

"Make a wish." He gave the stone to me, taking my books from me.

"Will it come true?" I would be surprised if he said yes.

"Maybe, if you believe."

"Did you ever make a wish here? Did it work?"



"Well, let's say it worked but not exactly how I expected it to." He smiled, convincing me to make a wish.

'I wish my mum gets out of her rehabilitation center Sooner, I miss her.' I said to myself before I threw the stone into water and watched it sink quietly.

"Can I make two wishes?" I asked him and heard him chuckle loudly.

"I made like a million wishes here so yeah, I think so." He bent and picked two stones this time.

'I wish he'd like me back.' I threw in the second stone almost the same time with him.


We crossed the road and were still on our way back home. It was getting less sunny now, it was probably six pm, I didn't know, I didn't check. We hadn't talked all the time we've been walking and we were almost home, he still had my book. We got to our avenue, just three houses more and we would be home.

"Julie?" He called and I lifted my head up to my left to answer him without verbally responding. He didn't say anything for a while, he looked like he was contemplating if to say what he wanted to.

"What did you wish for?" He asked and I felt like that wasn't what he initially wanted to say.

"What did you wish for?" I returned his question and he looked at me and smiled shortly.

"I asked first?"

"I won't say till you tell me what you wished for." I said even though I wasn't planning on telling him. He stopped walking, we were now in front of his house.

"Okay," He went in front of me, looking me in the face, he cleared his throat and I watched his Adam's apple go up and back down when he swallowed. "I wished you'd say yes if I asked you out."

I froze where I stood, my eyes brightened with preplanned excitement for what he just said. I didn't know what to say, I had practiced what I would say if this happened so many times since I met him and I still didn't know what to say.

"I like you Julie, a lot." He said making me squeeze my hands against each other in nervousness.

"Oh." I heard myself.

'Oh?! What is wrongggg with you, Julie!' I yelled at myself inwards.

"That day when I first saw you out here, it just happened. I wanted to ignore what I felt, i thought it was just because you were pretty and it was just a mere attraction but it isn't.....," His phone rang in his hands but he snubbed it after looking at his screen.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes meeting mine and awaiting an answer. I could swear my heart wanted to escape from my chest with the way it throbbed.

".....," His phone rang again. "You should take it." I told him.

"It's just Nick." His voice sounded tensed. Was he scared that I will say no? I almost laughed but didn't.

"Yeah, pick it still." Suddenly, I wasn't nervous anymore. He stopped the phone from ringing and held it to his ear.


"Do you by any chance know where Julie is, I've been trying to call her, she won't pick her calls, my mum tried too, we don't know where she went, my mum's worried. I don't know anyone else to call, she doesn't have anyone she's friends with... v" Uche looked at me when Nick's voice came through, I looked away like I couldn't hear what Nick was saying.

My phone was always on silent but I did know when he called, I decided not to answer the call and since then I just let it vibrate all the way, I didn't know my aunt called too, I would have picked her call.

"She is here with me, we are..."




"We are...."

"Uche? Is Julie okay?" I heard my aunt.

"Uhmm yeah, she is, we are actually outside, out front in the lawn." Uche said to the phone and I didn't hear anyone say anything else. "You didn't let anyone know where you were going?" He asked me.

"My aunt was asleep and Nick had already left." I shrugged.

"Julie?!" It was my aunt rushing to me. "Oh thank goodness you are okay!" I heard her sigh with relief making me wonder if I was in any danger. "Where did you go? You didn't tell anyone, I thought you were out with Nick till he came back home without you."

"I took a stroll with Uche." I let her know.

"Nick you didn't know this? You kids make me worry for nothing." She said going back inside. The three of us were quiet till she was really gone.

"I know you didn't pick my calls on purpose." Nick blamed me but I only rolled my eyes.

"You asked me to go out with someone, isn't that what you said? I couldn't go with you right?"

"You didn't even tell my mum!"

"You didn't tell her where you were going either." I retorted.

"Well that's because if I go missing, she knows where to start looking for me and if she doesn't, at least Uche knows, you don't fucking know anywhere, you don't talk to anyone at school, how do you expect we guess your whereabouts, you gave my mum a headache!"

"Heyy chill," I heard Uche tell him."She was with me."

"She should have told someone before she left or at least receive her calls." Nick said again and I got annoyed with his drama and walked past him to go inside.


Heyy, it's your author geni. Please note that everything written here is nothing but fiction.

Please vote as you read, and comment also. I am very open to constructive criticism.❤️✨

It's hard to love but harder not to love....✍️

I'm on all socials as @genika3na.

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