed as everyone stared at them, and she lowered her head before sitting down, and Kyla chuckled.

"Are you going to be alright?" Raena gave Astrun a sidelong glance after he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, don't worry, I am pretty sure I will be able to handle this if anything happens," She responded and he scoffed.

"So you are his daughter, that's great," One of the students within the classroom said and he was the tall blonde who was muscular yet slim and fair in color with orange eyes and his name was Scovra.

"Yeah, I'm glad we have a popular mischievous person in our class; that's a good thing," Another said, and Raena smiled at them because they didn't care who she was and accepted everyone in that classroom for who they are, which made Raena thankful that she was placed with them.

After some time, their teacher entered the classroom, and they all greeted him with a good morning. His eyes narrowed as he looked directly at Raena, and she stared back at him and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Sorry for being a little late today, and good morning. As you all know, the ranking test begins today, and it will not be easy, so I'd like to ask, are you ready?" He inquired.

"Yeah," They replied and he scoffed.

"Now, you can only gain a rank or more than one if you are really good; you won't get it because some of you have family in powerful positions; I suggest you don't rely on that and trust yourself and your abilities; try any cheating and I will take away every little pride you have in front of this entire academy, got it?" He asked, and they swallowed in fear of him because they knew he was being serious.

"Got it," They responded like little tamed cats and Raena sighed.

"Now, we have to get to work because we are a little behind other classes today and that's because I had a few things to take care of as well as a difficult person, follow me," He said as he walked away, and they grabbed their belongings and followed him out of the classroom.

After leaving the classroom and walking out onto the lawn behind the academy, the teacher took a deep breath and his eyes lit up purple as he raised his right hand and a magical circle appeared under their feet, and Raena looked at it as energy surged around them, and she smiled before they vanished and reappeared on top of a hill where the wind was blowing really cold and Kyla shivered.

"It's really cold here," Kyla said as Raena looked around, exhaling deeply as she saw the dark forest ahead of them and the scary-looking hills and mountains surrounding it, then she looked up at the sky, whose clouds were dark and it appeared as if a storm was approaching.

"All right, here's where you'll be tested; I need you to pay close attention because this is a race; if you want to pass and gain a higher rank, listen carefully to what I'm saying," He said, capturing their full attention, and Raena's eyes narrowed as she sensed something large and strong around them, but she didn't know what it was.


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