
CH 28: New clothes

(Third person POV)

As Ali giggled while having his mouth covered with buggy, he brought his hand up and brought buggy's hand down with a teasing wink :"alright, alright, I'll be quiet, buggy."

Buggy snorted before turning around and walking away :"whatever, goodbye. And don't call me buggy."

But Ali smirked mischievously :"sure thing, buggy! Bye bye, buggy!" Causing the said buggy to stumble a little before leaving with a grunt.

"Hehehehe!" Ali laughed smugly as buggy left before Jaden circled his arm around the taller boy :"c'mon, Al! You have to tell me about your duel just now!"

And so, that was how Ali's day went. With him dueling all day because there wasn't anything else to do.

At the end of the day, before he returned to the dorms with Zane, he had managed to duel a few times and actually get his DP up to 25,000.

It was actually a little more than that, but he paid a few more visits to the store to get a few cards.

And now, he had just taken a bath after visiting the gym with Zane and working out. He took a look at the clock before smirking :'guess it's time for that, huh? Gotta move.'

Ali opened his closet as he smirked at the clothes that he was planning on wearing from now on.

After all, the uniforms here we're so not cool. And since Chazz could wear his own clothes later on, he could do the same as well.

So he got to wearing his clothes. First, a blood red button up shirt, a pair of jet black pants, a vest that just matched his pants, and a long coat that matched with his button up shirt under his vest.

(Ali's clothes image:)

He took a look at himself in the mirror as he winked at himself :"looking sharp there, sexy. Now let's go and save some ass."

The long coat was a little special. It was like the vest that had put on before, the one where he put his decks in.

This long coat also had many pockets that he could put his decks in. But it was in a way that it didn't ruin the fashion of the coat.

After taking his decks and putting all of them in the pockets of his coat, he opened the door before getting out of the dorm.

You might be wondering, why is he going out at night? Well it's because he was going to the lake that led to the girls' dorm.

And why was he going there? To meet Jaden. Why was Jaden going to the girls' dorm? Because he was going to save his body, Syrus.

Since it was one of the first episodes, Ali remembered that Syrus was going to recieve a fake love letter.

The love letter was going to be for Jaden, but blah blah happened and it was misplaced in Syrus's locker.

Who wrote the fake love letter? Dr Crawler. Because he wanted to lead Jaden to the girls' dorm and then take pictures of him in the act.

In case you didn't know, it's forbidden for the boys to go to the girls' dorm. So Dr Crawler wanted to take pictures of Jaden in the act to expel him.

And who was the love letter supposed to be from? Alexis Rhodes... That's what pissed Ali off. He had to make Dr Crawler pay for this.

Oh, and Syrus too. Yeah, he was that kind of a petty and possessive guy. And besides, he was a yandere.

So he wouldn't tolerate someone trying to get close to Alexis with that kind of intention. Even though he wanted to "save" Syrus, it was only so that Alexis could be defeated by Ali and not Jaden.

Dueling meant a lot to Alexis, so he didn't want to take the risk of her favoring Jaden more than him.

Even though Jaden was his best friend, Ali still wasn't someone to take useless risks. The yandere in him wouldn't allow it.

After walking towards the lake and siting on a rock for a little while, the sound of hurried footsteps came.

Ali looked at where the sound was coming from, and saw his best bud Jaden running and panting a little.

"Hey, J?" Suddenly hearing a voice, Jaden whipped his head at the direction where the voice came from :"who's there?!"

But when he saw that it was Ali, he sighed in relief as he stopped :"hey, Al. What are you doing here?"

Ali smirked while sitting on the rock :"my "something interesting is happening" senses were tingling.

So I just followed where it told me to go and came here. What are you doing here? Let me guess, you're the one in trouble."

Jaden sighed with slumped shoulders as he nodded :"yeah, seems like Syrus got in trouble and the one who caught him told me to come to the girls' dorm."

Ali raised an eyebrow with a small frown :"seriously? But wouldn't that get you in trouble too?

You know that it's forbidden to go to the girls' dorm off hours, right? You can get expelled if they report you."

But Jaden being Jaden, straightened his back with a determined face :"I can't just leave my buddy when he needs help. So I'm gonna go and save him!"

Honestly, the Hero deck really suits this guy. Most of the time, this kind of speech would annoy Ali since he would consider it naive and foolish.

But not now, since Jaden is trying to save his friend and not just a random guy. He actually likes people who look out for their friends.

It's something that he wants to be able to do, something that he will do for his real friends. Like Jaden and Zane.

He isn't that buddy buddy with Syrus, but for the sake of him being Jaden's friend, he will help them.

And besides, his previous reasons are still there. So, he smirked as he got off the rock :"then I'mma tag along. Let's get this party started."

Jaden smiled and nodded since he got a helping hand :"alright! With you around, it will definitely be solved! Let's go."

Truth be told, Ali had never driven a boat, and this wasn't the time to learn something new, so Jaden got to it while Ali sat and relaxed.

While they were moving towards the girls' dorms, Red Eyes talked :(boss, I can feel someone in the waters.

I bet it's that ugly man or woman Crawler. Should we expose him? It will make a nice payback for the shit that he pulled.)

Even though it was oh so tempting, Ali still refused :(no. Even though this stunt of his really pissed me off, I will make it up to him personally.

But not now. If he is caught doing this, the chances of him getting fired is pretty high. So, no, I don't want him to get fired.

Even though he is a pretty big asshole, he will be better later on. So we just have to wait for his character development.)

While they talked, Serpent Night Dragon got out of his card and floated beside Ali :"master, I believe Red Eyes has informed you?"

But just before Ali could answer, Jaden's surprised voice came :"whoa! Ali, is that Serpent Night Dragon?!"

Ali looked at him over his shoulder and smirked :"yup, he is. Serpent Night Dragon, this Jaden, my best friend.

J, meet Serpent Night Dragon. My ace monster and my duel spirit. Hope you to get along."

Serpent Night Dragon nodded at Ali before bowing his head a little in politeness :"hello, my master's friend.

It's nice to meet you, I am Serpent Night Dragon, Ali's duel spirit. Well, one of his duel spirits to be exact."

Jaden watched in amazement before he smiled :"hey, I'm Jaden Yuki! It's nice to meet you. But, what is a duel spirit?"

Ali smirked with a raised eyebrow :"don't you also have one? Don't think that I haven't seen Winged Kuriboh coming out of his card every once in a while."

As Jaden kept moving the boat, a look of realization downed upon him :"oh, so that's what they are.

So Winged Kuriboh is also a duel spirit, huh? That explains why I can see him and why he comes out if his card.

But, do other people also see them? When Winged Kuriboh comes out, nobody seems to notice him."

And our handsome protagonist shook his head with a chuckle :"no, silly, they can't. They're called "spirits" for a reason.

They're like ghosts. You and me are kinda special, that's why we are able to see them. Nothing to freak out about."

Jaden nodded a few times before asking :"wait, Serpent Night Dragon said that he's one of your duel spirits. Does that mean that you have more?"

And Ali nodded once again. But before he could answer, Serpent Night Dragon took the chance to boast about his master with a proud look :"of course.

And there isn't just a few of them, there are hundreds of duel spirits in masters decks! My master has many, many deck, young Jaden.

I recommend you to learn a thing or two from him. If you have any questions, my master is the best person to come to."

Ali's lips twitched a bit as he blushed slightly at the compliments while Jaden laughed :"yeah! If he has so many decks and duel spirits that are willing to follow him, then I should definitely have him teach me a few things!"

<Ali won't teach him about bonding with duel spirits by the way. At least for now, I might change my mind later on>

Ali's blush grew, seriously, this was too much complimenting for a guy. But after just a little while, they finally we're about to reach the land.

As they looked, Ali saw a few people on the shore :"hey, I see them. Syrus is there, and it seems that Alexis is there with her best friends."

Jaden was a little confused, but still kept on doing what he was doing :"why are those three there?"

Ali shrugged with a nonchalant look :"well, we'll know once we ask them, no? Now come on and hurry up!"

Jaden rolled his eyes as he whispered :"if you're in so much of a hurry, you should've done it yourself."

But unfortunately for him, Ali had already completely bonded with Red Eyes, so he could easily hear what he said :"what was that?"

Causing Jaden to laugh nervously as he hurried up :"N-no, nothing! Nothing! I was just gathering my strength!"

And Ali snorted with a smirk :"good. Glad to hear that you're enthusiastic." Jaden sighed as he continued his job.

After finally reaching the shore, the two got off the boat to see Syrus's hands tied with a rope that Jasmine was holding.

With slumped shoulders, Syrus greeted them :"hi, Jaden, Ali." The jet black haired boy just gave an upward nod while the Kuriboh headed boy greeted back :"hey, so what is exactly going on here?"

And the light blue haired one answered depressingly :"well, to make a long story short, I'm basically a big loser."

Jasmine who was holding him in place glared at Jaden :"your friend here trespassed into the girls campus. Nice outfit by the way, Ali."

Ali smiled and winked at her as Jaden looked at Syrus with surprise :"is that true, Sy?" And Ali beside him folded his arms in front of his chest :"really, Sy?

I hope that's not true, bud. Cause that's totally not cool. It's bad for your reputation and for your future, lil buddy. Thanks for the compliment, Jasmine."

Syrus shot back with slumped shoulders :"hey, it's not like that!" And this time, Mindy on his other side smiled mischievously :"and now that you two are here as well, Jaden, Ali, you're trespassing to! You look really cool with that outfit by the way, Ali."


DP: 2,600 -> 25,000

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