

"We may have lost this time.." Giovanni said to himself as he looked through the window of his office that stands tall over the other buildings of the Unova region.

"But there are still two other dragons out there.."


"I just have to find them.."

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Giovanni said, still staring through his window.

Alijah came through the door.

"You needed me, sir?" He asked, wondering why he was there.

"Yes, I need you to take two of our recruits and go on an expedition," Giovanni informed.

"You'll be looking...for Kyrem and Reshiram.."

Alijah smiled at the sound of it almost as if he was waiting for this moment.

He puts his right hand to his chest and with a sinister smile he said,

"Right away sir."


N was led to a room with two huge doors.

The grunts that were tasked with guiding him opened the doors and he was face to face with Ghetsis.

They both looked at each other not breaking eye contact for even a minute.

Ghetsis had a 'serious' look on his face while N was visibly nervous.

N stepped forward and the doors shut behind him.

"N, you know that soon..you'll sit above this throne, correct?"

N nodded silently.

"And it will be your responsibility soon to guide Pokemon to a better future?"

N nodded again.

"You said you've been feeling the presence of the three legendary dragons?"

N nodded again.

Ghetsis sighed before getting up from his throne, he walks up to N and pats him on the head.

"Will you lead us to them?" Ghetsis said with a smile.

N seeing how warm and friendly Ghetsis was treating him smiled too.



"Oi, you two.."

Someone called out to us in the crowd of team rocket grunts.

My soul left when I saw someone walking towards us.

It was that Alijah guy from Kanto!

"You two- you're coming with me." Me, Kenzo, and Chloe all looked at each other simultaneously.

We then wave Chloe goodbye and followed him.

We didn't know what he wanted, but it couldn't be anything bad since he didn't call all three of us- he couldn't possibly know.

"We're going on a mission," Alijah said as we walked.

"We're going to invade plasma headquarters-"

'Surely this guy wasn't that crazy.' I thought as I followed him.

Since he was an admin I couldn't say anything back to him but-...

"Yes, sir!"

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