

Yeah, I know it's weird, what I just said. I found it really weird, what I had said now, I just thought of having kids, I hated kids! I didn't even want kids when I grew up.

I'got to get control of myself, really....I mean, he was cute and all but no no no! I smiled through the rest of the conversation we had, trying my best to be conscious with my thoughts and actions around him.

When we got home, I just went to my room. Actually, I ran to my room, I ran to go see if I could see him again through the window, like yesterday.

He just entered his house right now before I got to ours, Nick went with him, he didn't ask if I wanted to come with and I wasn't gonna ask if I could tag along, I was trying to be in control.

I closed the curtain but not the window glass, I was going to hide behind the curtain. Yesterday, I had fallen asleep while doing this, maybe that was why I woke up when I did, I didn't sleep in a good position.

The door to the room opened, it was all clear now, daytime advantage. Nick walked in first, I didn't want to see him, I wanted him to get out of the way so I could see Uche. He(Nick) kept his school bag on the bed there and sat taking off his shoes.

Where was Uche?? It was just Nick now lying down on the made bed, a laptop in front of him, Uche's laptop, I'm guessing. I got tired of watching him, I took off my sandals, leaving them by the curtain side.

Hissing, I pulled up my hair, and roughly held it up with a clip, it was disturbing. I was gonna cut it before my mum overdosed on drugs and I had to come here.

I looked out the window again, Uche was now there. Finally! He took off his shirt, I closed the curtain immediately.

'What did I just do?' I asked myself. I looked again and he was still shirtless, checking for something around. He stood scratching his head for a while, before saying something to Nick.

I couldn't hear them, Nick replied and he stopped searching for what he was searching for. He left my sight, to another part of the room I couldn't see then came back with another t-shirt in hand.

He put it on, covering his torso but not his arms today. He had this body that I liked, perfect body for a seventeen year old, I wasn't sure of his age but he had to be seventeen because I was turning seventeen this year too and sixteen to seventeen was the age grade for our class, that I knew.

His body wasn't all muscular like most Boys his age lifting weights just to look all cool, if they knew just how much I detest them doing that. It would be different if they did all that to be fit but no, they were only doing it because they thought girls love that. I don't know for other girls,but I didn't.

Maybe the boys in this school were sensible, because I noticed each of themselves in class today, they weren't all messed up like the boys at my school back where I was staying before coming here.

They were a few noisy ones in class earlier, expected but they weren't disrespectful to the girls. I couldn't completely say anyways, I had just spent a day schooling with them, so I couldn't be sure.

Uche had climbed the bed and joined Nick, with a bowl of popcorn, or something else, I couldn't tell but they were obviously watching a movie.

I wish I was there too, maybe without Nick there, just Uche and me, watching a movie. I wonder what movie he likes, was he a fan of wrestling, I hope he was, because I was.

I felt my stomach rumble, I went downstairs to see if there was anything to eat. Opening the kitchen cabinets, all I could see was canned ingredients and bottled spices and packs of cereals.

There was nothing cooked in the pots, the pots where shiny clean. I looked at the apple on the dinning table of four. I didn't want to eat apples.

I checked the fridge, there was milk and some soft drinks and more fruits. Was my aunt a vegetarian? No chips, no biscuits, nothing I could eat..... well unless I cook and that wasn't an option.

I opened the fridge again after I just closed it. I was thinking on making do with the beverages but then I looked back to the cabinets.

Closing the fridge's door again, I went back to the cabinets, checking where I saw those cereals all stacked. I opened the last one next to the wall and there they were, I took out one of the cornflakes inside the cabinet. Taking out a mini bowl, I put it on the kitchen counter and went to go get the milk.

I was about to pour some milk in the bowl when I remembered how soggy the one my aunt made this morning was and it made me change my mind.

I put the milk back in the fridge and just went back to my room with the bowl of dry cornflakes and the box too. While climbing the stairs, I made a mental note to call my mum.

Where she was kept, she wasn't allowed to use her phone but I could call the counsel home and speak with her. I've missed her, it's been just a day without her, but I miss her still.

No matter how irresponsible everyone thought she was, she would always cook something and leave in a flask for me before she went anywhere, always.


Heyy, it's your author geni. Please note that everything written here is nothing but fiction.

Please vote as you read, and comment also. I am very open to constructive criticism.❤️✨

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