
Good resolve

Raena came down to the dining hall a while later and greeted them before sitting down, and they smiled at her.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting," She said.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine," Akaz replied and she smiled before they took their food then she sighed.

"Raena, what was your first test based on?" Akaz asked and she glanced at him.

"We did an affinity test, and it turns out that I am connected to fire." He smiled after hearing her response.

"That's fantastic; fire is powerful in many ways, whether you use it in anger or calmly; do you intend to practice with it more?" He asked, and she smiled.

"Actually, I do, I want to see what I can do with it," She responded.

"You have a good resolve, with time you will get the hang of it, that's what I believe," He said.

"Anything is possible, lady Raena, as long as you push yourself and believe you can do it, and if you need any help, we will be here to assist you, all you need to do is ask," Drakun said, and Raena smiled before bowing her head.

"Thank you," she replied, "I'm glad to hear that."

They said, "You are welcome," and she looked at them before Akaz chuckled and Drakun smiled.

"Well, start eating before the food gets cold," Drakun said then they began eating.

Raena felt her head spinning as she held onto the table, and Akaz looked at her as her eyes and hands began to glow orange, and she flung herself up from the chair.

"Relax, take a deep breath and focus on controlling the energy within your body, it's just your power acting up," Akaz said and she took a deep breath before closing her eyes and doing exactly as he told her to.

She returned to normal after a while of focusing, then exhaled deeply and looked at them as they smiled at her.

"You'll have to practice controlling your flames from now on, it can be quite dangerous not having control," Drakun said.

"Yeah, I know, they teach these things at the academy as well, right?" She asked.

"Yes, they do, and Raena, if you do awaken more abilities later on in the future, try to understand and control them first, even if it's just a little bit, and don't tell people about them unless you have to, got it?" Drakun gave Akaz a sidelong glance.

"OK, I will keep that in mind," She responded.

"Also, if you need help, come to me or Drakun, and we will do our best to help you evolve within this world, after all, this is your home," Akaz said, and Drakun looked at Raena as she stared at Akaz and smiled slightly.

"Thank you, and if I need help, I'll come to you guys," She replied, and Akaz sighed, relieved to hear that. Raena sat back down and continued eating her food before pouring herself a glass of wine and drinking it.

When they finished eating, they got up and Drakun tapped Raena on her shoulder and she glanced at him.

"What is it?" She asked as he handed her a bar of chocolate and she collected it.

"Thank you," She said.

"You are welcome," He replied.

"Are you going to bed now?" Akaz inquired.

"Yes, I am, tonight I am quite tired," She replied with sleepy eyes and he chuckled.

"You look like you are, go on, it's getting late, get your sleep kid," He said.

"Thank you, I will," She replied, and they both smiled.

"Good night," They said, and she went to her room and threw herself on her bed before stretching and yawning. Raena promptly fell asleep because she was tired, and she slept soundly that night.

When she woke up the next morning, she stretched before getting out of bed and going to freshen up before changing into her academy uniform.

She wore a long, fine bottom black pants with a black and silver belt, a long sleeve soft shirt, a strap around her thigh and high top black boots, and a white academy jacket that she buttoned in front which contained the academy's crest at the top left side of the jacket.

The boys' uniform is similar, and they could wear whatever shirt they wanted under the academy jacket as long as they wore the uniform.

After she finished, Raena grabbed her bag and book and went down to the living room, where she collided with the butler, who grabbed her arm and sighed as she looked at him.

"I'm sorry," She said.

"It's fine, good morning, you should be careful, here is your lunch," He replied as she stared at him.

"Good morning, also, you don't have to do this you know," She said and he smiled.

"I will do it until you are assigned to a class, it's fine, also good morning," He replied, she smiled then sat down and he brought her breakfast to her which she thanked him for before eating.

"What kind of test do you have today? It's supposed to be your final because I heard that only those who got nothing in the tests will be given others based on their talent, you got your first one, now it just depends on your second, if that doesn't suit you they will give you another, then place you, after that you and your class will go up for your first ranking test for your first term," Drakun said and she sighed as she stared at him.

"I guess this is what they meant when they said you'd find out the rest later, we don't know what the next test is, I guess they want to keep it that way until time," She responded.

"Yeah, they want to see you from the beginning, if they told you guys you'd go practice and they won't actually get to see things from the beginning when it comes to your abilities and guide you, they will only tell you what you will have when it's not tests like these, makes it quite a challenge, most things are to be honest, it's the only way you will grow," He said as she finished her meal and stood up smiling.

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