
classmates to adventure buddies

It's been a day since we've  been out on our pokemon adventure together. It's a different experience but nothing we can't handle together.

"Huh? what's this.." I said staring at a familiar looking tree  that was surrounded by moss and had the same lightning as I remember.

"oh no...." I turned to Zorua "don't tell me...".

"we're lost in Viridian forest?!" 


"We've been walking for hours!" I said sitting down near the same tree we keep coming across. Most of the trees here look the same and there isn't a single person here which is weird because  viridian forest used to be filled with kids playing and catching bug pokemon.


"this is literally the worst case scenario..." I sighed as I watched Zorua enjoy herself in a patch of grass.

((we cant save you!!))

that voice and the weird symbols kept repeating in my head like I'm going insane. Was it a dream? I don't know...who were the names of those people, maybe my past friends.

"oi!" I heard someone call to me. I turned to the voice and saw a kid  my age with green eyes and brown messy hair. His oversized shirt was out of his pants reaching to the middle of his thigh.

"Jeffrey?" I said when I saw him he still had the same charmander from when we were just kids. It seems like Miss Riverdale let him keep it.

"What are you still doing here? my min said you left on your adventure hours ago.

"I..got lost." I said quietly, too ashamed to admit to anyone out loud.

"Ok then." he says, ruffling his hair as if he was thinking about something. 

"how about a battle while you're here. if I remember right you were the only one who didn't get to battle cuz of your little struggle back then so this will be your first!"  He says holding up Charmander's empty pokeball.

"oh ok." I said with I smile and I know what your thinking no I wont tell him I fought off a evil team member who probably murders people.

"Let's show 'em what we can do Zorua!" Zorua ran to my side and got into a battle stance.

"Let's win this charmander!" Jeffery sent out his charmander.

let the battle begin!!

"Charmander uses ember!" The charmander began to spit small flames in our direction.

"Zoura dodge it!" I shouted in the heat of the moment not knowing what else to do. 

Zorua did dodge the attack though and now it was our turn to strike.

"Now hit it hard with a shadow ball!"  I pump my fists in the air and Zorua sends a ball of dark energy flying at the charmander.

"Dodge it quickly!" I heard jeffery say but it was too late the attack connected and charmander was sent flying.

"Use  irontail!" 

The charmander uses the weight of his tail to gain composure  landing on his two feet and now charging right for us.

"Zorua copycat!!"

Zorua's  tail started  to transform into iron and she charged after the charmander.

Both of their tails collided sending them back a few steps.

"Zorua now use shadow ball again!" I shouted

"Dodge it charmander!" jeffery shouted

This is actually kind of fun when your life isn't on the line. A smile formed on my face.

Zorua made a shadow ball and sent it flying towards the charmander who used irontail again and split the shadow ball in two taking no damage.  

"Alright! this battle is ours!"  Jeffery looked like he was determined to beat me for some reason and honestly I'm kind of feeling the same way.

"Zorua hone claws!" 

Zoura started to sharpen its claws repeatedly 

"Quickly charmander irontail!" Charmander follows Jeffery's command and starts charging at Zorua with irontail.

"One more time Zorua hone claws!" Zorua again used hone claws to raise his attack and accuracy.

and when the charmander got close enough...

"Now dodge and use copycat!!" 

Zorua dodges the iron tail from the charmander and uses the iron tail at full force from behind, sending it flying  into a tree.

Charmander was unable to battle.

"That was fun!" I grinned from ear to ear. I didn't expect pokemon battles to be this fun!

Zorua wags its tail and jumps around obviously happy we won.

"Charmander you ok??" Jeffery ran over to his injured pokemon.

Charmander's arm was broken but nothing too major when it comes down to most after battle injuries.

"you should probably put him in his pokeball." I said walking up to the two of them with my arms behind my head.

Jeffery nods and returns Charmander in his pokeball.

"so.. you know the way out of here?" I finally asked him, remembering the  situation I'm currently in. I was lost in the heat of the battle I completely forgot.

"..." he didn't respond and just looked around.

"jeffery..." I was starting to get worried at this point. Were we both lost??

He just got up with his pokemon, dusted himself  off and started  walking.

"ok.. I guess we follow him.. come on Zorua."  Both me and Zorua chased after Jeffery hoping for a way out  and it's not like we can leave him; he has no pokemon to help him if he's in trouble.

Wait, I just remembered...we don't have potions or  pokeballs!

Hey! Author for pokemon rise here! If you enjoy the story check out my other book on my sister account "My runic system" A high fantasy novel i've released for a while now! I’ve been trying to get into the professional writing system for a while now and ive been mostly focusing on that and other stuff, so sorry for the delays in chapters on POKEMON RISE, my release schedule on “My runic system” will be everyday until 100 chapters just like POKEMON RISE, and as for pokemon rise I'll be doing the once a week schedule as usual! Thank you for reading this far

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts
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