
Chapter 307

Beta was taking down notes when Lady Laerdya Galadhiel approached her and told her that the foolish ex-husband of her friend was seen camping near the crimson gate, she thought this was something she expected knowing what kind of a person he was, 

Lady Laerdya Galadhiel hated that man, but but to the manipulation and political move to gain peace in the Sheol her close friend Allatou had to accept this offer, she hated the idea and usually consulted her about the political wedding arrangements forced on her by the numerous clans in Sheol, 

these foolish clans used Allatou's inexperience mind to gain control of the situation, the moment her brother the Sovereign King requested to divide their home into twelve realms to be managed by his other sibling the realm of Duodecim Regna was born, 

this scenario left the young spontaneous, adventurous, and naïve Allatou Estrith at the mercy of those clan leaders, who were masters of politics and manipulation. 

They saw an opportunity to gain more power and control by taking advantage of Allatou's inexperience and her strong bond with her brother, the Sovereign King. They convinced her that it was for the best to divide their home into twelve realms and each clan would manage one of them, thus creating a balance of power.

 However, little did Allatou know that this was just a ploy to weaken her brother's rule and gain control over their family's kingdom. The clan's leaders manipulated Allatou into thinking that this was the only way to maintain peace and stability in their kingdom. They fed her lies and false promises, making her believe that they had her best interests at heart.

 But in reality, they were just using her as a pawn in their game of power. As the years went by, Allatou started to realize the true intentions of these foolish clans. She saw how they were slowly taking over her responsibilities and how he was becoming more and more distant from the people she needed to protect and serve.

 Allatou's heart ached for her family's love and attention, but she felt helpless and trapped by the decisions she had made in the past. Despite her initial naivety, Allatou was not one to sit back and watch her kingdom crumble. but the clans once again lured her into a trap by asking her feel love in the arms of a person who wasn't her comrade in battle, an intimate but manipulative kind of love coming from Duke Gilvores Dallmethad,

he was sly and cunning, he was able to lure her into so many traps with his words and false promises. Allatou couldn't help but feel drawn to him, his charm and smooth talking made her feel special and wanted. But as time passed, she realized that his love was not genuine and was only a means to an end. Duke Gilvores Dallmethad was using her for his own gain, manipulating her emotions to further his own agenda. 

Allatou couldn't bear the thought of being used in such a way, but she also couldn't deny her feelings for him. She was torn between her duty to her kingdom and her heart's desire for love and attention. As the days went by, Allatou's heart grew heavier and heavier, torn between her duty and her emotions. She knew deep down that she needed to break free from Duke Gilvores' grasp and focus on rebuilding her kingdom, but her heart longed for the love and attention that she had never received from her own family. 

She couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if she had made different choices in the past. But she also knew that dwelling on the past would only hold her back from moving forward. Despite the constant emotional turmoil, Allatou refused to give up on her kingdom.

until she was asked by Gilvore if she wished to have a son by consummating their soul energy to give life to her offspring, but yet again, it was another trap to ruin and finally destroy her emotion and break her spirit. The joy she felt holding her son in her arms was the prison cell on which the Dallmethad clan had planned,

Everything that has happened to her friend was the reason she wanted to end Gilvores Dallmethad's life; sadly, Lady Laerdya Galadhiel was also a victim of the same fate. Her clan was eradicated one by one, until she too was placed in a curse, and turned into a calamity Demon Arachne, while her younger little brother was brainwashed and fed with false information until the day he was able to remember all the injustice done to their clan.

Lady Laerdya Galadhiel wanted to personally end Gilvores Dallmethad's life.

She had watched her friend suffer and endure the pain of losing everything, but this time, her heart was filled with a burning desire for vengeance. She was preparing for the day she could finally confront Gilvores Dallmethad.

 Lady Laerdya Galadhiel's mind was filled with memories of her friend and the happy times they had shared. But those memories were soon overshadowed by the cruel reality of what had happened. She remembered the day her friend came to her in tears, telling her about the devastation that had befallen their only son.

 She remembered the anger and helplessness she felt, knowing that she could not do anything to change what had already happened. But now, she had the chance to seek justice and bring closure to her friend's suffering.

Beta was delighted to hear this from her, she just told her that "Revenge is best served cold" 

" it is more satisfying and effective to seek revenge or retaliation for a past wrongdoing in a patient, calculated, and deliberate manner rather than acting impulsively or emotionally in the heat of the moment."

"Now is that moment!"

 Lady Laerdya Galadhiel smiled and just turned around and left Beta's side over looking the battleground were Warlord Tharkeroth Dallmethad is seen dead.

after a few minutes, Lady Laerdya Galadhiel finally reached the top of the crimson peak,she could feel her heart racing with adrenaline. She knew that this would be the final showdown, and she was ready to give it her all. 

She saw a temporary cottage that was created by a magic artefact. The sun was already setting, and she could hear movements inside the small cottage. There were three people inside, and the smell of wine was strong in the air. Lady Laerdya Galadhiel took a deep breath and prepared herself for what was to come. As soon as she kicked the cottage door what she saw was unexpected. Inside, she found a naked male and female mutilating Gilvores Dallmethad's body

He was repeatedly stabbed to death, blood pooling around him. Shocked and horrified, Lady Laerdya Galadhiel immediately drew her sword and demanded an explanation from the two individuals, who turned out to be Gilvores Dallmethad sex slaves, who claimed they were acting out of self-defence and personal revenge toward this person who ruined their lives. 

The slaves explained that Gilvores Dallmethad had been abusing them for years, and they felt they had no other choice but to take matters into their own hands. Lady Laerdya Galadhiel listened to their story with a heavy heart, torn between her duty to uphold the law and her empathy for the suffering of these individuals.

She decides to ignore everything and let them be, knowing that sometimes justice is not always black and white. Lady Laerdya Galadhiel recognized the complexity of the situation and chose to show compassion towards the victims of abuse.

she was annoyed and frustrated, the death she personally wanted to gain was snatched under her nose, but she also couldn't ignore the fact that these two individuals had been pushed to the brink of desperation by the cruel actions of Gilvores Dallmethad.

she just can't stop thinking about it, it was so sudden and unpredictable, she could only laugh as she came down the mountain, realizing that life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Lady Laerdya Galadhiel accepted that sometimes things don't go as planned and found peace in the unpredictability of fate.

 Lady Laerdya Galadhiel was nearing the town garrison when she saw the Empress waiting for her with a smile, she was confused and bewildered seeing her as if she already knew what she intended to do, Lady Laerdya Galadhiel knew Beta wanted tattle tale it not in her nature the fact they were both connected with the collective serving the will of the core will and that was Ramiels prime consciousness 

Alligator wrap her arms around her friend and told her that

 "Everything in the past should be left in the past and try to move forward,"

" Imagine how wise my son is, i wanted to kill that suffocating little prick with my bare hands."

" I want to squeeze his tender neck and crush his wide pipe and continuously kick him in his sack,"

" I was fooled and manipulated, and I let him do it because, sadly my dear friend I was really lost,"

" Fighting is the only thing I am good at, I was envious of you actually because you create things with your hand, while I could only destroy."

"Allatou, you were in such pain, those days you were alone, i should have been with you."

"I was too careless and ended up loosing my chance to help and support you,"

"My dear friend, you too were lost like me right, when you met my son you felt it too right?"

"he is indeed my son by soul, but not in mind and body,"

"he came to me either by fate or destiny,"

"He is the link that made me whole again.'

"his voice and his warm touch would always comfort me like I want to seek peace and happiness,"

"My dear Laerdya, the past might steer us to hardship and pain, but it's not our predetermine life, "

"So let up seek happiness and just enjoy everything like we did before,"

At that moment, as Lady Laerdya held her dear friend Allatou in her arms, her heart was heavy with a mix of emotions. Tears streamed down her face as she let go of all the pain that had been weighing on her heart. Allatou had been her closest and most trusted friend for years, and seeing her in such a vulnerable state broke Lady Laerdya's heart. She had always been the strong one, the one who held everyone together in times of trouble. But now, as she held Allatou, she couldn't help but feel her own walls crumbling.

 All the years of pretending to be okay, of hiding her own struggles behind a facade of strength, came crashing down. In that moment, she allowed herself to feel every emotion that had been bottled up inside her. The sadness, the anger, the frustration, and the fear all came pouring out as she cried for her friend's pain and for her own. It was a cathartic release, and as she held Allatou closer, she knew that she could no longer hide behind a mask of strength. 

She needed to be vulnerable, to let others see her for who she truly was, flaws and all. And in that moment, Lady Laerdya realized the true strength that came from letting go of all the pain in her heart and embracing her emotions, she just hiding the fact she too was in pain.

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