
Just stop..

"We found it!" The team plasma admin said as they picked up the stone,

N stayed behind the group with a face full of shame,

looking at the dark stone with a face of sadness and pity,

'you're sad, aren't you?' He thought to himself,

'You're confused and sad,'

As the grunt puts the stone away, N just snapped,

without thinking he grabbed the stone out of the Grunt's hands.

"What are you doing prince!?" He said with a face of full-blown panic, having a face of shock when he saw N's face,

Drenched in tears, with eyes of anger and sadness,

"I won't let any of you touch it!"

The plasma grunts started to take out their Pokeballs but the admin raised his hand indicating for them to stop,

"Are you all crazy? This is the prince!"

The admin looked back at N and stepped forward,

N also taking a step back to avoid the admin,

"Just hand it over prince!" The Admin reached for the Orb and N pulled away, almost falling over.

"Stay away!!" N shouted, his voice echoing in the cave,

the Admin and the grunts looked stunned,

The room was silent for a while, the only thing breaking the silence was the rumbling in the ground and a cry heard from outside,


A dragon with White feathers landed,

on top of twist mountain, right next to N.

"PREAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!" It spreads its wings and generates heat from its tail as it tower's over N, intimidating the grunts.

"No way," One of the Grunts said to himself as they all stepped back,

The sun shined on N and Reshiram, forming a black figure behind a golden light,

"Stay, away.." N said,

___________ __ _

"So this is Twist Mountain?" Blue asked as he looked around the cave,

"First time?" Alder asked with a huge smile,

"Yeah, You?"

Alder lets out a laugh,

"I've been here more times than I could count," They were walking through one of the tunnels of the twist mountain,

"So you're a Nomad?" Blue kept questioning,

"In a way,"

The cave started to shake and pieces from the ceiling started to rain down,


A cry could've been heard deeper into the cave,

When everything stopped Alder and Blue looked at each other in complete shock,


"Was that,"

They both said as the silence crept in the sounds of all the Pokemon quietly scattering for safety could've been heard,

"Let's take a look!" Blue said running up to the sound,

Alder smiled and ran behind him,

When they reached the top they saw Reshiram and N holding the dark stone,

"Well well well," Alder said coming out of the cave and into the open,

everyone turned to him and Blue,

"seems like you're in a pickle," Blue continued,

"Everything is under control!" The team plasma admin shouted,

"Men, defeat them!"

"That's quite a task," Alder said, taking out his pokeball,

"Are you sure you don't want to lower the difficulty?"

Blue also took out his pokeball,

N watched on in pure frustration

'This isn't what I wanted,' He thought,

'Why can't we just live peacefully?'

"Stop it!!" N shouted, Reshiram cast a blast separating the grunts and both Alder and Blue,

everyone watched on in terror as N stared back with anger and frustration,

"Just stop!"


"Just... Stop.."

N fell to the ground, tired, tears in his eyes,

Blue ran up to him to make sure he's ok but Reshiram stared at him forcing him away as it curled up around N.

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