
I got you now!

The battle raged on and soon enough team plasma came to join in on the fight, clashing with team rocket and Kyurem who was fighting off both teams,

all as we fought overhead them all.

Blow-for-blow our beasts clashed sending ruptures into the dark sky as we rode them,



"Use DRAGON PULSE!!!" We both shouted, sending blasts of Draco energy at each other, the collision from the attacks blew us both back,

I held on to Zekrom's wing to not get blown off but I knew I had to finish this fast otherwise,

"What you worrying over?" Yu asked with a smile appearing right by my side,

"We got this!"

"We?? You aren't even doing anything!" I shouted over the roars of the beasts,

"You don't even notice my efforts? I'm hurt," Yu said playfully before disappearing,

"Reshiram, use Crunch!" Reshiram charged at Zekrom, jaws open ready for the attack,

"Zekrom, dodge and use Thunder punch!!" I commanded, imitating the action of a punch.

Reshiram charged at us, but Zekrom flew to the side as if he was walking on air before giving Reshiram an electric blow to the gut,

"You insufferable wretch!" Giovanni shouted on top of his beast,

"You stole one of my Legendaries, and now you claim to shoot me down, How much do you hope to achieve?!"

I said nothing, staring at him with blank eyes the other eye slowly turning white but it all stopped when I heard someone call my name among the chaos.

The place was destroyed due to the power of these legendary beasts but on top of the rubble one person called out to me,

"Ayuna!!" I turned to see who it was and saw Blue,

"What's going on?? How are you controlling that thing,"

I smiled slightly seeing that he was ok, but I said nothing to him, instead focusing on my main objective,

"Reshiram! Use Fusion Flare," Giovanni commanded, and as told Reshiram created a ball of fire huge enough to kill us all,

Kyruem seeing the size of that attack tried to rush in to save them but was stopped by team plasma grunts,

"You're not going anywhere!" The grunts shouted holding roped and Pokeballs,

"Stand down men,"

Ghetsis walked up to them with N and a Bisharp by his side

N looked at Kyrem and smiled,

"Where here to help you!" He said cheerfully.

"Really," Kyurem said in a low tone of disbelief,

"Regrettably so," Ghetsis muttered,

"This is a one-time thing so don't let it give you the wrong ideas,"

Kyurem nodded and turned to the battle ahead,

"Zekrom ram into it with fusion bolt!" I commanded, but I never even knew such a move existed the command came out so quickly as if I didn't say it.

Though Zekrom listened to orders and rammed into Reshiram with a fusion bolt sending it back.

"Now while's your close use dragon claw!"

Zekrom came out of his fusion bolt form and dug its claws into Reshiram's wings, Reshiram screamed in pain.

"Reshiram use Dragon pulse!"

Reshiram opened its mouth and charged a ball of Draco energy, sending it flying and Zekrom not giving him a second to dodge.

"Don't give in Zekrom!" I shouted,

"I've got your back just keep fighting!"

Zekrom hearing my words of encouragement shook off the attack like it was nothing with his claws still implanted into Reshiram's wings,


Zekrom raised one hand,

"Use Outrage!!!"

Zekrom started to claw into Reshiram tearing up its feathers and flesh as the battle raged on Giovanni was stuck in a corner, and Reshiram was bleeding on the verge of death.

"Stop it!" A voice inside my head screamed,

"You hurting, him!" the voice sounded like they were crying..

without even given the order Zekrom stopped, stepping away from Reshiram,

Reshiram tried to get up but would repeatedly fall over,

"What are you doing!"Giovanni shouted at the poor beast,

"Get up! Fight!"

"You useless! Useless beast!"

Reshiram kept trying to get up but to no avail,

I looked down at the two of them as I stood on Zekroms back flying overhead, I pated Zekrom's head indicating for him to decent before I climbed off of his back, walking up to Giovanni,

"Damn it, damn it! Damn it all!!" Giovanni shouted to himself as he struggled to get Reshiram to stand up,

"Get off of it," I said not shouting but it was loud enough for him to hear me from all the way up there,

Giovanni ignored me and continued to bother the beast,

"I said, get up!" He pressed a button on the back of Reshiram's neck twice, its red eyes began to glow even brighter as it got up like it wasn't even hurt in the first place.

Roaring to the heavens once more, whether it was out of anger or out of pain, I couldn't tell...

"Now Reshiram Use fusion flare!!" Giovanni pointed at me,

Reshiram charged up a ball of fire once though not as big as the last one,

"Zekrom use-" I tried to say but it was already too late, the flame was too close to me,

I closed my eyes bracing for the impact when I felt something as if I were swept off my feet,

"What the," I opened my eyes to see that I was on Kyurem's back with Zekrom flying rights beside us,

"Ayuna!" I heard a familiar voice behind me, I turned to see a small child with long green hair and a bright smile,

My face lighted up upon seeing his smile again,

"N! Kyruem! Thanks for this," I said happily grinning from ear to ear,

"No problem!" N shouted happily,

Kyurem hummed, acknowledging my thanks.

I got up, now standing on Kyurems back as he flew,

"Hey, buddy?"

"I'm not your 'buddy'!" Kyurem shouted,

I laughed before looking down at Zekrom,

"I'm going to go for a bit you two, It's time for round two!"

"But before I do," I took off my scarf, giving it to N,

"Hold on to this for me, will you?"

N smiled but immediately frowned as he just remembered something,

looking at Reshiram and then back at me,


"Yeah?" I turned around to him,

"Please, go easy on Reshiram, it's in serious pain,"

I smiled back before jumping off of Kyurem's back onto Zekrom's.

Reshiram was flying in the air waiting for us, but its movements were all over the place,

"You're still alive, well how about that," Giovanni mocked, thinking he had the upper hand,

"hang in there Reshiram," N muttered as Giovanni and I stood mere meters away from each other in the sky,

"You know this fight won't last long," I said,

"I couldn't agree more," Giovanni smiled,

"Zekrom, use Dragon pulse!"

"Reshiram, dodge and use blue flare!" Giovanni commanded,

And though its movements were sloppy Reshriam avoided the attack and released blue flames from its mouth,

"Zekrom dodge it!" but there was no hope of dodging such an attack at this distance,

Zekrom was hit with the attack, burn marks appearing on its body.

"Now use Ancient power!"

Rocks started to rise from the battlefield killing a few people who were standing on the stones,

The rocks surrounded us before coming all together and hitting Zekrom from all sides, and we started to fall.

'From the attack Zekrom tanked earlier to now I don't think he can keep going..' I thought as I hung on tight to one of Zekrom's wings before I remembered...

"If this doesn't work I'm dead," I muttered,

Dust shot up into the air as we collided with the ground,

Giovanni stared at the area of damage with a smile,

"Even with all the power in the world, you no match for me," he muttered.

"Ayuna no.." N muttered,

"Poor kid," Kyurem said as they flew overhead,

"Now it's up to me to put a end to this human," Kyurem was about to dive in for Giovanni but N cried out pointing to the ground,


Kyurem in shock by the sudden shout looked at where he was pointing to see Zekrom who landed on all fours to break his fall, looking up at Reshiram and Giovanni,

"It worked!" I shouted with a grin.

"This boy doesn't know when to give up!" Giovanni shouted, furiously,

"Reshiram, use Fusion Flare!"

Reshiram charged the attack once more,

"Zekrom Fusion bolt!"

Zekrom turned into an electric ball flying straight at Reshriam at high speeds,

"That's not going to work this time!" Giovanni shouted,

"Release it!"

Reshiram fired the attack at us when we got in within jumping distance,

"You'd be right if I was doing the same thing as last time,"

"Zekrom Dragon claw!" Zekrom's turned back into its original form before slicing the ball into small pieces with its claws before it exploded,

"Now use Dragon pulse!"

"Dodge it Reshiram!!" Giovanni shouted in a panic,

As Zekrom charged his attack I tied my shoes, looking directly at my target,

"Safety first," I muttered with a grin

Zekrom shot the attack causing Reshiram to dodge it,

Zekrom's back felt lighter as he saw me practically soaring through the sky.

"What's going on," Chloe muttered as she got up from her unexpected slumber, only for eyes to catch me in the air,

"FUCK!" Giovanni shouted in fear and anger,

"Reshiram keep guard!"

but Reshiram could hardly keep its balance,

I pulled back my arm as I continued to fall, going in Reshiram's direction,

A white aura started to form as my white hair flowed wildly,

"Better clench those teeth!"

I swung my hand, hitting Giovanni square in the jaw enough to send a shockwave through the surrounding area,

Giovanni eye's rolled back into his head being knocked out from the attack, the shock wave also interfered with Reshiram's tech causing it to fall from being tired,

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