
Eighty Five

"What are you doing?" He got up and rushed to me.

"Swimming," I answered and sat in the water before he could get to me.

He sighed and stood there, watching me splash around in the water."Take my hand." He held out his hand for me to take so he could pull me out but I shook my head.

"Make me," I laughed. He sighed again before taking of his shoes and rolling up his trousers past his ankle. He got into the water and pulled me up and out of the water.

"Never coming here again with you when you're drunk," He muttered while trying to squeeze the water of my clothes while they were still on me."You're soaking wet," He complained.

I kissed his forehead like he usually did mine so he looked up at me like he was going to scold me.

"Here too," he pointed to his right cheek surprisingly when I thought he would scold me. I smiled and left a peck on his cheek.

"Why did you even go into the water. Now, you're wet..." He gave up on squeezing my clothes.

"Am I?" I asked with a naughty giggle and he laughed along.

"Nah, I definitely need to record this one." He pulled out his phone. I ran back a little and did a pose for him. He laughed more and took the picture.

"Let me see," I ran back to him and took the phone from him.

I looked up from his phone and saw him taking his long jacket off so I asked,"You want to swim in the water too?'

"No," he answered and took his phone and my phone from me."Take your clothes off," He asked and my eyes lit up with excitement.

"Are we doing it?" I leaned in to whisper. He smiled and shook his head."No?" I frowned on getting his answer.

"I can't sneak you back in when we get home if your clothes are dripping wet. Take off your trousers and jacket too, wear mine, it's long enough to cover you much."

"Ohhhhh," I nodded after listening attentively. I immediately unzipped my jeans and was about to pull it down when he stopped me.

"Not here, go over there." He pointed to a shadowy area.

"But it's dark there," I folded my arms in protest.

"It's dark everywhere." 

"That's why I need to stay where I can see you." I countered his point and heard him laugh.

"Alright, take them off here, but be quick. I'll be looking out just in case."

"Nobody's here, don't bother." I said and took off my jeans and held them out to him."Hold this." I tapped on his shoulder and got him to turn to me.

His eyes fell on me and he smiled and took my jean trousers. I took off my jacket and gave it to him too. For someone that was supposed to be looking out and checking to see if anyone else was coming, he was really lost standing there and staring at me.

I opened my palm in front of him and he gave me his jacket. I put it on and began to button it up. Thankfully the buttons were big ones. I hated tiny buttons.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asked when we were walking out of the park.

"Am I walking too slow?" I figured that was why he was asking. Walking slowly was the only sure way I could ensure not falling and hitting my face on the floor.

"Get on my back, it's getting pretty late. I need to get you back in bed." He told me.

We walked in silence for some time but I had been thinking if I wanted to tell him about my mum or not.

"My mum is an addict," I finally broke the silence."Was," I corrected."Hopefully," I added after."She was taken to a rehab center and counseling home because of it, and that's why I'm here in the first place."

"I came back from school one day and saw her unconscious on the floor of our apartment. I thought she had died. She wasn't breathing and I couldn't feel her pulse." I remembered that day so vividly as I spoke and it made me sad.

"I asked one of our neighbour for help instead of calling the police because I feared they would take her to jail for having the drugs she did at home. But the neighbour called the police." I laughed after remembering.

"I thought I had gotten my mum in trouble but by the time the police came, my mum had woken up. They came and took her away, to that place; the rehab center. Then my aunt had to sign some papers and bring me here."

I swallowed after I was done speaking.

"Do they let you talk to her?" Uche asked.

"They have specific days in which I'm allowed to call." I answered in a dull voice.

"My mum left my dad because of me," Uche shared.

I held him tighter while on his back but not because I was falling but because I was trying to hug him while he carried me.

"What did you do?" I asked after what he told me.

He snickered before answering,"I existed."

"What?" I was confused.

"My mum didn't want children when she met my dad. They were both on the same page but then my mum accidentally got pregnant with me. The hospital wouldn't go through with aborting me unless my mum had a signature from both her and my dad..." Uche paused and heaved a heavy sigh.

"My dad didn't agree to it. He didn't sign it so my mum left with me at first. Then she brought me back to him when I turned six. I haven't seen her since."

"I'm sorry," I muttered in his ears but heard him chuckle.

"Don't do that Julie, please, I hate pity. Besides, she calls sometimes. She calls every time It's my birthday to wish me happy birthday but that's it. I never get to see her. I just get to hear her voice."

I was still absorbing all he just told me till he spoke again."We're home." He let me down from his back and held my hand as we went inside to my aunt's house.

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