
Afraid you'd Run

"The children be our younger selves?" Marco became thoughtful, "I doubt it was us. Perhaps you saw the vision of another person."

"You think so? What if it was truly us? If we are not originally humans, it can be true we are the children in my dream. Sad how I can't seem to remember our childhood then."

After Perdita and Marco were turned into vampires, they had forgotten some memories because of the transformation. They only knew bits and pieces of their family then.

"It can be true, sis, but you said the boy had green eyes and also they were performing some incantation, so it possibly couldn't be us."

"I don't have green eyes, neither do we have power or know any incantations. The dream could mean another thing." Marco voiced his thoughts while wondering what the dream Perdita had was all about.

Perdita nodded in acknowledgment, her brows knitted together in thought.

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