
Chapter no.141

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First Level Below

Within the narrow hallways with man-made stone walls, floors, and ceilings that were dimly lit by candles on the walls, giving it an atmosphere that seemed as though it was from a horror movie, Natsuki and Narumi were silently through the halls towards the section of the compound that contained the personal rooms for the shinobi and scientists.

After traveling down the long spiral staircase, making sure to spread out there senses to avoid any person they may come across to keep their presence hidden, the two kunoichi were now racing down the empty halls towards their destination. They had yet to come across a single living being as of yet, even the main hall was completely empty.

Though, this is what they had been expecting. From the memories that had been implanted into them by Naruto, they were aware that most of the researchers were on the second level in the research facilities and most of the shinobi who were tasked with protecting this base, had retired to their rooms for the afternoon as all scheduled experiments for the day had finished.

The hall with the personal chambers for those who were stationed here were located just further down this straight hall, after which they had to take several turns. This place truly was a maze. The design was most likely for the purpose of confusing any intruders who entered the base, as were the dimly lit hallways and countless storage rooms they had passed.

As the two girls reached the end of the straightaway, they quickly made a left turn down a much shorter hallway and then a right.

While Natsuki and Narumi were utterly inexperienced when it came to search and destroy missions, they were shinobi, who specialized in a fighting style that was meant to kill. They had been lucky to have made it this far without doing so yet, or perhaps unlucky as such a high-ranking mission had been assigned as their first one. And while they had massive reserves due to them being jinchūriki, Natsuki even more so now that Kurama was whole once again, they had been taught how to successfully suppress their chakra signature.

This type of suppression was unique to them since they had abysmal chakra control, this was done by completely cutting off the access to their chakra for a few minutes. This made them impossible to sense, except for sensor-type shinobi. However, this particular method also made them unable to access their chakra for the time they were using it and even several minutes after they ended the suppression, as they had to let the chakra flow back into their chakra network.

They really preferred not to mention this, but they had to learn this method in order to capture Tora the cat. It seemed the cat was able to sense chakra levels at the lowest level after running from shinobi for decades, and because their chakra reserves were so massive, she was able to make her escape before the girls were even able to get within striking distance of it. The had failed the Capture Tora the Cat Mission over a dozen times. It was an embarrassment on their shinobi records that led them to become obsessed with capturing that damned cat for a short period of their lives.

After five minutes of continuous running and making all those turns, they finally arrived at the long hallway that contained the personal quarters.

This particular hall was different from the others. The hallway was much taller than the others, so much so that there was a complete upper deck where a second row of doors leading into rooms were. Off to the side was a staircase that led up to this upper deck. Instead of being dimly lit by candles as all the other halls had been thus far, this area was well-lit by lanterns, with a single lantern hanging from the wall between each of the doors. In total, there were thirty different rooms, fifteen on the bottom row and another fifteen on the second deck. Though not all of them would be occupied at the moment, or even if every researcher and shinobi were in their rooms. The design of the hall and the rooms were not so different from the ANBU Headquarters that they had the privilege of exploring when they were children.

Seeing as how they had finally reached their destination, Narumi and Natsuki looked at each other and nodded. They each formed a half ram seal and discretely re-introduced their chakra back into their chakra network, successfully releasing their chakra suppression technique.

It had only been about ten minutes since they had departed from their team's meeting point, so there shouldn't be any additional people that had returned to their quarters. But to be thorough, they would cover those rooms after they had completed their primary objective.

Natsuki shakily reached down to her waist and unsheathed the pure white blade from its scabbard. As much as she disliked it, she would need to bathe the blade, white as snow, in the crimson blood of man.

She looked over to Narumi, who had pulled a kunai from her holster, and gave an affirming nod. "I'll take top, you take bottom."

Unable to respond verbally due to her heart being stuck in her throat from the unparalleled uneasiness and adrenaline, Narumi merely nodded in response before the two sisters separated to fulfill their promise to their brother. They would never take a life solely for the sake of their village, but they would as to not disappoint the person who had put his faith in them.

These stone walls would be painted crimson within a matter of minutes.

Second Level Below

Within a small, dark corridor leading up towards the research facilities, a small gust of wind coupled with the swirling of leaves was created in the middle of the hall, with the mother and daughter pair of Mikoto and Satsuki emerging from it only a moment later.

Satsuki stumbled a bit before leaning up against the wall and glaring at her mother for using such a violent and uncontrolled Shunshin. Mikoto rubbed the back of her head sheepishly in response to her daughter's reaction. The Shunshin was one of the easiest jutsus to preform next to the academy three if one had the required amounts of chakra control. Though Satsuki was unaware of her mother's weakening body as well as loss of chakra control, as she was a bit more dense that her surrogate brother.

After recovering her sense of balance Satsuki remembered their mission and silently looked around the corner of the corridor into what she presumed to be the main research facility. From what Naruto had shown her there were approximately six people on this floor with low chakra levels, signifying that they were mere researchers and scientists instead of actual shinobi.

In reality, the two of them probably didn't have to be sneaking around like spies and could simply deal with them head on, but it would benefit them if the researchers only realized their presence after their lives had already been ended.

All six of the researchers should be in the facility compiling their data, with the library left completely empty. There were fourteen presences, besides the prisoners and and their primary target, altogether. Six of them were on the second level and had been assigned to the two of them and the other eight were on the first level in the personal chambers and had been assigned to Natsuki and Narumi.

Naruto had been intending for the Uzumaki-Namikaze siblings to take this floor because it would be in an open area and would have less of an assassination feel to it, not to mention that there were less targets to eliminate, but due to their inexperience in this field as well as their recklessness, he couldn't guarantee the safety of the research if they were assigned this level. That was the determining factor in deciding which team was assigned which section.

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